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Edited by erakis1: 2/16/2017 2:38:43 PM

Trials is killing destiny.

This was supposed to be an epic space fantasy. Now, the performance of every weapon and subclass in the game is constantly held hostage by one game mode that has nothing to do with the core elements of the game's universe. I hated it when it launched, and it becomes clear with every patch that trials is always the priority, leaving all the PvE players out in the cold. Bungie, you are going to have to make some pretty substantial changes to how trials effects destiny if you expect any pre-orders for Destiny 2. Edit: for those who claim that trials is what keeps destiny going, I'm going to have to fundamentally disagree. Point #1: The thing that keeps destiny going is the thing that people hate the most about it: RNG. At its core, Destiny is a loot based shooter with an RPG foundation. The gameplay loop of loot based games centers on gaining power for your character to take on tougher challenges, to get better loot. The loot itself is the reward system that the game is based upon. Point # 2: Bungie employees have specifically stated that Trials is intended for only 1% if the player base. Making changes based on 1% of the player base that undermine the core gameplay loop underlying what destiny is poisons the entire game. The loot reward system loses its power when players are always skeptical of a particular build or item getting nerfed in the future. The anticipation and excitement of getting that loot drop from a raid boss is diminished based on the constant looming threat of nerfs and enthusiasm for the core gameplay loop wanes. Overwatch works as a competitive game because the characters are "built" for you and there is no diversity or loot. Halo worked because a sniper rifle is a sniper rifle and a needler is a needler. Lack of variety is fundamental to creating a solid competitive game. It is also antithetical to loot based games like Diablo, Borderlands, and Nioh. Destiny was sold on its universe building, story, loot, and cooperative elements, yet it consistently undermines those principles to try to create a competitive game that cannot possibly exist in Destiny's universe.

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  • Edited by t1Chill: 2/17/2017 5:28:00 PM
    As a top 55% player, I speak on behalf of the elitists in the sense that this gamemode hasn't killed destiny; nay, it has drastically increased the lifespan. Edit: #SATIRE

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    5 Replies
    • I think it is not trials that is killing destiny. It is the flawless element of trials killing it. It would be much better if players were allowed to go to lighthouse at a completed passage rather than a flawless 9-0. What do you guys think?

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      5 Replies
      • As a top 1% in falling of the map its pretty safe to say; Its still just as easy to fall of the map.

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      • Focus your rage on the crybabies in the community who call for nerfs- downvote their posts and roast em like me. The reason our game sucks IS LITERALLT because of nerf crybabies. I've counted 10 sidearm nerf posts already

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        6 Replies
        • Edited by mpuchar: 2/17/2017 1:04:51 PM
          No, but this latest patch didn't help. Tbh i think bungie killed trials when they took the current non-adept primaries out of the gold bounties. That forced out lots of people that only played for that reason, thus making it harder for everyone else to go flawless. Lets take the best pve primary in the game, and make it a trials drop! One that you can only get at 7 wins or flawless. That should increase the player base. Bungie logic...

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          15 Replies
          • Trials isn't killing destiny. It's people who pay to be carried to the lighthouse that's killing trials.

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          • No changes should be made to the game if it only effects a small portion of players. I don't play trials, not my thing but instead of nerfing guns, limit guns. Just don't allow the Truth to be used in Trials. How hard is that? Typical Bungie takes the lazy way out.

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          • 1
            Hey man trust me I want this game to be an epic pve game with some pvp but bungie as given us so little pve content in all of this year 3 time that we better players switched to trials bc it's the only fun challenge now and it's shitty that the changes r made for everyone based on trials but at this point it's the only thing that matters anymore until new PVE content drops aka never :(

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          • All Trials is doing is keeping Destiny's head above water. Trials is a lazy light enabled elimination. It's been exploited by paid carries and the like. It doesn't look good on Destiny. Making people less fortunate in skill feel they aren't worthy to step foot in there. I want it gone in D2 or if it is there make it with some creativity. They could introduce a Trials freelance mode right now and all the carries and exploits would remain in the original version and I could play a part of the game I paid for too. I could play it to have FUN because I don't want to play Trials of Osiris to "get gud scrub".

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            10 Replies
            • Give me your opinions please ❤

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            • Edited by tokhi: 2/17/2017 11:16:19 AM
              So true. Bump. Every time i get loot or weapons now its solely focused for pvp/trials. I really don't care about pve weapons anymore like i use to during vanilla. Jesus bungie make the game harder again. Y1 knight-fall best ever, with blue flaming heads meant a lot in socialist space as well. Stop dumbing down your game for kids/noobs.... i want to be challenged, alone and with a team.

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              3 Replies
              • Trials is the only thing that is worth playing in destiny. It isn't Trials that is killing destiny. It's the update team that have destroyed the game one update at a time. If they actually listened to community, they could have made good updates to stop people leaving from the game and instead make more people come in the game

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                2 Replies
                • A lot more is making this game annoying besides tos.

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                • #1. PvE has run its course in this game until there is a new content update. #2. Bungie nerfs and buffs everything routinely to make guardians use new load outs. Destiny has a large loot pool and it sucks only using one weapon in pvp (matadors) and PvE (ghallehorn vs atheon). #3. You have a sub 1 kd across all characters don't complain about a playlist that you do not play or cannot play in. Not meaning to be rude just pointing out facts.

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                  15 Replies
                  • Finally someone that I can agree with.

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                  • Would you look at that. Over 300 upvotes on a post saying something is killing destiny. I haven't seen that before.

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                    5 Replies
                    • Bump

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                    • I feel like trials would be so much better if it were some sort of rumble elimination, first one to 5 wins. I dunno, I think it would be fun.

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                    • So we just gonna forget the strike update they made for us for free? Lol

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                      3 Replies
                      • I loved the idea of earning gear to progress your character to be able to earn even better gear to eventually becoming a near indestructible space wizard with OP gear. Shame Bungie didn't.

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                      • When they add the ability to make our own modifiers, make it where enemies can have max light difficulty if I choose, etc... then it would be amazing. It's gotten to where I wear the lowest light gear allowed and swap back to 400 at launch so it's like I have 2 useless AI sidekicks for more of a challenge. According to guardian gg I hold most of the 1st place strike awards in the entire data base and in the top 25 in the ones I don't have 1st in. I just found out this was a thing so I'm about to try for rank 1 in all of them. They need to up the PVE. I'm a die hard PVE fan. Its the reason I've been playing since day one. I like pvp also, but Kronosmax and all that bs ruins it. There is an art to PVE that only few people with imagination get, but I'd like to have max difficulty so I have to make crucial decision when playing strikes. If they sold a 5 pack of NEW strikes for 15 or 20 dollars I'd buy them all the time.

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                        2 Replies
                        • [quote] Point # 2: Bungie employees have specifically stated that Trials is intended for only 1% if the player base. .[/quote] They said that about the lighthouse, not trials in general

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                        • -blam!-ing spot on brother!

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                        • Trials and pvp in itself is that keeps destiny going. The pve is mostly garbage.

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                          12 Replies
                          • The kicker here is that not even the 1 % is satisfied with the outcome. They nerf shit no one complained about - or used for that matter - while ignoring stuff the vast majority of said 1 % had issues with. The worst part is that a team of intelligent people, with some clue of how to balance, actually could have balanced the game without screwing over one or the other enviroment.

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                          • thats true, the only reason they focus so heavily on the trials thing is for the free exposure all the streamers carrying give them for this game while playing it. free ads... and its the slowest crappiest game play and style being promoted as the top tier best lmfao its garbage and thats also affected with the lack of servers for that whole laggy issue that arises all the time.

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