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Edited by Realizable: 9/9/2017 11:39:32 AM

Crucible is Legit Hell for Solo Players..

Crucible almost forces you to queue up as a team and if you do not, you will most likely go against a 4 man clan, while your team is most likely a team of solo players and beating a GOOD 4 man team with ok communication, is almost impossible. They will mostly likely stay together, which forces the solo players into a 4v1 and 4v2 situations which are almost unwinnable. What makes it worse thats there is no game mode on crucible, that is 6v6 like destiny 1. Adding 6v6 will be really helpful for solo players because, you will not have to deal with a whole clan vs solo players 90% of the time, most of the time your go against groups of twos or groups of threes and your team will most likely not be a team full of solo players as well. Crucible is actually extremely fun if you play as a team, but if you play solo it can feel like hell. Also why is there no option in these game to choose your game type, I miss being able to just play control and avoid the other game modes.

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  • I solo queue mostly and have no trouble. Sticking with teammates isn't hard, you see them on the radar! You don't need to be in a four stack to win,get multikills, or have fun.

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  • It doesn't. Sure you team up with the most shiet players, but I use them as my meat shields. I solo and currently have a 1.9 k/d and 2.1 k/ad and I would have a much higher one if this game actually gave me a competent squad then I would probably have double the K/D, but I don't really mind tbh.

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    2 Replies
    • Are ya kidding!? Sure running into clans is hell (but that's in any game) but I've always gone positive in all my games, solo or not. I think outta like the 20 games I've had in Crucible I've gone negative about 2-3 times and that's not bad. But it was the clans that got me. They don't f*ck around. But hey, it's been that way since Destiny 1 so I didn't really get too shocked when it happened.

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    • I've only played one game so far. My team of randos lost. But at least I was on top and had a positive KD.

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    • The ttk is just so long. 95% of the time my killed or when i die is just to team killing. And as much as the casuals from d1 keeps defending in the new crucible sucks. It's turned from a fun aggressive pvp with rockets, grenades, supers etc... to some bad version of halo.

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      7 Replies
      • Agreed. Before, I could choose what game mode I wanted to play. Now, I'm forced to play modes like elimination. Also, 6v6 allowed for more strategic ways to play. Now, if you don't stick with the group of 4 every second, you die. If they don't make a classic mode or something, I'll never play the crucible again.

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      • I agree it's hell for solo players, and it's pretty upsetting. But I wouldn't say clans are the issue. The struggle I'm realizing is most of the time I run into 2 guys. Which leads in me being dead within the couple of seconds I see them. The trouble I run into. Is when I try to flee I can't. Try to fight I can't. Because the weapons don't do enough damage to take a guy out quick enough to make a decision, if to face the other guy or run for it. And if I try to flee, the maps are so open and small the guy can just run through a short cut and gank me anyways. Guns are weak. It's the ultimate problem. The damage is astonishing if you are getting shot by two guys at the same time. The difference is almost insane how much the damage feels it adds up when it's 2 guys on you compared to just 1. I'm trying to just play more safe. But it's definitely a struggle... I like to play solo most of the time, but pvp this time around is adding up to not be so solo friendly.

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        • Edited by eternal_napalm: 9/10/2017 10:25:58 AM
          I played tonight for the first time. It's always fun playing with clan, but the actual gameplay was quite trash. Teamshooting and that is it. Get the drop on someone and unload, doing little damage for 3-4 seconds, and then having them laugh it off and turn around...just in time for you to get in a crossfire. If that were Battlefield, their ass would be dead and you could turn to engage the second opponent or be moving on. You know...the opponent you outmanuevered and shot at. Destiny 1 pvp sucked and Destiny 2's PVP does, too. Horrible. Had potential with proper 1 v 1 ttk with other changes made, but no. DICE makes infinitely better PVP. Bring on Battlefront II...that bullshit won't happen there. Get the drop on someone and shoot them for 2 seconds...they die.

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          1 Reply
          • At least it isn't a shit fest like Destiny 1's crucible. 1 hit magnetic sticky nades, ridiculous tracking shoulder charge, wombo combo, etc. Destiny 2's crucible is much better because it promotes better team play, better gun play, etc. it went more towards halo which is good.

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            7 Replies
            • I've found it enjoyable! No more sticky names from around the moon. I've been consistently getting 3+ efficiency ratings and I play solo. It's all about adapting to d2 new play style

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              • Agreed, tried to play yesterday and never been so frustrated in a pvp game in my life. I thought the whole point of quickmatch was to not have this very strict SBMM? Every match was against , sometimes even russian(i'm from europe), full parties/clans. Absolutly horrible, i got melted in 1 frame while enemy's not taking any damage.

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                4 Replies
                • running around with your team and teamshotting every gunfight is not fun i wanna finesse a 1v2 like the D1 days

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                  4 Replies
                  • Edited by Evskii: 9/10/2017 10:20:34 AM
                    Ya I've only played two games so far with my friends against solo people and the first time we got a mercy on them and the next game we still won handily. The second game was control and my team is definitely just a slaying group we suck at objectives which is why the second game wasn't a mercy as well. We had more than 2x the other teams kills though lol

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                  • them making it 4v4, and removing the ability to choose your gametype, is one of the dumbest things they've done yet.

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                  • If randos wont stuck with you, then make the effort to stick with them. You'll do fine.

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                  • Edited by Teddek80: 9/10/2017 9:46:09 AM
                    This has nothing to do with D2 or PvP. Don't rely on others to stick together, when soloing keep close to others and you'll be fine

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                    • Edited by WARLOCK5LYFE: 9/10/2017 9:18:32 AM
                      Yep. Nothing but teams of four strikers or novas for me for some reason

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                    • love soloing in Crucible honestly, less screaming in my ear.

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                    • On the flip side of this, it feels realllly really good when your random group completely crushes a team from the same clan. :D It seems to happen a lot on that mode where you gotta pick up the engrams that drop, or the 'capture the point' maps. Every time I play, it seems like everyone is just after the kills, and they just forget to collect the stuff that drops, or to guard or cap the point.

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                    • The last 2 games i played with randoms was against clans and we won both..

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                      • 'Efficiency' 5+ on the two matches I played. Seems fine to me.

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                      • My clan and I are all at different points so I haven't been playing pvp with them yet, gotta say I'm not finding an issue winning games at all

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                      • I'm not sure if you played much of destiny 1, but almost every lobby had full fire teams. Very rarely was it a bunch of solo que'd people.

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                      • Honestly I've been loving crucible and I've ONLY been queuing solo. Half the matches my team of randoms does get pitted against a full clan, but even then sometimes we wreck said clan. Sometimes they wreck us. It's probably the most balanced I've seen crucible in years

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                      • I've played all my games solo so far. Some games go very poorly and you can tell the other side is partied up (or they have a crazy natural sense of team movement haha). But I'm winning roughly half my games and a lot of them are coming down to the wire. I think it feels okay to solo queue. I'm not sure if it will stay that way, but I plan on finding a group when it comes out for PC

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                      • The team shot or go home game mode just isn't at all destiny crucible. Also the map sizes are postage stamps now. Why are AR's same range as scouts cause there isn't a scout range on any of these little arena maps. Man they shat all over crucible.

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