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Discuss all things Destiny.
3/22/2017 11:42:55 PM

Things I took from watching the Stream...

I admit... hand cannons getting a 3m range nerf is triggering alot of players... but think about it this way; Whats the point of having Auto Rifles, Pulse Rifles, Scout Rifles available to use in the crucible if no-one uses them? That's why they're also buffing the Auto Rifles (Suros REGIME 24/7 baby!!) to bring them back into contention. I also like the sidearm tweak where you respawn with 1 ammo clip in crucible... I hated that factor of people using sidearms as primaries. It makes me question why there is no exotic primary sidearm if that's the case. RIP Pocket Infinity is a thing because Bungie clearly did not show any attention to that exotic fusion rifle at all. Right now, it's impossible to obtain as the quest for the weapon no longer exists and it wasn't added into the legacy exotic loot pool like the other quest based exotics like Thorn... Unless Bungie actually drop some info about P.I. Making a return to year 3 as a quest exotic, it's safe to say that anyone who joined with T.T.K. will have 1 exotic weapon slot bare in their kiosks. Elemental Raid primaries are back as Adept exotics, which is a nice way to balance them out. This I like the sounds of, so that way you don't see 1001 legendary fate bringers, Vision of Confluences or Word of Crotas in the crucible. And on a unrelated topic... has anyone dropped the Exotic boots for the warlock (Transversive steps) because I know Xur sold them one time, and it was the first weekend that Rise of Iron dropped. Since then, they have been no where to be seen. Did Bungie think "Oh, everyone has the warlock boots now, lets just never have them drop from exotics or have Xur sell them again" because not everyone will get them the first time Xur sells them... What's the point of having exotics, not restricted to Quests or raids, that Xur is able to sell and never does again after the first time? I will keep asking about these boots until I get a legitimate answer, because I hate seeing that missing spot on my warlock armour kiosk.

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