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2/25/2017 10:26:51 PM

Where Did The Fun Go?

It has been about two weeks since I have played Destiny. I have been afraid to play hearing about the changes to guns, special weapon ammo, and other things. I decided to get back on and start playing again. I have played Destiny since day one and this update has sucked most of the fun out of it for me. I just don't understand the thought behind it. Nerfing is not the answer. I just end up using a primary the whole game. That is boring. Shotguns are useless now. When these sort of updates happen people just flock to different specific guns. Just make other guns or archetypes more useful instead of nerfing ones that were useful before. The game did need some tweaking, but not like this. - Your friendly neighborhood Shaved Penguin

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  • They nerfed fun from Destiny at the end of year 1.

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    • The fun went straight down into that pit that you jump into to start Crotas End

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      • I was wondering if this latest update messed with the pve side of the game. Did they nerf special ammo there? It always seems when they tweak PvP, they screw something up for the pve side. Did this happen this time in your opinion ??

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        8 Replies
        • It's not that bad unless you go up against the guy who uses nothing but his sidearm. And don't listen to the idiots that say primaries are balanced and shit, the only gun you see is hand cannons.

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          2 Replies
          • Nerfs have gradually sucked the fun out of pve for me. It was much more fun in year 1 with the original Gjallarhorn, Icebreaker, Black Hammer, Fatebringer, etc.

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          • Well i also played since release, and this patch is the best i have played in a long while. They could rework special ammo so carry capacity is max 2-3 shots total, and you don`t loose ammo on death. People talking about Year 1-2 as if the crucible was more fun. There was 10x more whining on the forums back then. It was fun because it was still a pretty new game with a clear road-map and high expectations on what to come next. It has nothing to do with crucible balance. And objectively speaking, the crucible is much more balanced then ever before. I have used 20 different weapons this time around, even red specter, and they all work decently in casual 6s and 3s. Most of the whiners on here talking like they play scrims against MLG teams.. Most of them are casuals or terrible like me, and can use what ever weapons you like.. If you loose a duel, its because you suck.. not the weapon.

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          • Welp. It's not in clash that's for sure... never seen so much camping

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          • I think I've found it, I'm playing through all the prisons of elder with a friend, I've fairly missed HoW

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          • I only read the title but the fun left this game when year 2 started the nerfs became more frequent and all of our year one gear that took days to get was useless. That exaxt moment is when this game truly died. If they kept year one basics and levels, There wouldnt be a problem. Make level 40 an actual light level instead of 400. Kinda like level 34. Keep the grind keep the missions of RoI and TTK the game would have done better without the endless nerfs or change in level system. Max level isnt even an achievment anymore almost every casual player can get it, I played year one religiously and grinded raids and iron banner to get the right gear even got to level 32 before ttk. I loved this game. Then ttk came out and everything i worked hard to get was instantly useless.

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            1 Reply
            • By the way, who would shave a penguin? At what point in a person's life, and what experiences would lead one up to making the decision that they want a career as a penguin shaver. I imagine it's a very niche career, with severely limited positions available and next to no chance for career advancement.

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              2 Replies
              • You played five games. Four of which were Mayhem. Seriously how the -blam!- do people respect these threads.

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                4 Replies
                • By the time Destiny 2 comes out I fear people will be so sick of Grinding Destiny, they'll have lost all interest in grinding Destiny anymore. There's what 8 months until the apparant September release, like WTF mate! How on earth is this game gonna last that long with no DLC planned. Destiny needs a new DLC like right now!

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                  1 Reply
                  • The crucible is fantastic now this is the start of the primary dynasty where gun skill is rewarded .

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                    4 Replies
                    • I don't think the Crucible isn't quite as bad as everyone seems to think it is. Once Sidearms are brought in line with other Special weapons and the health regen changes go live, I think we'll have a more balanced and enjoyable experience.

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                      11 Replies
                      • Says primaries are boring ? What other fps do you play bud ?

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                        2 Replies
                        • [quote] I just don't understand the thought behind it. Nerfing is not the answer. I just end up using a primary the whole game. That is boring. Shotguns are useless now. [/quote] I AM DYING DUDE. Special ammo was nerfed for the purpose of promoting primary gun play, and NOW I see you complain that it's too BORING? I'm not even going to touch the shotgun comment. You clearly need to give them a fair try before you just cast them aside. [spoiler]Crucible isn't just a field of shotgunners anymore. You can still do well (even better with a final round shotgun) if you don't play like an idiot.[/spoiler]

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                          5 Replies
                          • Into Bungie's pockets...

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                          • PvP players are turning this into a so called "Competitive" game by complaining and whining that weapons need to be nerfed to achieve balance. this just is ridiculous as this is a looter game not a MLG FPS.

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                            13 Replies
                            • Destiny is old bro... only like 2 people in my friends list still log on. It's all played out, I've gotten into fallout shelter :)

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                            • The truth and most don't see this on why things are getting worse. Bungie wants D1 to look like s*** so D2 looked like y1. It's a cheap tactic and this last patch that Bungie did showed Bungie how easy it is to play most of you. With the livestream that was literally a flop proved without a doubt that Bungie nerfs things by whats used the most and showed how the sandbox doesn't play their own game. Yet most of you bought into this heaping pile of____.

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                              9 Replies
                              • Your fun left after losing the old meta crutches. Now people need to work their fingers and strafe use their primary not be a reckless idiot

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                              • Bungie cares about one thing money u really think they give a shit what u want as the ceo i think it was said on live tv a while back they will pay for anything we put out. So many ppl have left BUNGIE because of what they are doing to player's. The only ppl who have a voice or whos voice is heard are ppl who make them big money or have paid them thousands of dollars they are a disgusting company now if you remember the original halo games back then they understood fun and let player's have fun now they are worthless

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                              • Ask the black eyed peas...

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                              • Bump

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                              • The fun left with HoW

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