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7/19/2017 6:21:31 PM


[spoiler]disclaimer: this is part of a series, not a standalone story. Hence, many things may not make sense, including, but not limited to, guardian abilities, locations, and affiliations.[/spoiler] The harvester drop ship hovered in the air, swaying like a ball in a newtons cradle as it's cannons incinerated a vex cloister with a barrage of solar fire reducing the construct to a crater, leaving a cloud of dust and destruction in its wake. As the dust cleared, a purple, semispherical shield of darkness was clearly visible in the destruction, behind it a humanoid figure, two flaming red eyes crimson light burning through its helmets darkened glass, hand flaring with void energies, feeding the wall of nothingness. The psion in the harvester looked on in shock as the barrier crumpled into a ball like wet paper, and shot towards the cabal dropship, disintegrating it's engine and sending it crashing to the sun baked metalic ground. The lone figure turned back calmly and started walking through the convinient shortcut formed by the harvester's fire. It's ghost materialised beside it, turning toward it curiously. It spoke, in tones that didn't show complete agreement with its master. "Are you sure we shouldn't tell the city?" The man turned to his ghost, head cocked to the side in confusion. "I'm assuming that was rhetorical." The pair reached a door, which groaned opened like a dying bull, Screeching in protest as sparks flew as it closed, giving way to an eerie silence as the monitors inside came to life, a silence so sharp it stung to hear. The ghost spoke up. "Tower defenses are down." The man took off his helmet, revealing a blue exo face, and frowned, motors above his eyes whining. "What is the capital ship doing?" A sense of dread overcame the exo as the ship anchored to the traveller. Dread turned to fear as the cabal's plan was understood. The exo vanished into the shadows and appeared at the door, a sense of urgency and fear overcoming his voice, tones unheard in decades. "Ghost, activate levi NOW." The man started to run at inhuman speeds through the vex undergrowth, tearing through foliage and undergrowth until it reached a cave with a large silver canister with a display next to it and a strange device. The ghost started transmitting to the device and display spluttered to life. Suddenly the exo fell to his knees and the ghost fell out of the air, it's eye fading. The exo pulled himself up, eyes spluttering and failing, and with the last of it's strength, a sprite of arc light hit the device and the exo collapsed, now only junk. The display, however, became very much alive, lines of green code scrolling up the screen at rates far above comprehension, and went black. On the screen, a single word remained: [b]SUCCESS[/b] The canister split open, steam that was once coolant spilling out. In the mist, four glowing blue eyes shone through the darkness. The thing inside took a step out. A pair of silver arms were revealed, followed by another. The thing looked down at its new body, and smiled a mechanical smile and said in a voice like spitting oil on a saucepan "I'm home"

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