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Edited by Cozmo_BNG: 2/18/2017 8:14:41 PM

Upcoming Health Regen Perk Corrections

There were some unintended changes applied to Health Regen Perks due to a change to Hungering Blade. You can read the [url=]full Patch Notes[/url] here and the further Explanation of what happened [url=]here.[/url] In the last 3 days since the Hotfix we have been listening to the feedback from the community and been working on some corrections . Our current plan is to roll back most of the unintended changes like Ward of Dawn cast, and Embrace the void. You can read the full list of rollbacks below. The other affected Perks are getting different changes that the Sandbox design team believes will be more beneficial to the game rather than simply rolling back to the old settings. Here is Sandbox Designer Josh Hamrick with an explanation of the changes. [quote][b]Josh Hamrick[/b]: When we talked about Regen earlier in the week I ambiguously talked about what and when we would be making changes because I wasn’t entirely sure. The majority of the change wasn’t intentional, but when I looked at the problem from afar, I could see how it may be beneficial in some ways after hearing feedback from the community following the Sandbox preview stream. For example, some of you had concerns that Hungering Blade was changing while other similar perks, such as Cauterize, were not. This unintended change was going to give us the ability to see what that would look like to make both of those changes. I wanted to make it clear that it was possible that we could find something that we wanted to keep. I didn’t want to say that we’d put it all back, when we might not. Having an enemies ability or attack be able to completely erase any progress you've made and completely reset an encounter feels bad. Also, when 1 hit kill weapons are less dominant those abilities and attacks become more dominant, as they are much harder to stop. This change allows those abilities and attacks to still recover large portions of health and buy themselves more time without completely resetting the encounter and negating all cumulative damage that had come before. We have watched and listened all week and this is the current plan moving forward. I’m going to give numbers so that you have all the info, but [b][u]THESE NUMBERS MAY CHANGE:[/u][/b] For each of the elements below we are going to keep the change, but buff the amount of health you get back (+58%) - Hungering Blade - Red Death - Lifesteal - Transfusion (we are also removing the cooldown) - Cauterize (we are also removing the cooldown) For all the rest, we will be reverting the change entirely - Suros Regime - No Backup Plans - Ward of Dawn cast - Apotheosis Veil - Embrace the Void[/quote] We do not have a date that these changes will take place but are currently working on them and conducting tests. It is early in the process, so all of this is subject to change. But as of now, this is the plan. We will give you more details about when you can expect to see these changes in the game as soon as we can.

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  • You intentionally look at what is used most (the best) and nerf it. Now you have f'kd up things you never intended to (actually did but got caught). Your new players may thank you, rightfully so, for making it child safe during war. Some of us remember the Crucible as a place where death was free and handed out quite liberally and with no provocation. We remember how to fight, die, and return to fight again. That's what you removed from Destiny. Good luck against the Darkness. I don't see them nerfing SIVA! Take the hint..,

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    • I remember when this game was fun in year 1 to what it is now a well used toilet 🚽 here from bungie take a dump💩. ( to fix this remove all nerf and so call buffs witch is a nerf and just stop using a super and exotic nerf and ammo count it effects PVE I could not give two 💩💩.) And with mass effect andromeda coming up who cares now.😆😆😆😆😆

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    • I sure hope the side arm nerf gets messed up n screws with a totally different issue! No ammo at all on respawn is what it should plain and simply be!

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    • Rollback this moronic boneheaded shit -blam!- of a patch already. No one likes it except for Josh. He's obviously a moron and doesn't even know how to play the -blam!-ing game, and patches anything that ever killed him. Maybe hire somebody that plays your game to program your game.

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    • Edited by LeGrand Daddy: 2/27/2017 11:02:13 PM
      I would say you couldn't ruin the game any more than you have but... I really think you're capable of worse, which is so very sad. This game was great and you ruined it and now it's not fun. I hate your approach to the game! Let's play a game, it's called hide and go F🤡CK yourselves! Playing this game is like getting F😱CKED by razor blades.

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    • Can you do somthing about the Astrocyte verses please? It looks too good to be useless.

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      • Dear bungle. Thanks for the good times and the friends I have made. I have lots of fond memories. But time to go find a new adventure and a new destiny. You have shown that the only thing you want is to kill every bit of fun. The crucible was suppose to be a training ground for guardians not the be all and end all of the game. I feel for the players that got to the point of despair of shotguns, and specials, or the thousand different ways to get killed. I was never fond of the crucible only played it when the iron banner was on. My pet hate was walking round a corner and getting wasted by a level 5 guardian with the first shotgun he found. But you have broke my warlock (45 days in the making) my titan (50 days). All because you don’t like blade dancers (hunter 45 days). In year one when they where hated by everyone you did nothing, but now when you hardly see one you decide to correct a none existent problem. My suggestion of how to solve all your problems about imbalance. Make everyone fight on an equal level. Take away all weapons and scrap specials. Instead for primary weapons everyone should get a feather duster and for special weapons a water pistole. Hence doing away with anyone getting heart. Ether that or pleas put the game back to how it was. Just take shotguns out of the crucible until you can fix the way that there used. And leave the rest as it was.

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      • so basically you are screwing over the voidwalker build because lifesteal was so good because you could have health for every engagement whereas now voidwalker isn't half as good for rumble and it has no real advantages over other subclasses so really i might as well abandon that system cause you've broke it in two. thx bungie

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      • Edited by Man at Arms: 2/28/2017 9:38:04 PM
        Day 13 of shit storm... Bungie starts last phase of patch beta test. Iron Banner. I included game play of me and some friends going up against the Bungie Sandbox team proving they play the game for testing. [spoiler]F*** you Josh 🖕[/spoiler]

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      • Rant number 10 Question: Cozmo where you a muppet show character as I have absolutely no idea who the f*ck you are only that after 10 seperate comments to you and Bungie I still have had less than f*ck all feedback from you all Continuing on the previous and believe getting just as tiresome for me themes, again today and last night pvp was a joy to behold with red bar laggers and I lack the knowledge to describe them accurately but the indestructible cheats who usually have the ability to one shot you through objects type cheats This game platform is nearly totally dominated by this filth and I can't remember the last honest game I was involved in Could someone from your magnificent company please explain to me what monitoring of this game is done to stop this, what actual action is taken as this is absolutely shit house to try and compete with these dirtbags and made all the more fun by having your weapons taken off you by this stupid bloody patch So maybe as you Bungie types loves stats and all could the honest players in this game see some stats on what percentage cheats are found and banned in the game as for me it's the same dickheads the whole time and they appear again and again in every game taking the piss out of the rest of us Good luck to clean guardians tomorrow in the iron banner as stated earlier I'm boycotting it as I'm sick of being kicked round by both Bungie patches and cheats I've giving generously to these causes in the last 3 years and can''t be arsed until something is done Finally on the subject of stats is daily crucible figures gone down drastically as destiny tracker was showing 400k for daily attendance is that down from 800k I sincerely hope so as it might get you brainless bastards up off your fat asses

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        • Rant number 11 Ahhhhh a few days off from ranting is good for the soul Back to business, 2 days into the banner boycott and from posts and talking to friends again people are faced with the double barrels of cheats and the patch -blam!-ing up their lives and as to script Bungie doing f*ck all for anyone Herr Hamricks, Cozmo and all other Bungie muppets here is a concept for you If you have a game people like people will put up with a certain percentage of bullshit Cheating, bullshit settings on weekly night fall ect When you then impose your world vision on to how a person must equip them selves to play the game you destroy not only their enjoyment of this past time but any point in participating in it Add to that the inability to invest in securing your product so cheats cannot takeover formats and a total lack of commitment to actually acknowledging it actually exists and compounding that by not actually doing a f*cking thing to stop it you will eventually destroy your fan base and fail Look at your pvp attendance stats, look at the vast majority of comments on this patch, for god's sake sit down and monitor pvp earlier rants carried discriptions of the cheating vermin controlling pvp, I defy you enter 5 games and not encounter cheating going on and yet not a bloody thing is done to this filth ruining it for the rest of us PvE is now getting ruined by everlasting supers being ran personally I have came across this 20 times in the last fortnight In the last week out of 3 pages of friends all made on this game by the way 5 people have played I am angry at a lot of the stuff that's been done and not actually actioned by you in the last few years but I do give a shit about this game and honestly want you all to wake up and do the right thing by the loyal honest core of players, is that too much to ask and if it is you will not be in business much longer as this game is failing by the hour look at the stats Thank you all sooooo much for f*cking up this game I love now get up off your asses and put it right

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          3 Replies
          • Destiny is getting soft like the NBA, all these bullshit rules and nerfs. This is game isnt worth playing anymore i cant believe i even stuck around this long

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            • Listening to the community? Which community? The one I've been following where 99.1% of the community is wholly disappointed with the patch or the 0.9% one that approves of this garbage? This game needs to be rolled back to the beginning (with an exception here or there) when it felt like something new, cool, and unique!

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            • Destiny is finally Dead and Josh The Douche Hamerick put the Nail in the Coffin! Lol

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              • Is this still upcoming.... are you guys stuck at a red light or something??

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              • If you would have taken this approach in waiting and testing the initial patch in the first place, there would not be this huge issue at all... For now there is no reason to even play this game, coming back to this game isn't looking too promising now

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              • Edited by TheCyo: 3/1/2017 12:28:18 PM
                Because of void burn I used my Voidwalker in PVE for the first time since the patch, and oh what a shadow of former glory this class is now. You hit a group of Hive with scatter, kill them all and get 40 hp back. You Nova a bunch of captains or centurions and get 40 hp back. This is a joke. Lifesteal was the defining power of Voidwalker. Voidwalker is no longer fun or especially useful in PVE (solo hard mode Crota anyone?). Thanks for killing another PVE class because of PVP. It seems Bungie has absolutely no regard for the PVE side of the game any more, even if after this failed patch more people play pve than pvp.

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                • if you're going to nerf an exotic at least have the decency to update the perk description...ophidian aspects. not sure why they were nerfed. one of the few exotics that felt special. very short lived. the whole Quickdraw nerf was rediculous. can't believe you all are still killing blade dancer 3 years later.

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                • Great post from 12 days ago , how many more days till you follow through and fix it ?

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                  • I like the guaranteed health for Bladedancer and Sunbreaker. However, I do find that Voidwalker should go back to normal. My reason for returning Voidwalker health to normal is because I feel it fits with their mastery of the void. Also, quickdraw on the Bladedancer should be brought back to normal. Quickdraw is a node on the Hunters skill tree that requires a sacrifice and can only be used when using that super. However, if an exotic is to be added that grants quickdraw like the Warlock Ophidian Aspect for the Hunters to use then by all means leave quickdraw as is on the Bladedancer. My reason behind leaving quickdraw unchanged would be to boost the appeal of quickdraw on weapons. Finally, maybe we could have something that gives quickdraw for Titans besides weapon perks.

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                    • Destiny used to be an honest game now it's as cheezy as -blam!-. Death by cheeze has nothing to do with game play, nothing to do with AI enemies having a strong strategy, no just spawn an enemy right in front at the moment of grenade release or some other fcuked up lame manoeuvre.....because Bungie cannot be bothered, so resorts to cheesing us players, just who are these Architects??????? They are just an excuse for pi$$ poor game development, can't get the staff any more eh Bungie, you pi$$ed off the real talent right a the start of this game......Big mistake, they were the real talent, but you just don't care as you have our cash............................ You are not going about things in a correct manner how do you expect me to purchase Destiny 2 ??????

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                    • 5. Blink: As you know, we’ve nerfed Blink a few times over the years. While we're happy with the latest changes, we believe that the stack of nerfs has grown too high. To counter this, we are looking into removing the old Recovery nerf entirely. Additionally, we’re looking at pulling back the time that you’re HUDless by just a bit. This is how they fix blink. bungie are u all just retarded. Remove the no Hud feature nobody uses blink anymore.

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                      • Edited by ShadowKing292: 3/2/2017 6:16:18 PM
                        "Upcoming" So, never?

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                        • Jesus Christ just revert it all, nobody asked for this dumb change.

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                          • Edited by Man at Arms: 3/2/2017 12:29:05 AM
                            Day 15 of shit storm... Iron wtf just happened. Lag like a sob. I never thought I would say this but my broken blade is actually better than my striker titan. Transfusion? I had just a soon run after shocks. Sunbreaker? Cuaterise is a joke. I abandoned striker, to run a sunspot build on a sunbreaker because I was tired of dying. Because holy f*** why waiste the perk spot. My Blade dancers daily KD dwarfs my titans. I main a titan. Wtf? Didn't we just go through a whole matchmaking fix a few months ago? What match making. To play a different team you either have to mercy them, get call a mercy on your team, or go to orbit and grab a sandwich. I saw the other teams name so many times we eventually started messaging each other to form our own parties just to get through matches quicker. Is this fun? Is this happening to anyone else? PVE is completely ruined. I haven't died so much in a nightfall ever. Challenge is fun. Stupidity is frustrating. I guess I am going to carry kinderguardians with a denfender titan. Why not I like defenders. I won't be counting on any health regen however. There are so many things wrong with this game right now, not the weapons we can adapt to those, all of the other arbitrary changes these devs made anticipating a meta that didn't exist yet; because we all agree it was not tested or intentionally broken. You need to unwind this shit instead trying to put bandaids on bullet holes. You broke f***ing subclasses. Own that shit. You incompetent f***tards. Own your mistakes like men, and just fix it. What, you couldn't figure out how to balance weapons so you nerfed us? YOU F***ING NERFED US! This is borderline sabotage. HALLELUJAH! HOLY SHIT! WHERE'S THE TYLONOL? [spoiler]F*** you Josh![/spoiler] [spoiler]🖕[/spoiler]

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                            • Day 12 of shit storm... My f***ing titan is broken. F*** you Josh. [spoiler]🖕[/spoiler]

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