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Edited by Cozmo_BNG: 2/18/2017 8:14:41 PM

Upcoming Health Regen Perk Corrections

There were some unintended changes applied to Health Regen Perks due to a change to Hungering Blade. You can read the [url=]full Patch Notes[/url] here and the further Explanation of what happened [url=]here.[/url] In the last 3 days since the Hotfix we have been listening to the feedback from the community and been working on some corrections . Our current plan is to roll back most of the unintended changes like Ward of Dawn cast, and Embrace the void. You can read the full list of rollbacks below. The other affected Perks are getting different changes that the Sandbox design team believes will be more beneficial to the game rather than simply rolling back to the old settings. Here is Sandbox Designer Josh Hamrick with an explanation of the changes. [quote][b]Josh Hamrick[/b]: When we talked about Regen earlier in the week I ambiguously talked about what and when we would be making changes because I wasn’t entirely sure. The majority of the change wasn’t intentional, but when I looked at the problem from afar, I could see how it may be beneficial in some ways after hearing feedback from the community following the Sandbox preview stream. For example, some of you had concerns that Hungering Blade was changing while other similar perks, such as Cauterize, were not. This unintended change was going to give us the ability to see what that would look like to make both of those changes. I wanted to make it clear that it was possible that we could find something that we wanted to keep. I didn’t want to say that we’d put it all back, when we might not. Having an enemies ability or attack be able to completely erase any progress you've made and completely reset an encounter feels bad. Also, when 1 hit kill weapons are less dominant those abilities and attacks become more dominant, as they are much harder to stop. This change allows those abilities and attacks to still recover large portions of health and buy themselves more time without completely resetting the encounter and negating all cumulative damage that had come before. We have watched and listened all week and this is the current plan moving forward. I’m going to give numbers so that you have all the info, but [b][u]THESE NUMBERS MAY CHANGE:[/u][/b] For each of the elements below we are going to keep the change, but buff the amount of health you get back (+58%) - Hungering Blade - Red Death - Lifesteal - Transfusion (we are also removing the cooldown) - Cauterize (we are also removing the cooldown) For all the rest, we will be reverting the change entirely - Suros Regime - No Backup Plans - Ward of Dawn cast - Apotheosis Veil - Embrace the Void[/quote] We do not have a date that these changes will take place but are currently working on them and conducting tests. It is early in the process, so all of this is subject to change. But as of now, this is the plan. We will give you more details about when you can expect to see these changes in the game as soon as we can.

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  • You guys should fix the problem with hackers in crucible and trials before you do anything else...

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  • crispy snipes

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  • Own up to your bullshit Yeah it's about that time, damn don't you look foolish K.Gates said it best

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  • I wonder how many more nerfs they will do to the hunters. Probably change gunslinger to 2 shots. 2 for quiver and half the time for arc blade. They need to buff the hunters gernade again. Make trip-mines stick otherwise they are useless, while voretex gernade should be able to pull enemies in and not sit there doing 10 points of damage every ten years. Stormcaller needa to be nerfed quickly as it can stop any super first try. Its just pointless self-res warlocks are unstoppable. The only nerf i've seen them recieve is less grenades and melee but it's the same thing, about 10 grenades and double health. Its no longer the game where you "make your own legend" its just " copy the play-style of youtubers we don't give a cr*p about the community" Maybe you should listen to your actual community josh and not useless youtubers who only want money.

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    12 Replies
    • Plz buff Handcannons. They were much better when Iron lords dlc first showed up

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      • I thought I saw a Clever Dragon. Mic drops Audience rolls Everyone resumes their seats

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        • Edited by Pumatay PSN: 2/26/2017 5:44:45 PM
          Oh my God. All you guardians are a bunch of little bitches. Play the game or don't play the game nobody cares. I remember when playing video games was about learning how to work the game and adjust for each situation. I don't use the "meta" ever. I choose my armor based on how I envision each of my characters roles in the Destiny world. I change weapons based on the game I'm in and not some 3rd party perception of what the best weapon is. Are some of the nerfs in this game justified? Yes. Are some of the nerfs in this game ridiculous? Yes. Do I still play the game and have fun? Yes. The reason Bungie is constantly seeking "Balance" is because of the community always whining about whats wrong with everything and how they can't win. All I have to say is Learn To Play. Not every subclass is going to be equal to every other subclass, not every gun is going to be equal to every other gun. PvP is about war not balance, it's about finding what helps you kill more players faster. If you aren't getting kills the way you play maybe you need to change subclasses or skill sets or weapons or tactics. Man up take some responsibility that you did something wrong which led to your death and do something different next time. To Bungie, stop listening to all the children telling you to change your game, it's your game make it what you want it. Stop trying to balance everything for players that can't win and focus more on things that are actually broken like NLB flinch. I understand the micro transactions completely, bills have to get paid. I am very happy that the items available have not made the game a pay to play and hope you intend to continue this in the future. My only suggestion for PvP is adding a play mode that allows light level advantages and adds a Hit Point/Armor Point aspect with actual numbers on our bars so I can see exactly what my total health or armor is. All guardians are not created equal and that should be emphasized more in the game, a titan should have more armor, warlock more health regen, and hunter more DPS within their subclasses. #stopthebalance

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          20 Replies
          • Edited by Man at Arms: 2/26/2017 11:54:05 PM
            Day 11 of shit storm... I attempted to complete my newly acquired Champion of the Cult quest yesterday. The number of PVP kills came easily, and was fiinished without incident. I am 6 crucible wins short of my requirement, I will finish it today. However, going into random lobbies solo, well there is only so much one can do to effect the win lose percentage. Expected. However, complete 10 strikes? Between the arch burn, new players to the game (that don't know the strikes mechanics), and afk non combatants (who are lvl 40 I assume from level packages), this shit took way too long. Of course I ran a Blade because of the burn mod. PVE is broken and I beleave that is reflected by the skill sets of those randoms playing. I ran sweats yesterday with some real "try hards" I am friends with yesterday. Even met a nice gentleman from Germany, and after a few short games with these "true" PVP veterans the suggestions started to go back and forth about taking our group into a new game. One besides Destiny. I think that says alot about the communities attitude towards this game. PVP is supposed to be competitive and entertaining. It was nestolgic for me to sweat in a 1v1 with my Blade vs a Void Walker, no supers allowed. But that brief experience yesterday reaffirmed my opinion about what is really wrong with PVP... Trials. My fix for Trials is an easy one; remove all exotics from game play. Subclass vs subclass, player vs player, skill vs skill. If trials had no exotics then these blanket nerfs would be moot, and could be reverted. But, to me that makes sense. But what do I know? 20 minutes from now I am going into the crucible. I am going to see if the Havoc Pigeon and Saladins Vigil are viable. The first in the crucible the second to my play style. Feel free to send me a message if you would like to join my fireteam. I would appreciate the help. I am going to get my 6 wins needed for this quest, and after I will either do Nightfall carries for kinder guardians or join my friends playing that "something else". So, once again, in conclusion f*** you Josh Hamrick. Suck it Bungie. If you need me I be the gunslinger or nightstalker in the crucible wearing head to toe FWC gear screaming my Blade is f***ing broken. [spoiler]🖕[/spoiler] P.S. Could we buff the grenades on the gunslingers. I mean, goddammit they kind of suck... competitively. But, you guys wouldn't know that except for Josh who is a gunslinger... at least twice a year.

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          • Josh was always chosen last in dodgeball Josh's mother was overbearing. His dad was absent Josh had his first girlfriend when he was 23 2 weeks later he was back to dating Kleenex's Then in a fit of despair he finally tried out the crucible from home thinking people would love him and his Bungie clan moniker and was immediately killed by a mean bladedancer who then teabagged him He swore revenge Then he ran into a wall when they wanted him to just go over by this tree. Twitch mocked him He couldn't figure out how to get this crazy controller to run straight, so he just ran in circles The forums laughed at him This is the story of how josh hated all things and why Bungie left him to work almost alone destroying what was left of destiny 1 The lesson: [spoiler]just nerf fusion rifles[/spoiler]

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          • Revert the Quickdraw nerf for Bladedancers. Revert the Universal Remote nerf too, I don't know why it got nerfed in the first place. I already know Bungie is working hard at it trying to change the recovery time for Bladedancers, the time you are HUDless, fixing Truth, and sidearms. I want to see these changes ASAP.

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          • This is dumb, like really dumb... like really really really dumb...

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          • Just admit this wasn't a good one, and revert to status quote ante stercus. All improvements are changes, but not all changes are improvements. Almost all the changes over the years have been for pvp reasons yet they impact, perhaps damage?, the pve experience. But more importantly don't impose things on the community: ask us, listen to us, and involve us. [quote]There were some unintended changes applied to Health Regen Perks due to a change to Hungering Blade. You can read the [url=]full Patch Notes[/url] here and the further Explanation of what happened [url=]here.[/url] In the last 3 days since the Hotfix we have been listening to the feedback from the community and been working on some corrections . Our current plan is to roll back most of the unintended changes like Ward of Dawn cast, and Embrace the void. You can read the full list of rollbacks below. The other affected Perks are getting different changes that the Sandbox design team believes will be more beneficial to the game rather than simply rolling back to the old settings. Here is Sandbox Designer Josh Hamrick with an explanation of the changes. [quote][b]Josh Hamrick[/b]: When we talked about Regen earlier in the week I ambiguously talked about what and when we would be making changes because I wasn’t entirely sure. The majority of the change wasn’t intentional, but when I looked at the problem from afar, I could see how it may be beneficial in some ways after hearing feedback from the community following the Sandbox preview stream. For example, some of you had concerns that Hungering Blade was changing while other similar perks, such as Cauterize, were not. This unintended change was going to give us the ability to see what that would look like to make both of those changes. I wanted to make it clear that it was possible that we could find something that we wanted to keep. I didn’t want to say that we’d put it all back, when we might not. Having an enemies ability or attack be able to completely erase any progress you've made and completely reset an encounter feels bad. Also, when 1 hit kill weapons are less dominant those abilities and attacks become more dominant, as they are much harder to stop. This change allows those abilities and attacks to still recover large portions of health and buy themselves more time without completely resetting the encounter and negating all cumulative damage that had come before. We have watched and listened all week and this is the current plan moving forward. I’m going to give numbers so that you have all the info, but [b][u]THESE NUMBERS MAY CHANGE:[/u][/b] For each of the elements below we are going to keep the change, but buff the amount of health you get back (+58%) - Hungering Blade - Red Death - Lifesteal - Transfusion (we are also removing the cooldown) - Cauterize (we are also removing the cooldown) For all the rest, we will be reverting the change entirely - Suros Regime - No Backup Plans - Ward of Dawn cast - Apotheosis Veil - Embrace the Void[/quote] We do not have a date that these changes will take place but are currently working on them and conducting tests. It is early in the process, so all of this is subject to change. But as of now, this is the plan. We will give you more details about when you can expect to see these changes in the game as soon as we can.[/quote]

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          • Edited by JHarv: 2/26/2017 5:54:53 PM
            Bungie: " We don't want to nerf anything into oblivion. We want other options to be better than they are currently. So we're buffing one archetype of autos by 2.5% and giving all autos a negligible precision bonus. We don't want them to be TOO good. But we're nerfing absolutely everything else by so much it'll completely change the way the game is played. And then we'll ninja nerf a few other things that were never a problem, just to throw you all off. Oh, not to mention PvE is going to suck a little more too. Have fun! " ... They've been doing this since year 1. Hand cannons (especially the exotic ones) were the dominant primary in year 1. But instead of removing aggressive ballistics and toning down their range, what do they do? Blanket nerfs to accuracy and range on all hand cannons, nerfs to perfect balance, ammo capacity, aggressive ballistics, and certain weapon specific perks (Thorn's DOT, for example). Like wtf? How can you possibly justify that amount of nerfing in one go, but then on the flip side, claim that a 2.5% buff is all something needs to improve? Do you guys even think about what you're doing? Do you write it on paper first and read it over a few times to verify if there is any logical process behind your weapon adjustments?

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            • Thank you for consideration of changes involving Truth. I am not sure red death deserves any changes either, it has always been a 'good weapon', but has always been about personal choice rather than any 'META' crap or whatever. It has been a roller coaster ride watching some of my favorite guns become disappointing memories as their best perks were actually removed from them turned into something entirely different. The Crucible experience itself has driven 2 players I know off of destiny entirely! Try and explain to your friend who has been enjoying playing as a hunter and is getting stuck by titans and warlocks with their fusion grenades for an incredibly overpowered one-shot and all 3 gunslinger grenades are weak or (quite literally) STUPID when you score direct hits. Don't get me started on the timed fuse grenade that you can't cook. EVERY SUBCLASS DESERVES A GRENADE THAT GAN GUARANTEE KILL UPON DIRECT HIT, OR NO SUBCLASS SHOULD HAVE ONE. CHEW ON THAT THE NEXT TIME YOU ARE ABOUT TO TYPE THE WORD "BALANCE" WHERE ANY OF YOUR CUSTOMERS CAN READ IT as for the whole 'meta' thing I only pretend t pushing for this new 'meta': YOUR FAVORITE GUN. we all have our favorites, and they change. Sometimes it looks, perks, the sights, but for an experienced or brand new player, when changing from strikes to crucible play I don't think it's a good thing when a good weapon that is fun to use and looks cool or whatever, just doesn't do enough damage to would feel more balanced if every weapon could be deadly at its intended range in the crucible. again I cringe with the use of the word 'balance' when one guy gets a shield from punching you and also gets increased gun handling on all weapons passively with a grenade that will kill if stuck, tell me there is balance with that 1v1 encounter, from close or far that warlock has an advantage that no other subclass can attain. Changing, or 'nerfing', these abilities does not approach balance, no amount of apples will satisfy my craving for an orange, I love oranges. And if you turn the oranges into tangerines or grapefruits or whatever you think is a lot like an orange, I guess I might take you up on those apples, because, I still remember how much I love ORANGES. And every time I find a tangerine it's gonna leave a salty taste in my mouth while I play this game that I'm not sure why I still love.

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              5 Replies
              • Pls change secondary ammo. I wouldnt mind only having 3 rounds in a shotty or sniper and thts it. Each crate gives three rounds. I think tht would bring a good balance for secondary. You die you lose your ammo. But start with three rounds again. It doesnt stack. The reload is annoying is why. When you grab a crate it should fill your gun's magazine not cause you to have to reload and waste a ton of time. Don't remember other games being like this. Kinda a pain as you could have just got ur ammo then ur dead...

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              • they need to keep all the nerfs to every subclass for health regen not just hunters thats making this game more broken if they did that just like everything else. they ONLY nerf hunters for some reason. u guys need to really stop. u guys are breaking this game and making only some class's really playable. the nerf to special ammo was pointless, now everyone only uses side arms even over primaries. u should really listen to people and not just nerf stuff because one of your devs thinks its annoying. thanks why u guys keep getting these crap patches that keep making the game worse. what u should do is bring everything back to year1 / year 2 when they game was fun and LEAVE it alone and let us play our game to enjoy it.

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                2 Replies
                • Bungie arruinaste la única arma que competía con lo que sea, osea arruinaste el agarre debiste dejarlo así era lo.que más. Competía con lo que pusieras enfrente

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                • I'd like to know when we're going to be able to transfer skeleton keys and other such items through the app. You keep saying you're bummed about it but you don't do anything. It's annoying having to switch characters to swap that stuff when we can use the app for everything else.

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                • BRING HUD/RADAR BACK, (blink) I imagine you would love to drive back home in red lights with blind eyes, or perform a heart open surgery and blink for 3 secs while you working on arterial stuff, or just shoot a thief while you have your eyes close... please nerf the people nerfing this stuff. definitely you are blind and not even playing the game, you are only listening and paying attention to what you want to hear and not the regular players from the community, from people that are not streamers but people that play for fun 3 - 6 hours daily and used to enjoy the game. what you do with your hands ( the good stuff the game has) you destroyed it with your feet.

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                • Edited by PANDO1967: 2/26/2017 3:27:40 AM
                  Rant number 9 Being angry with you douchebags has certainly taken it out of me, but I back and I've been busy In earlier rants I have mentioned the level of cheating in all platforms of pvp my friends and I have constantly encountered For the last few nights I have went into clash, mayhem clash, control and supremacy for as long as I could stomach the cheating vermin running the games in question It's got that bad that in packs of 2 and 3s these filth are dominating game after game usually from the same clan and normally with clever names involving naughty/lag in the title What is evident is that clean guardians are now an endangered species since this stupid f*cking patch and made worst by Bungies inability and lack of care to stop this bullshit and invest their time and resources into something worthwhile rather than someone's Trump like vision of how this game should feel and play After 3 years of service give us back something your success is based on our loyalty, we put up with a lot at least try and make things right I for one will not be preordering Destiny 2 as if you continue treating your players like shit I'm not signing up for another few years of bollox there is only so much you can take before walking away As this is the ninth rant to you since patch any chance of an actual response from you? One last thing the everlasting super crap mentioned previously is becoming more and more prevalent in pve the only thing currently saving what little sanity I have left is now being corrupted by dickheads everything becomes buggy if one of these clowns is in the area so once more could you get up off your fat overpaid asses and actually do something about this if it doesn't interfere with Herr Hamricks world vision obviously Thank you sooooooooo much

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                • I don't like the Red Death change. I hope you guys change it back. Everything else is fine.

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                  1 Reply
                  • Edited by E N D O: 2/26/2017 5:05:32 AM
                    my suggestion for the upcoming NLB nerf would be that if you are removing the flinch advantage in order to make it more consistent with other snipers, then you should also remove some of the disadvantages it has compared to other snipers (i.e. the reticle sway and/or the slow reload) shouldn't be doing one without the other, as it just ends up a worse sniper than a legendary

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                    2 Replies
                    • Bring back hungering blade you dicks

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                    • Bungie i am having isues with this game ...i have been playing destiny since its release and paid for all down loads on release of them coming out... prison of elders, the taken king, and rise of iron .. for the past 2 months every friday when i turn it on to play trials it says i have a demo game and wont ket me access the reef ... i go to my game and can see it has all been downloaded yet it tells me its not and expects me to pay for it again.. i have tried to uninstal the game and reinstall which can take hours .. gor it to work but then as soon as i turn the machine off and come back later to play again back to demo mode.. now i do love this game and have enjoyed the 3 years playing and was very much looking forward to destiny 2 however this is really having big impact my thoughts and questions bout why i would want to continue with this bullshit. Please can you help me ?

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                      9 Replies
                      • Officially done with this shitfest

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                      • Edited by Cam: 2/25/2017 11:33:12 PM
                        A similar situation also happened in halo combat evolved with the pistol. It wasn't performing well in single player pve but in pvp was fine. They tried to fix this and then in pvp it was just too good because of "fix" that had to do with a different part of the game.Unfortunately 16 years later and not much has changed. The changes they make still impact completely different things unintentionally

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