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7/2/2010 11:33:40 PM

Bungie Weekly Update: 07.02.10

In space, no one can hear you scream. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&link=BWU_070210] click for full story [/url]

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  • Thank you, Bungie, for taking my suggestion about how voting should work. I am more often than not that Jimmy that votes all by his lonesome, being forced to play some godforsaken gametype on some godforsaken map filled with godforsaken AFK players. It's been so long, I might have been one of the first, if not the first, to bring this up in the forums. Though, I was the first to suggest what you are doing. So... was it really me, or did you read it from someone else?

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  • Bungie should push games over 8 V.S 8...they should make it like 16 V.S 16. :)

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  • what's bungie day?

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  • is that "what up" to everyone,or to unk?

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  • when that elite comes up with a sword and assassinates that guy that was me and the invisable needler guy was my friend

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  • I can't say I'm ultimately pissed off that Swat won't have it's own playlist seeing it wasn't even the first release of Halo 3 Online, but, the excuse of "giving new players etc".. is pretty sad. It sounds like the ploy used previously to buy the maps to get a exclusive playlist as a "bonus" when in fact since it's popularity is so high it should be a no-brainer it's released in the first set of slayer playlists. Speaking of maps, lets see: Halo 2 maps=2 bucks. Halo 3 maps=$3.33 per maps (1.33$ increase in price) So Halo Reach maps will be $5.99 per map I'm suspecting? But oh wait, we'll get the Swat playlist as a bonus again Oh Boy! [Edited on 07.10.2010 6:32 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xDARTHx [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] KTfreak4Jesus [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Crazy Elite T13 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SirDeviant [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gazas Will we get banned if we call Chad Shishkins?[/quote] I'd be more worried about the fact that Sage is evolving... *stares at picture*[/quote] Two Beards?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?1?!!?!?!?!?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! THATS IMMPOSSIBLE![/quote] Not anymore. thank to MY un-lawful, un-scientific research. they can make games but their photoshoping is horrible.[/quote] Ehh. I like it when it's terrible. its funnier to me [/quote]What if they [i]want[/i] us to think that? I'm scared.

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  • well the armory look good but will there be foot and back armor?

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  • can you help me ? read the message please : Road to Recon! Error: We couldn't verify the Endure achievement. Wait 24 hours for the game to appear on WHY ???!

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  • A really neat update! Soooo will the HUD color be the same as the visor color too? I know that in H3 you have gold visor but blue HUD outline. Would be cool to change the HUD colour too. Really want some Forge info and that Living dead will be a matchmaking gamemode with interesting A.I zombies or player controlled Infected, computers are like zombies right? ^^ [Edited on 07.08.2010 6:50 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SiCkSniPer117 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ALPHAxxDRAGON [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TycaKitanem Clearly Forge is alive in Reach since Red vs Blue filmed at least episode 10 of Revelation in it.[/quote] They did not[/quote] Yea wat the heck r ya talking about Tyca?[/quote] Well I guess we know what he was talking about now that the new RvB is out. I was happy to see the Jun's Ghillie will be avail and it also looks like you will be able to change where your knife ends up or it might depend on what chest piece you choose. The Holo Decoy was p*mp!!

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  • No online achievements in Halo:Reach!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SiCkSniPer117 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ALPHAxxDRAGON [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TycaKitanem Clearly Forge is alive in Reach since Red vs Blue filmed at least episode 10 of Revelation in it.[/quote] They did not[/quote] Yea wat the heck r ya talking about Tyca?[/quote] If they didn't film in Reach, what Forge map has that dilapidated roof? And how did they get the Armor Lock animation since the Beta is closed? Didn't you know they help Bungie with their playtesting not to mention has been doing voice acting since Halo 2 all thanks to the RvB series. Same thing happened last year when they filmed an episode in Longshore before ODST was released. If you don't believe me, watch the Bungie Day video and explain that. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] FatSteelySanta Whens The Next Bungie Vs World ?[/quote] As soon as they can build the slingshot & launch you into the sun. I would guess possibly Oct/Nov 7th or maybe they'll push it back to Jan/Feb 7th after the holiday sales rush, otherwise it's a pretty safe bet there will be one next Bungie Day. [Edited on 07.07.2010 7:15 AM PDT]

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  • Whens The Next Bungie Vs World ?

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  • SWAT & Snipers in the same playlist? FAIL

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  • Ugh, Swat will be in regular Team Slayer? I'm not going to lie. I hate it because I suck at it. And I don't want people getting mad at me because I suck at it. I don't want to play it, but I still get blamed when I don't do well with it. I guess it'll have to be Team Objective for me. Team Swat was the biggest reason for annoyance when playing Reach Beta. I couldn't wait for the launch just to get rid of it from the standard playlists. And now, I find out that it's staying. Swat players don't want it in a regular list. Non-Swat players don't want it in a regular list. Make it so, Bungie! Really, this just brings me back to my biggest complaint with Halo as a whole. Where is the F'n custom game browser, guys!? Seriously, make it happen.

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  • That guy has an ODST helmet. And you can buy a blue visor. So you can make a real ODST helmet this time!

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  • Loning the update, i won't to see what else you coustimize on the elites.

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  • YAAAAAAAY its bungie day tomorrow!

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  • Shishkins I can honestly say that I'm glad you delivered a blame stosh. However, it required me to download microsoft silverlight... Is my computer running slower? -blam!- Oh well. :/

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  • *Pants not guaranteed. what....... is even more scared of halo 3.........

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  • What if I don't [i]want[/i] to keep my pants on?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Irish Brawler69 Visors look pretty dope...but are they just gonna be colors, or can you have desighns like Emile's skull head?[/quote] If they do it will pry cost mad creds... [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DedoDiablo How do u get that sprocket thing by your name in matchmaking???[/quote] I'm pretty sure that you have to link you Gamer Tag to your profile. Then on matchmaking it should be there. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b]# Spartan 11576 Bungie, I dont know if you guys have already decided on this or not but it'd be awesome if we could get some camoflauge patterns for our spartans.[/quote] Not sure if you saw the earlier posts but your def not alone hoping for the camo pattern. In that last armory pic it looks like we might have just that but who knows (well I guess Bungie knows:p ). [Edited on 07.05.2010 9:59 PM PDT]

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  • Bungie, I dont know if you guys have already decided on this or not but it'd be awesome if we could get some camoflauge patterns for our spartans.

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  • How do u get that sprocket thing by your name in matchmaking???

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