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Edited by BNGHelp4: 10/19/2017 5:32:05 PM

[BUNGIE] Raid keys erroneously removed from Character Inventory [UPDATE: 10/19/17]

[b][u]UPDATE 10/19[/u]:[/b] As of Destiny 2 [url=]Hotfix 1.0.5[/url], raid keys should no longer be erroneously removed when players create a new character, or when players log in to alternate characters for the first time after the weekly reset. Additionally, raid keys are no longer removed at the weekly reset, in general. [b]Prior Message[/b] [spoiler] Through our investigations with internal teams, we have identified two instances where Leviathan raid keys are erroneously removed from character inventory. [quote][b]Signing in with alternate characters will remove raid keys if the character had not been signed in since the weekly reset. If a player earns Raid keys and creates a new character, raid keys are removed from inventory.[/b][/quote] To prevent this issue, we advise players sign in with all characters or inspect all characters on the Destiny Companion App prior to completing checkpoints within the Leviathan raid after the weekly reset. Please note: Leviathan raid progress, including key rewards, are reset each week. We are looking to address issues where keys are removed erroneously with a future update. Stay tuned to @BungieHelp for future announcements. [/spoiler]

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  • I've lost 2 keys this week !! When can you resolve this problem ??

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  • Started a new topic: Raid Keys(1 Reply)

  • I've also lost keys 2 weeks in a row. I know reset removes them but I raided a couple of hours [i]after[/i] reset both weeks and wasn't logged in before reset. I didn't switch characters at all during these sessions. The last time they were deleted we called it a night after the 3rd encounter, they were in my inventory then. Left to do some public events/patrols etc and then they were gone. I was the only one this happened to of our raid team. I was party leader fwiw.

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  • My Raid keys disappeared after completing Raid on Tuesday. When can I expect this to be resolved?

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  • I just finished the raid for the first time not 15 mins ago and all three of my keys disappeared from my inventory. I opened my inventory to look at what I got, saw the keys. Left the inventory and went running maybe 10 feet in the game and all 3 keys disappeared when I check my inventory again. What kind of glitch is this? None of the others that in my fireteam lost anything yet I lose all 3 keys on the very first time I competed the raid? Are we going to get the keys back because of this?

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  • Just reporting that I've had this issue as well. Completed the raid twice now in the last two weeks, lost keys both times. Only have one character that I run it on. Both times after completing the raid some others in the fireteam switch characters to cache in the keys. We join in on them once they get logged back in, I'm guessing that's when it happens. Or just when I go to orbit or the tower first. I've never signed in on or started another character.

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  • I too lost three keys today. I got the keys yesterday and they were in my inventory today but disappeared during the fight against Calus when I used the companion app to change weapons. I really hope Bungie finds a way to fix this soon and reimburse the lost keys. At least I don't have any motivation to keep playing until.

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    2 Replies
    • I have also lost my three raid keys I got last night after the reset. Please help us bungie

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    • Edited by itcrashed: 10/11/2017 9:19:12 PM
      Several clan members lost keys multiple weeks in a row now. Completed raid, then went straight back to beginning of raid to start to unlock chests. Half the members checked their inventory and found that their keys disappeared. Now they are refusing to raid, let alone play the game anymore and I don't blame them. You are losing fans at an amazing speed, Bungie. We are a small clan and half of our members are completely bailing on this game because of this problem. I may have to bail too because we bought this game specifically to play together and it's not fun for them and for me as a clan member to see them get shafted.

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    • What about reimbursement for players that have repeatedly had their keys erroneously deleted? This happened last night and here is a helpful video: It literally just evaporates. If it helps we were on our way to the tower immediately after defeating Calus.

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    • Bungie someone's broke my destiny 2... They have give me 2 primary weapons for some stupid reason, they also slowed my supers and grenades right down.. They broke the shoulder barge one hit kill for some pathetic reason.. AM going back to destiny as it was fast paced I actually felt powerful in crucible because I could attack more than one player and live to tell the tale.. D2 Fungus bungus fix d2 please.. You should have just made it bigger than destiny 1 not completely change everything that made destiny fun.. Rip destiny 2 you will not be missed

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    • Seems im also one of the people that lost keys for no reason after completing the raid 3hrs after reset orbit got back in the get the chests only to find my (ventilator, aquaduct and armory) keys gone, Hopefully this can be remedied.

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    • Edited by Lostmorrison: 10/12/2017 3:30:26 AM
      Hello Bungie. I have completed the raid twice and both times after going to orbit t my key are missing. To date I’m missing 6 keys and would love to have them back. Thank you for your time lostmorrison (PS4)

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    • Another person who lost their keys and did not sign in on any alts yet. Didn't even know this was an issue. Got my keys, had to go to bed so I thought "I'll just get these tomorrow". Nope. Honestly Bungie, what a botch job of a raid. I can still remember when cayde told me "there will be tonnes of loot!!!". I'm starting to think he's not the only one that lied. Destiny 1 beta player and it's becoming very difficult to continue supporting this game.

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    • Ok so get your shit together or you will -blam!-ing lose people, this is not a triple a game this is a broken ass piece of shit game, it's been out for quite a while so you have no excuse, if this doesn't get fixed soon I will be asking Sony for a -blam!-ing refund, at least they don't treat their customers like shit

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    • hee bungie, i too am one of the many people that got his keys deleted. i finally completed the raid for the first time. me and my fireteam went into orbit, i checked which keys i had (engine, ventilators and armory), immediately went back into the raid. when we got to the first chest i could not open it and i noticed that my keys were gone. i did none of the things you warn the community about that could make you lose your keys, yet i still lost them. i sincerely hope that there is a way for you to restore my keys to me (although i doubt it because so far i haven`t read anything about it). and i do hope you understand that this issue severly hampers the fun players have in a important part of the game. allthough honestly if i don`t get my keys back i would also be happy if everyone that lost their keys got a rare exotic emblem stating how many keys they lost because of one of destiny`s bugs or glitches XD

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    • Just finished the raid, within an hour and half, didn't switch characters and I never got my keys in my inventory. They appeared on my screen after completing each event and got armory, irrigation and conduit key however I was the only one on my fireteam who ran into this problem. I'd like to get them back.

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      2 Replies
      • Just finished raid in about 2hrs. We went into orbit as a fireteam then back into raid to do keys. During the raid I saw the keys acquired on my screen but I never checked to see if they were there in the inventory. When we got to the first chest (engine) I couldn't open it. That's when i noticed i had no keys but my whole fireteam did. Now I'm unable to get loot or finish Calus challenge. Help please??? I believe it was engine key, transfer, and I can't remember the 3rd one.

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      • FIX THIS NONSENSE! your "reasoning" behind us losing our keys is completely wrong they just dont load on our characters. Each week you have a bug. Looks like you keep adding new bugs each week. awesome

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      • Started a new topic: Raid keys gone

      • Started a new topic: Keys missing from inventory in Leviathan underbelly

      • I raided with 1 of my characters after reset yesterday. Stayed in the raid throughout. Then went back to the tower when finished. Then right back at the leviathan. Still got the 3 keys then. Opened the first box in the engine room and then the other 2 keys are gone. Wtf?! Do something and restore me the two keys on my warlock please (armoury and aqueduct). #bungiemissingkeys

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      • I did log oin with my Titan only, did the raid, went to orbit - all 3 keys gone .... Bungie? I want the loot for the invested time replaced, thats the minimum you have to do in my opinion this bug is common and 3 people in the raid group got it, so ?????? Soloution ???

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      • Well I have not done any of the above. Just finished a raid tonight got 3 keys went to orbit and was fine. Flew back Into the raid to do a chest run and they had all gone happened to myself and one other in my fire team! I want my loot got absolutely nothing from that raid. It's disgusting what a waste of time this game has been so far

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      • Edited by kittenbabe86: 10/10/2017 3:28:11 PM
        I did not log out, I was all the way to calus and decided to open my chest's after my team disbanded, I went to orbit and came back but my keys were not there

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        1 Reply
        • 37 pages of responses from people who have bought this game dating back to September 16th with no responses. Yea, we aren’t gonna get any assistance. This is some bullshit.

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