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Edited by TheLegs41: 4/24/2017 3:29:42 PM

Now I understand the plight of female gamers

So earlier I was playing a raid with my friend and some random girl we met in the tower the day before. I feel really bad for her, and any other female that plays video games.[spoiler]Unless it's one of those airheaded, attention seekers that are terrible and only play video games to say they're a "gamer girl."[/spoiler] We got an LFG post going, and the second person we got was some teen/preteen guy. The moment the girl says something, it's like an alarm goes off in his head and he says something like "You're a girl!" He then proceeded to try to flirt with her the whole time we were playing, and was just generally acting like a thirsty douchebag kid. Eventually he got so bad that we had to kick him. There was another older guy who was sort of doing the same thing, but not nearly as bad and he stopped when we said something about it. Why do people act like that? What was that kid expecting? She was twice his age, and she told him that, but he just kept trying to get her to talk to him. I'm sure that happens all the time, and that's just not right. Guys wonder why girls don't play video games as much. That's why. Dumbasses harass them too much. Edit: ⚠️Please do not feed the trolls⚠️ Edit 2: There are a lot of great opinions in these replies. A lot of different views. However, some people seem to not understand how to articulate their thoughts, so they have to resort to immature insults and baseless accusations. Those people can kindly gtfo. Edit 3: A common "insult" that has been repeated in the replies is "White Knight." My question is when did this become an insult? White Knights used to represent people who stood up for other people, and that was a good thing. When did this become something that is looked down at? Are we so messed up as a society that we snicker at anybody who stands up for someone else and label them a White Knight?

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  • Finally, someone I can agree with because I am a total gentleman.

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  • I act like a toddler on crack regardless of people present in my party, so I don't have an issue really

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  • How to deal with girl gamers: 1. Join party 2. Hear girl talk 3. Think to yourself "Oh hey, a girl. That's pretty chill" 4. Carry on doing whatever activity you are doing like normal because you are a functioning human being.

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    • Guess what, everyone gets harassed on the internet.

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      • It makes me sad that some are scared to show out as girls because they're scared of other opinions. On the other hand, it makes me mad when they announce and attention whore the girl gamer thing.

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      • "Unless it's one of those airheaded, attention seekers that are terrible and only play video games to say they're a "gamer girl."" Except, like, no girls actually do that... Anyway, yeah, this is why so many other women I know don't use mics when they play. I've had it where I've joined parties with other women, who don't say a single word until I do (I'm not shy about speaking up and making callouts. Assholes can get blocked). Only than do they feel comfortable enough to also talk. As more of a general note, guys, if you see someone being bullied for being a woman, 'sounding' black or 'sounding' gay, -blam!-ing speak up. Sure, these people can also speak up for themselves, but assholes are far less likely to listen to us. If you want to make this already awesome community even more awesome, tell someone off when they're being an offensive idiot. Boot them, mute them, whatever it takes. Make it clear they can screw right off if they want to treat other people that way. And I'm talking about harassment, not playful teasing or banter between people who know each other.

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        • A good man is respectful, so keep up what you're doing.

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        • I play with one on Overwatch pretty much daily, and I gotta tell you, there's almost always an argument about her sex or something of the like.

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        • Okay white knight, go save all the females you come across on xbox live.

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          • 1
            Twice his age? That's fine, she is experienced than

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          • I'm a girl here, and I think it's cool that you understand our "plight" ehehe. Its happened to me a couple times. Honestly though, I prefer the flirting over the awkward silence(which happened a lot when I first started gaming).

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          • The last time I played with a girl was Aksis Ph 2. She got extremely angry and threatened all of the other people in the raid group.

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            • I'm a girl and from what I can say, that shit barely ever happens. Lmao.

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            • If I do flirt with a girl, it's usually ironically. I rarely have any interest in a woman outside of simple friendship [spoiler]anime ruined me...[/spoiler]

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              • How hard can it be to either block or mute someone who is annoying? You kicked him yourselves you said? Why wait so long to do that? I myself always laugh when I get hate messages. I usually got them while playing Halo. If I won the match I would receive hate mail saying that I am terrible and should 1v1 them. Others said I was just a sad fudge and should stop playing altogether. I just laugh at these and reply back with sarcasm. One of them even had a laugh and totally changed. We ended up adding each other as friend for some reason. :p

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                • This is why we get raid groups kiddos. This is also why I sorta make an idiot of myself, so I'm the center of mockery and not some other poor soul

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                • Women play just as many video games as men. Stop being a white knight, it's gross and contrary to what you think women don't like it

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                  • I've made a mental list over the years of people I'd like to sit down with and ask them about why they do stuff like that. Get into their heads and see what they think.

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                  • The flirting can be funny or annoying but its better than the group going silent....Everyone pauses to see the reactions of the others in the group. It's an uncomfortable silence while people decide if they want to stay or not. You wait to see if you are going to be kicked or not. Gaming wasn't always like this, it is a new generation of gamers thing. I guess its the competitive gaming era. Where stats are more important than just having fun. That's why I always enjoyed beta testing, nothing matter.....because it was all going to be wiped. You just played, took a lot of risks and enjoyed the game.

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                  • Edited by Talia Sendua: 4/23/2017 4:36:58 PM
                    My Girlfirend plays games too. If I would play against her, she would kick my ass... -.- But back to topic, maybe because it is so rarely? Or maybe because they are stupid (I mean the flirting guys). The first time I meet the first gamer girl on Xbox Live, she just was another Guardian with the Mission to protect their Teammates (like me). I was never tried to flirt with her. She was just my Hunter Sidekick (you know, every Titan need a backup plan ;D).

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                  • There is no plight other than most female gamers I have met are too scared to make their own stand, come back to me with that equality speech when they suck it up and act like they're as old as they are or as old as they pretended to be when they bought the game like the rest of us. Show some backbone and the problem is solved.

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                  • Edited by OdinsKnight101: 4/23/2017 12:32:11 PM
                    I'm raising my two sistes to be pro's at Dragon ball: Zenoverse 2. Do I do good?

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                    • Edited by BFGesus: 4/23/2017 2:28:27 PM
                      It's only an issue if you make it one. Now go play with your balls. Mommy will be in there in a few minutes to get you out of the tub.

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                    • Reality of male/female social interaction. Men propose and women dispose. It must be so terrible for her that guys are interested in her.

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                      4 Replies
                      • This problem seems to be most prevalent in Destiny. No wonder, the whole community is immature. I play Overwatch and every other game there is a female and there's no biggy about it.

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                        2 Replies
                        • I sympathize with them since I'm called -blam!- and other racial slurs. At the same time though women need to speak up for themselves. Either mute them, report them, or tell them to piss off.

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