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Edited by Cal Exabyte: 12/31/2016 6:49:59 AM

Ever ran into a Christmas pro?

Let's face it, if you get a popular game for Christmas, chances are you'll get called a "Christmas noob" [u]a lot[/u]. This is actually very true because these new players are inexperienced and must learn while up against players who know the game well. But alas, there is often a diamond in the rough that is often missed here. And, ladies and gentlemen, I think I've found the "Christmas pro". I was playing Titanfall 2 just a few days ago. The day after Christmas, in fact. I was mostly on to pwn the fresh batch of Christmas noobs, as is the usual annually in online games. Titanfall 2 is obviously one of the most received games for Christmas as a gift this year, right up there with contenders such as Battlefield 1, COD: Infinite Warfare, and COD4: Modern Warfare Remastered. So of course, the batch of Christmas noobs is pretty big. So I'm playing Titanfall 2, and this one match turned out great. I did pretty well and placed in the top 3. What shocked me was that I was in 2nd place: right behind a "Christmas noob". I later invited him to a party and asked if we could play together. He agreed, and that's when I got to learn more about him. He was 14, almost 15, and had just received Titanfall 2 for Christmas. He had beaten the campaign relatively quick and dove right into the multiplayer action. When I asked him how the hell he was so good despite getting the game just a few days ago, he replied "I don't know, man, it just comes naturally. One thing's for sure, though: I'm in love with this game." Apparently he had only played a bit of the original Titanfall, further evidence of his surprising inexperience. We played until 5 a.m. that night. We dominated left, right, up, and down, rarely ever losing, and when we did, our opponents barely eked out victory. We placed in top 3 every game as well. At the end of the night, despite him being so young, I knew I had found my new Titanfall buddy (insert Herbert the Pervert meme here). It's been a few days and the kid has already regenerated (the Titanfall equivalent to prestiging). I cannot hope to describe him as a Christmas noob at this point. Let his story be a lesson that not every kid who gets a game for Christmas has to be a Christmas noob. Look for the diamond in the rough, and if you don't, it'll come to you: in the form of taking your spot in the top 3. I messaged the kid today, congratulating him on his speed regeneration and thanking him for being such an awesome guy to play with. He then replied with the following. "Thanks man, that means a lot to me. You know, the first lobby I went into when I first started playing the multiplayer, this one guy was on his mic and pointed me out as a Christmas noob. He then followed me around the whole match, doing nothing but cracking jokes and teasing me about my inexperience. I guess from that point on I just got that 'I'll show you.' attitude. The fact that I got so good at this game so fast astonishes even me, looking back on it. Look, it's cool that you've been there to support me and play with me and win with me, but there's just one issue that still needs to be cleared up." I asked the kid what the issue was and he simply said:[spoiler][b][i][u]"Imma need about tree fiddy."[/u][/i][/b] All I could think of in my mind was, well, [url=]this.[/url][/spoiler] TL;DR: don't judge a player by their inexperience. You might get your spot stolen on the leaderboard.

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  • I've ran into people like that a lot in r6 siege

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  • Edited by Cho: 1/3/2017 8:20:31 PM
    Can't say I've had an experience like that. Every single lobby I have played in I've dominated and upon inviting randos on for a few games most of them have around 100 kills and a few wins. Not trying to sound cocky here but this might not mean much because I top the leaderboard most of the time anyway but I've definitely noticed a lot of less skilled players around

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  • 2 of my younger brothers are like this with most online PvP games. They're just naturally good, sometimes it drives me insane.

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  • Edited by TreeMan_X: 12/31/2016 7:50:44 PM
    Got the game when it first came out and I'm pretty much garbage still.

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  • I can't play with people online other than my personal friends. They always get way to clingy and constantly invite me as if they have no other friends. This has happened to me 3 times and I've decided I'll just stick to my personal friends when playing games.

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  • Is that the legend27?

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    3 Replies
    • actually a thing some people do is make a new account on Christmas so they get matched with new players (depending on how the match making system works in the game) its fun to be a level 1 but have hours of experience behind you, no one expects you.

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    • I was that way with gears 4[spoiler]Im 16[/spoiler] but I was the "Christmas pro", my first game of gears 4 I went 8-4 (not bad in my book for my first game back since the beta) then i got a msg from a guy in my game telling me you are a lvl 2 how are you not getting destroyed? I tell him "I just know how to play the multiplayer in gears." And now we play gears together and sometimes we lose and that's OK cuz we all have "those games"

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    • I've been trying to play Titanfall 2 but this one Christmas pro keeps kicking my ass.

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      2 Replies
      • How come you weren't kicking his ass???

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        5 Replies
        • [quote]Let's face it, if you get a popular game for Christmas, chances are you'll get called a "Christmas noob" a lot. This is actually very true [/quote] That actually couldn't be further from the truth. It's a common mistake most "newbs" make. "newb" and "noob" are two very different words, with two very different meanings. So no, they're not always a Christmas noob.

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        • I bought Titanfall 2 on Tuesday and have pretty much been in first place almost every game.

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        • Yeah I ran into a few Christmas pros this year Bought all their stuff online and didn't bother with the crowds [spoiler]real Christmas pro[/spoiler]

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          • I am one

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          • I remember my mate playing MW2 for the first time - straight into multiplayer. He got harriers straight up, no kidding. Took him 3 days to get his first nuke and from then on absolutely killed it

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          • In a somewhat relatable story, got a friend to start playing Smite. I don't really think she's bad at any game, but she joined right after the Nemesis nerf and all those changes. And she wanted to play Nemesis. Me and my bud didn't have high hopes, thought it'd take a while. Her first game she went [b]8 and 0[/b]. Her next game? 13 and 2. Beat out me and my bud combined. Had to make sure she didn't play LoL competitively and she wasn't telling us.

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          • I remember owning peeps on CS Source. Wasn't Christmas though. Was my bday. I got Rainbow Six from a friend this year. I'm hating it right now. Everything feels so slow to me. Plus no one communicates.

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          • I don't think you know what the meaning of a Christmas noob is...

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            • Huh. I'm one of those players too. Any game I tend to learn the controls really quickly and succeed fast

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            • I did notice an excessive amount of extremely high level players on BF1 Christmas (Eve). Normally there's like 1-2 high levels (80+), considering how new the game is, and a few mid levels (40-70+), but on those few days I swear half of every lobby I joined was level 90s and the other half was level 1-10s.

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            • 1
              Eh, I picked the game up quickly myself too, but it only came naturally because Titanfall 2 is a twitch shooter. You see a guy first, they're more than likely going to be dead. All in all, still loving the game though. The controls themselves came naturally because I guess Call of Duty controls were just in the back of my head, and I haven't touched that series since 2012 when Black Ops 2 came out, but they were just simple, easy to remember controls.

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