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Clan Recruitment

Look for Clans or seek new members.
9/10/2017 1:21:50 AM


This is a brand new, just created clan. The roster will not grow as quickly as other "open clans", but I feel in the long run, it will become a clan which can clear Raids, Trials, and any other challenges bungie has in store, with ease! If you are like me and remember the frustration of spending HOURS on raids due to weak fireteam members, then Lost Sector might be for you! My goal is to build a clan with roster which is deep w/ experience, talent, and maintains a regular level of activity. A clan w/ enough active members that you can almost always find ppl to run a nightfall, raid, or quest w/, AND, at the same time, don't have to worry about carrying someone. To accomplish this goal, the requirements for recruitment are as follows: 1) Be at least 18 years old. 2) Be a vet of D1, have hit max light (D1), and have cleared AT LEAST 3 of 4 raids on Hard (D1). 3) Do not be the 1 who constantly dies. 4) TYPICALLY be able to play 2-3 times a week. I believe these are reasonable requirements. You do not have to be an MLG pro, but you do need to be able to handle your own and not weigh down the Fireteam. Speed leveling alts, nightfalls, raids, pvp/trials will all be options, but primarily PvE. If you meet these requirements and would like to be part of a solid clan, send a request! You can either message me in the comments or on PS network at Repubiic0fTexas (not misspelled, and the "o" is a zero). As I write this the clan is at a whopping 1 member, but I'll ask you to look to a future of never having to struggle with finding a decent fireteam again...I promise, patience and trust now will pay off royally in the end! And if you have friends who are also solid players, they are welcome to join as well! Help me build this monster...I'll be looking for admins from the ones who join early!

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