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2/27/2017 4:47:23 AM

Why Should I Keep Playing Destiny?

I know I will get my share of trolls that will have nasty comments and tell me where to go and how to get there, but I have earned the right to speak in these forums and I hope someone at Bungie listens. I have been a die-hard Destiny player half way through year one. I bought every expansion, played every game mode, and even got up at 5 in the morning to download and play "Rise of Iron". I played long after most my friends got tired of playing the same old strikes, raids, and crucible modes, and getting the same ole gunsmith guns, cause I loved the story behind the game and have hoped that Bungie will do right by the people who have stuck by them for so long. I look at my friends list and not one of them are playing Destiny anymore. Even streamers that I have watched for a long time no longer play Destiny as much as they used to. I ran across Warframe, a game that has a lot of Destiny's elements and it's free and their content is always changing all the time. I really want to know why I should keep playing Destiny. Rehashing old raids (which should have been raised to current light levels a long time ago) is not enough. I also want to know if Destiny 2 is going to be worth my money. Please give a long time fan a reason to keep playing.

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