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Edited by Cozmo_BNG: 2/18/2017 8:14:41 PM

Upcoming Health Regen Perk Corrections

There were some unintended changes applied to Health Regen Perks due to a change to Hungering Blade. You can read the [url=]full Patch Notes[/url] here and the further Explanation of what happened [url=]here.[/url] In the last 3 days since the Hotfix we have been listening to the feedback from the community and been working on some corrections . Our current plan is to roll back most of the unintended changes like Ward of Dawn cast, and Embrace the void. You can read the full list of rollbacks below. The other affected Perks are getting different changes that the Sandbox design team believes will be more beneficial to the game rather than simply rolling back to the old settings. Here is Sandbox Designer Josh Hamrick with an explanation of the changes. [quote][b]Josh Hamrick[/b]: When we talked about Regen earlier in the week I ambiguously talked about what and when we would be making changes because I wasn’t entirely sure. The majority of the change wasn’t intentional, but when I looked at the problem from afar, I could see how it may be beneficial in some ways after hearing feedback from the community following the Sandbox preview stream. For example, some of you had concerns that Hungering Blade was changing while other similar perks, such as Cauterize, were not. This unintended change was going to give us the ability to see what that would look like to make both of those changes. I wanted to make it clear that it was possible that we could find something that we wanted to keep. I didn’t want to say that we’d put it all back, when we might not. Having an enemies ability or attack be able to completely erase any progress you've made and completely reset an encounter feels bad. Also, when 1 hit kill weapons are less dominant those abilities and attacks become more dominant, as they are much harder to stop. This change allows those abilities and attacks to still recover large portions of health and buy themselves more time without completely resetting the encounter and negating all cumulative damage that had come before. We have watched and listened all week and this is the current plan moving forward. I’m going to give numbers so that you have all the info, but [b][u]THESE NUMBERS MAY CHANGE:[/u][/b] For each of the elements below we are going to keep the change, but buff the amount of health you get back (+58%) - Hungering Blade - Red Death - Lifesteal - Transfusion (we are also removing the cooldown) - Cauterize (we are also removing the cooldown) For all the rest, we will be reverting the change entirely - Suros Regime - No Backup Plans - Ward of Dawn cast - Apotheosis Veil - Embrace the Void[/quote] We do not have a date that these changes will take place but are currently working on them and conducting tests. It is early in the process, so all of this is subject to change. But as of now, this is the plan. We will give you more details about when you can expect to see these changes in the game as soon as we can.

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  • Edited by Cam: 2/25/2017 11:33:12 PM
    A similar situation also happened in halo combat evolved with the pistol. It wasn't performing well in single player pve but in pvp was fine. They tried to fix this and then in pvp it was just too good because of "fix" that had to do with a different part of the game.Unfortunately 16 years later and not much has changed. The changes they make still impact completely different things unintentionally

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  • Who is the current lead dev? Weisnewski working on sequel? Let's not forget all the nerfs and blunders when Jon was handling sandbox I really hope you guys get serious help so you can be effective and not have so many failures and "whoops" moments. Might you be able to completely separate pve and pvp for destiny 2? Everyone would really like that.

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  • Red Death regen perk needs to be reverted IMHO because it's in a weaker archetype right now and considering you're reverting the perk on the suros regime (granted it is only a chance but it is one of the best guns right now), the red death perk needs to be reverted to be competitive. If youre team shotting then the shield regen wont kick in and in order to get the perk to proc you need a kill. So 1 of 3 things will happen: Red Death kills someone, user regens. Red Death kills someone, team shot kills user. Red Death kills someone, user ducks into cover to regen like they would have anyways. Honestly none of the outcomes are game breaking, if anything it makes it so the other guy doesnt have to wait as long to challenge again, making the game more fast-paced. Also, I would like to see tripmines get a slight damage buff, because a grenade that cannot kill is garbage. Almost every other grenade can kill, and having a grenade that does 188 damage is a slap in the face. Also, throwing knives need a damage buff because it was an unnecessary nerf. You couldve just nerfed the DoT on the burn and it would have been fine (provided you didnt break every single other solar burn in the game) and silimar's artifact counteracts this as well. Having a melee ability that does less total damage then your original melee is stupid. Anyways, I like what you're doing. Giving us info is great, but this needs to be a prolonged discussion in order to be effective. Hiding out doing "testing" (and breaking 9 other perks, seriously, did you guys not test that?) and anticipatory nerfs is not what needs to be done. A constant shift in the meta is. Waiting 6 months is unacceptable, especially when Overwatch and Call of Duty are making balance patches more often.

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  • Don't want some blabla of new patches! Just make some new content! It's so sad that you leave us Guardians alone.

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  • Oink Oink

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  • No mention of the helmet perk? Infusion, it suffers the same fate..... You guys really screwed this didn't ya....

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  • Post #1,000. :P

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  • Bungie you dont even know how to Balance your own game please just go back to y1 you gonna lose so much players if you stick to this "Balance" I dont know how you can -blam!- this amazing game up. If you keep doing things like this Nobody gonna buy your D2. It seems like you dont even know your own game and how to play it. You can get so many other Studios for D2 and shit but you have to realize that you need someone that understands your game. Destiny is like the most boring game right now. I think it's better when there are real destiny players in your team and not guys that do what they want..

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    • Cozmo, how are any of you bungie fools still employed?

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    • Have you noticed bungie spawns you in deadly locations when you're on a kill streak?

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      5 Replies
      • Look at that again bungie over 50% kills with sidearm in trials you ruined this game with your 'Balance'

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      • Dear Josh, How dows it feel to be so bad at ones job? Sincerly, All of us that don't suck in life

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      • Incrase the reload speed of special weapons! With your stupid nerf every times we need to reload again

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      • Rant number 8 Boycott the iron banner Good morning gutless wonders finally broke the radio silence I see Now pay attention as this is technical Bungie and as your track record is showing more and more not only are you as dumb as a bag of hammers but your also pond scum with evidently absolutely less than -blam!- all regard for the loyal core of players who have made this game what it was As stated in earlier rants (7 last week while waiting for the bullshit condescending reply above) year 1 player, 1% time wasted on destiny achiever and as the 1967 in my tag refers to turning 50 years of age this year Now I ain't no hipster but I know what I like musically and if you are familiar with the tune "Caught you out there" by Kelis I'd like to lock all you idiots in a room and put the chorus on loop for you , the I hate so much right now part at a volume that would blow your vacuum filled heads into hopefully another galaxy and the responsibility for this anger filled hatred is you recent actions and inactions over the last 3 years The absolute -blam!- you attitude displayed in your response to the week of rants is shameful and I now am sincerely hoping you clowns miss this years deadline for destiny 2 and get owned by activision as clearly some adults need to run this show as what is going on is a classic case of the lunatics running the asylum How dare you not commit or deign to inform us when and how you'll fix the damage you've inflicted on us This is simple give us back our weapons and powers, stop the cheating in the crucible and treat your customers and fan base with the respect we deserve If any of these concepts are confusing you get an adult to explain them to you as you really should understand and employ them in your business And finally I call on all honest fed up guardians to boycott the upcoming iron banner tournament I personally would like to send a strong and clear "-blam!- you very much" to Bungie and leave this one to the cheating and now sidearm toting blow throughs currently ravaging this potentially classic game I am truly getting fed up with this crap so please fix the game and additude up and let's get back to business is that so much to ask

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        2 Replies
        • Lol. Crucible is a joke. Weapons/super balancing is more like listen to players whine and just nerf things. Then update 3 months later. Definitely not getting destiny 2. It's just going to be the same enemies with different skins and nothing new. What's the point of exotics if they are not that great to use.

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        • Hey come and check out a new streamer attempting some trials with a couple of goofballs hope to see you

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          1 Reply
          • Please do not remove the old versions of the old raids in April update 2017 if you update old raids please do not remove the old versions of the old raids

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            1 Reply
            • Hey Josh Hamrick, you don't have the balls to respond to this directly.

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              3 Replies
              • Maybe you should nerf the couch you guys sit on because it's not making you guys think about community feedback. [spoiler]Not angry about these changes other than the Health regeneration because I am mostly a PvE player. On a personal level I believe that if Autos do 30/24/18 to the head per archetype and Focus Fire brings max impact up to 40 then Auto Rifles will be competitive because the range fall off is horrible outside of 20ft.[/spoiler]

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              • You suck. Voidwalker is screwed now.

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              • Edited by Astaroth: 2/25/2017 12:35:28 AM
                My health regen :,(

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              • Thanks for actually respondin, it shows you're listening to the community

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                7 Replies
                • What are going to make the changes and what will be the objective of you?

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                • Hey bungie why don't you fix something important like wormwood god you guys screw up so much, I finally had a way to be good at the game which was my shotgun and my scout but now I don't even get to use a shotgun and I'm forced to use a gun that I absolutely hate. Why do you guys try to make this game worse? Erasing special from the game basically and now you only get killed by wormwoods, thanks bungie

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