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Edited by erakis1: 2/16/2017 2:38:43 PM

Trials is killing destiny.

This was supposed to be an epic space fantasy. Now, the performance of every weapon and subclass in the game is constantly held hostage by one game mode that has nothing to do with the core elements of the game's universe. I hated it when it launched, and it becomes clear with every patch that trials is always the priority, leaving all the PvE players out in the cold. Bungie, you are going to have to make some pretty substantial changes to how trials effects destiny if you expect any pre-orders for Destiny 2. Edit: for those who claim that trials is what keeps destiny going, I'm going to have to fundamentally disagree. Point #1: The thing that keeps destiny going is the thing that people hate the most about it: RNG. At its core, Destiny is a loot based shooter with an RPG foundation. The gameplay loop of loot based games centers on gaining power for your character to take on tougher challenges, to get better loot. The loot itself is the reward system that the game is based upon. Point # 2: Bungie employees have specifically stated that Trials is intended for only 1% if the player base. Making changes based on 1% of the player base that undermine the core gameplay loop underlying what destiny is poisons the entire game. The loot reward system loses its power when players are always skeptical of a particular build or item getting nerfed in the future. The anticipation and excitement of getting that loot drop from a raid boss is diminished based on the constant looming threat of nerfs and enthusiasm for the core gameplay loop wanes. Overwatch works as a competitive game because the characters are "built" for you and there is no diversity or loot. Halo worked because a sniper rifle is a sniper rifle and a needler is a needler. Lack of variety is fundamental to creating a solid competitive game. It is also antithetical to loot based games like Diablo, Borderlands, and Nioh. Destiny was sold on its universe building, story, loot, and cooperative elements, yet it consistently undermines those principles to try to create a competitive game that cannot possibly exist in Destiny's universe.

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  • Bump. Game is straight trash now.

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  • The existence of Trials used to bother me a lot more in year 1 when there were elemental primaries as rewards for going flawless. Since they've removed those the only reason to participate now is if you want reskins of weapons and armor that you can get elsewhere, or cosmetic items like emblems, ornaments, and shaders. At least the raid weapons have unique perks that you can't get elsewhere, but the Adept weapons which would be the Trials equivalent really aren't anything special. You're really not missing out on anything that isn't just cosmetic at this point. I personally find the whole Egyptian motif to be ugly as sin, so I'm fine without it, but to each their own. So long as they don't lock exclusive loot behind Trials in D2 I'm fine with its existence. Today my joy mostly comes in pointing out the hypocrisy in the 1%'s argument that Trails is in anyway competitive, and their arguments against a tiered system because "rewards must be earned", yet somehow have no issue with paid carries or carries for stream views / likes as if somehow them carrying an unworthy player makes them worthy by association.

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    6 Replies
    • You're bad, kid

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    • thank you, it needed to be said.

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      2 Replies
      • Edited by Project88mph: 2/16/2017 7:47:48 PM
        I respectfully disagree. I love pve, love doing raids. Even still enjoy strikes after doing them for 2 years but as has been mentioned it does get old and pvp is the obvious next destination. Now within pvp just like pve there is a difference in the quality of the loot. Trials arguably having the best loot. Imo it looks the best and the weapons tend to be better for pvp. Trials is immensely popular due to the difficulty of obtaining this elite gear. Now my point being raiding is difficult but anyone can get the loot, literally anyone who doesn't have social anxiety issues about playing with strangers can get it. This is why far more quickly raiding becomes stale. Once u have all the loot for all 3 characters your pretty much done. Getting trials loot on all 3 is almost impossible for majority of players. This is the reason it's popular not rng but the competition. Destiny on twitch is top 10 games whilst trials is on. It drops up to 20 places during the week when it's not on. It's fun to watch and it's addictive to play. So in conclusion it basically is the activity holding up the popularity of destiny because its the hardest activity to complete. Waffle over.

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        12 Replies
        • Edited by zose: 2/16/2017 5:03:48 PM
          Those who say trials keeps destiny alive are idiots. Trials only keeps destiny alive on twitch. The core player base doesn't really care that much about it.

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          28 Replies
          • In and of itself trials is not the issue, but catering only to the lighthouse players is. There should be more PvE content and more focus on endgame PvE content. If we had more content and more quality/challenging content players might gravitate away from PvP and create a bigger mix of players in general. Instead of steamers/elite players in PvP, casuals, and clans.

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            • Logic detected! Insult.exe has failed to load. Loading Upvote.exe. Upvote.exe has successfully loaded. Executing Upvote.exe. Upvote has been given!

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              • Edited by Racebum: 2/16/2017 8:53:05 PM
                in ironic timing titanfall 2 just went on sale at best buy and amazon for $25 or $20 with GCU want to play pvp with some flow again? this is the place to be i have a LOT of time in destiny but this latest patch has killed the flow of the game

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                • I wanna agree, but the fact Skorris wasnt touched, despite it being the largest nuisance in trials, should show its not trials fault....

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                  • It's fine. People just can't deal with changes. PvP and Trials has affected PvE negatively before but nothing that straight up broke the PvE side (mainly because I think they would need a much better PvE before it could do that). Still remember when they first nerfed blink. I hated it because I used blink on my Hunter to Shotgun the shit outta knights and captains and stuff, and be all assassin like. But I just adapted and experimented with new stuff. And I still have fun. I guess if there was a way they could separate the changes so that PvP didn't affect PvE and vice versa, that'd be okay. But I think that would just take a whole new game. Like a whole new system. But I don't see anything they've done as breaking the game. Trials is a nice bit of "end game" time content for PvP players. It's like the playoffs of Destiny. Pretty cool. If they are going to have the loot table universal in all modes, then they have to balance and consider Trials like they do anything else. - PvE player with meager KD and poor Trials record.

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                    • bungie has always been better at pvp, their most successful games are based around it. the crucible just ended up being the main focus because more people play pvp rather than pve

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                    • A more articulate and lucid point could not have been made. Best post I have ever seen in these forums to date. Bravo. Up-vote approved, and keep them coming.

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                    • You misspelled PVP

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                    • Trials leads to tryharding, tryharding to frustration, frustration anger, anger to hate. And hate =/= fun.

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                      1 Reply
                      • I only log onto destiny for trials so.. without it there is no reason to play. All max light levels and all weapons and armor are achieved.

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                        • Trials players could all quit, but when Bungie devises some raid boss that needs to be tea bagged to death and there would be nobody left who knows how to kill them...

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                          11 Replies
                          • Bump

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                          • Most of the people who play Destiny play it for the PVP or just raids on weekends. Bungie is changing for the average PvPer who notices the OP weapons and bad mechanics of the game such as special weapon ammo being so abundant.

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                            3 Replies
                            • Edited by Rebellis: 2/16/2017 5:38:56 PM
                              If you're looking for a space magic PvE experience that's not effected by PvP, play Warframe. It's been around longer than Destiny and in fact many elements in Destiny appear to be copied from Warframe. Warframe has Ordis, Destiny has Ghost. Warframe has Baro Ki'Teer, Destiny has Xur. Etc. Except Warframe is bigger, better, and more immersive in every way. For example, both use ships as loading screens, but ships in Warframe are a physical space you walk around and do things in. Also, unlike Destiny, exotic gear, or Prime gear as they call it, is a direct upgrade to their non-Prime counterparts and you can have a all Prime loadout if you wish. Destiny will always be a 12 or 6 person PvP game on a tiny map with PvE as a shity afterthought just like Activision's other game Call of Duty. It's what they know. It's what they do.

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                              9 Replies
                              • This trend of our Guardians feeling weaker and weaker in PvE as a result of the countless nerfs caused by imbalance in PvP needs to stop. It is sad when our guardians feel much weaker now, after over two years of fighting off the Darkness and taking down Gods, than we did 3 months after release. It should be the opposite. I want to feel powerful. Hell, I want to feel [i]overpowered[/i] in most PvE activities aside from end game stuff. I want my exotics to feel exotic and it being a tough choice which one I want to use because they are all a amazing. I haven't had to make that decision since Year 1. With every patch I feel as if my Guardian is losing his light, and slowly fading away in power until he's a husk of what he once was.

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                                5 Replies
                                • I wonder how bungie will respond to all the hate and anger they've created amongst us all...probably nothing but I hope someone's ass gets fired for their stupidity

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                                • 2
                                  Trials aren't killing destiny. Bungie is. PvE should be the main focus with trials and PvP as a side.

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                                • Lol that's not clear at all. The problems are that casuals cry and they are the only ones being herd. If a sniper is good and snipes u. Don't peek the lanes. The problem isn't the fact that he has ammo. Geeeez

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                                  1 Reply
                                  • PvE is hopefully a more challenging/rewarding experience in D2. I remember actually struggling with this aspect of the game in year one. This is what made it fun! (Og nightfalls, vault of glass, hell even the heroic story mode missions) In my opinion the PvP side is a bonus, & def shouldn't pull so much weight in balancing the game. End game PvP, such as trials, would be more fun if set up where you get to choose primary but secondary/heavy weapons spawn in. Who knows what's gunna come of D2... I just hope it more closely resembles the original game that we all really enjoyed.

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                                    • Or you can just look at the stats and see how low Trials is on the board... And Lol, PvE still outweighs PvP with the population stats.

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