[BUNGIE] Destiny 2 Vital Information and Known Issues
The following is a collection of content hosted on Help.Bungie.net, dealing with Destiny 2 purchase, installation, and gameplay.
[quote][b]Getting Started[/b]
• [url=https://www.destinythegame.com/buy]Purchase Options: Destinythegame.com[/url]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=45171]Install Guide[/url]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/12130]Linking a Bungie.net Profile[/url]
• [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/46167]Pre-Order Content[/url]
• [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/46220]Physical Product Support and Replacement[/url][/quote]
[quote][b]Eververse Support[/b]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13665]Purchasing Silver[/url]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13665]Bright Engrams[/url]
• [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13665]Bright Dust[/url]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13639]Reporting an Eververse Issue[/url][/quote]
[b][u]EMERGENT ISSUES[/u][/b]
Please see below for the most up to date list of emergent issues that are under investigation by Bungie.
[b]Bright Engram UI[/b]: We are currently investigating an issue where the Bright Engram pop-up remains on screen for longer than intended. This occurs specifically when players are killed within the crucible during the pop-up animation.
[b]PS4 Crashes:[/b] Working with our platform partners, a fix has been implemented which we believe has resolved a significant number of crashes on PS4 Pro. Update: We have recently deployed Hotfix to address crashes when loading in to the Tower. If you continue to experience crashes, please post a report detailing your experience.
[b]Calus Fight Final Phase:[/b] We are aware of player reports regarding the final Leviathan raid boss erroneously becoming immune to damage during the final phase of this boss encounter. Players who encounter this issue will need to attempt this encounter once again.
[b]Cayde-6 Treasure Chest Rewards:[/b] We are aware of player reports describing receiving no reward from opening chests from Cayde-6's Treasure Maps. We are currently investigating this issue.
[b]CABBAGE Errors:[/b] We are aware of continued player reports regarding CABBAGE errors. Investigations for this issue are ongoing. For information, see: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/230497141
[b]Black Screen at Tower:[/b] We are aware that some players may end up in a black screen after landing in the Tower. Players who encounter this issue may need to log out and try again.
[b]"Already Added to Collection":[/b] We are aware that some item tooltips, such as the Sweet Business Exotic Auto Rifle, and the Symbiosis Exotic Sturm Ornament indicate that they have already been added to the player collection, even if the player has not yet received them. This is an issue with the item's user interface, and we are currently investigating. Note that players who believe that they are affected by this issue likely have not received the item in question.
[b]Legendary Hunter Leg Armor[/b]: We have identified an issue where the Survivalist Perk is incorrectly granting Resilience, rather than intended Recovery stats. We are seeking to address this with a future Destiny 2 Hotfix.
[b][u]KNOWN ISSUES[/u][/b]
For a localized list of known issues, please see the [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/46168]Destiny 2 Known Issues Help Article[/url]. Please see the list below for the most up to date list of confirmed issues reported to the #Help forum:
[quote]• Quest Rewards: We are actively investigating an issue where some Quest rewards are not properly sent to Postmaster. When completing campaign or destination Quests, players should ensure that they have open inventory slots to accept reward items at Quest completion.
[b]Note:[/b] MIDA Mini-Tool and Man O' War are reclaimable at their respective vendors for any players who encountered this issue with these weapons previously.
[quote]• Nessus: If players proceed to fall off of a cliff on Nessus in the Sunken Caverns area, their Ghost may be placed in an area that blocks progression of activities. Players may be required to return to orbit and relaunch the Destination.[/quote]
[quote]• Skipping Cinematics: Non-Fireteam Leaders cannot skip in-game cinematics. Fireteam Leads must manually skip the cinematic if the Fireteam desires to.[/quote]
[b]Armor Perks[/b]
[quote]• Linear Actuators: The functionality of this perk does not always trigger upon the correct requirements.[/quote]
[quote]• Nightfall: Fireteam members who attempt to join a Nightfall Activity in progress will not always qualify for Activity completion. We recommend that all members be within the Fireteam when initially launching the activity.[/quote]
[quote]• Emblems: The Lore Scholar emblem will only be awarded to players who have opened the Age of Triumph Record Book within Destiny 1 prior to August 1, 2017.
[quote]• Storage: The first item of Inventory categories cannot be played within the Vault. For example, if a player wishes to place the first Shader present within their inventory into the Vault, they will need to select an alternate sorting for the Shader to be moved from the first slot, then they may proceed to store the item within the Vault.[/quote]
[quote]• Sentinel: If a player has swapped their Shoulder Buttons and is guarding when the Titan Sentinel Super ends, they will be temporarily suspended aiming down sights. To resolve the issue, players will need to tap their left bumper.[/quote]
[b]User Interface[/b]
• Waypoints: Tracking a Vendor during an activity will not present a waypoint to players.
• Infusion: When an Exotic Weapon or Armor piece is equipped, eligible exotic items under the Infusion tab will be grayed out due to Exotic equipment limits. The item may still be infused as desired.
• Player Inspection: Destiny 2 Currencies, such as Glimmer or Bright Dust, will display as "0" when inspecting an alternate player.
• Roster: Adding or removing a friend on Xbox Live will temporarily remove all friends from the Director Roster on Xbox One.
• Interrupted Gear Dismantling: Gear dismantling is interrupted when Destiny 2 detects input from another button on the controller. Players with stuck/sticky buttons, drifting thumbsticks, or intermittent wireless connectivity from their controller may be perpetually interrupted when attempting to dismantle gear.
If you encounter an issue that's not listed above, please post a report to the #Help forum.[/quote]
[b][u]RESOLVED ISSUES[/u][/b]
The following issues have been resolved:
• [b]Raid Keys:[/b] To avoid erroneous removal of raid keys, they will no longer be removed upon hitting the weekly reset. Raid keys are also no longer removed upon creating a new character or upon logging into alts for the first time in a new week.
• [b]His Highness's Seal:[/b] Issues causing the Exotic Quest step "His Highness's Seal" to increment incorrectly have been resolved.
• [b]Milestone: Leviathan Raid:[/b] Issues preventing the Leviathan Raid Milestone from appearing have been resolved. Note that this issue did not affect raid rewards.
• [b]Clan Rewards:[/b] Issues causing players to receive raid and Trials Clan engrams at power level 10 have been resolved.
• [b]Veteran's Flair:[/b] Issue causing players to lose access to the Veteran’s Transmat Effect by deleting characters have been resolved.
• [b]Prestige Rewards: Aura:[/b] In prior weeks, there was an issue which impacted some players' ability to earn the Nightfall Prestige Aura. This issue has since been resolved.
• [b]Prism Modifier:[/b] Issues preventing the on-screen indicator for the Prism Nightfall Modifier have been resolved. The player's HUD will maintain a constant note of the currently highlighted element when the Prism modifier is active.
• [b]MIDA Mini-Tool/Man O' War:[/b] Issues preventing players from successfully reclaiming the MIDA Mini-Tool and Man O' War from their respective destination vendors after quest completion have been resolved. These weapons can be reclaimed from Devrim Kay and Asher Mir respectively for 10 Legendary Shards each.
• [b]Pre-Order Items and Content Packages:[/b] Working with our platform partners, we believe that we have identified and resolved an issue preventing the Coldheart Exotic Trace Rifle from appearing at the Gunsmith of some qualifying players. Previously affected players who are the primary license holder on their console should check in-game for their Coldheart Exotic Trace Rifle.
• [b]Xbox One Matchmaking Times:[/b] Issues causing long matchmaking times and MONGOOSE errors on Xbox One have been resolved.
• [b]Xbox Displayed Release Date:[/b] Previously, we tracked an issue which involved in an incorrect release date for Destiny 2 listed on the Xbox ONE marketplace. This issue has since been resolved.
• [b]Bungie.net 503 Errors:[/b] We have resolved issues causing players to occasionally encounter 503 errors on Bungie.net
• [b]Permissions to access Online Multiplayer:[/b] Working with our platform partners, we have resolved an issue where this error would prevent player from signing in to Destiny 2.
• [b]PlayStation Store:[/b] We have resolved an issue where players would see "Content cannot be selected at this time" when attempting to access the PlayStation Store from Destiny 2.
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