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Edited by Cozmo_BNG: 12/8/2016 9:03:00 PM

Changes to Matchmaking Settings on 12/08/2016

Today the development team is making a few changes to Matchmaking settings with the goal of improving your experiences in the Crucible. Here is a quote straight from the team with some details about what is being changed. [quote] We’ve made a change to the Matchmaking system in an effort to increase match quality. Our specific goal is to reduce the number of matches that begin before they fill up with players. To achieve this, we are expanding the available skill-range for other players earlier and more aggressively. We will also be looking for lower-latency matches for longer than before. Essentially, this puts a stronger bias on connection quality, with less emphasis on skill matching. This may result in slightly longer matchmaking times in some cases. For some of you, this could mean that you’ll be matched with opponents well outside of your skill range. We hope the tradeoff is worth it to improve the Crucible ecosystem in general. As always, our work in designing a Crucible experience that serves all players is never finished. Be sure to let us know what you experience out there. Our forum, just like our game, is a constant source of great feedback. [/quote] These changes are now live in all playlists*. After you play some games with the new settings, feel free to post in this thread with any feedback you have. Let us know what you think. [i]*All playlists excluding Trials of Osiris, which matches teams based on card wins. [/i]

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  • Cozmo, what do you consider "low latency?" I am not whinging. Total curiosity. I have no idea what to believe to be honest. I've read anything below 100 is good, and I believe that to a certain extent because I am often selected to be the fireteam leader when I solo pvp. But I have heard that you want to be below 50 to have good latency. So what does Bungie feel is "good latency"? I'd rather hear from you guys than from very salty players.

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  • Potato

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    136 Replies
    • the last time you guys talked about this, you already said that connection was the number 1 priority how can you make connection even MORE of a priority if it's already 1 are you making connection now 0 priority? alpha omega priority? you know what i think? i think you're all -blam!-ing lying to us, and there is a lot more you can do than you let us believe you can do you should at least have an option for 100% connection ; 0% skill playlists - - what are you so damn afraid of? jesus christ, save christmas and bring back 3oC too

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      • So the extra time in orbit while they try to match-make, I'm frequently aware of that but the games are just as bad if not worse as far as connection goes - often all but one player will be green but the game is still very laggy with players Taken-hopping around the map or kills resulting in a trade due to lag and kills registering seconds later...

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      • SBMM should be the priority for trials or based on wins accumulate. This whole connection based settings is a load of crap. Honestly still gets laggy match. if anything this whole change made playing trials unbearable to deal with. By getting matched against sweaty ass players on your very first match and even back to back after having already lost the prior match. There is no freaking balance or gap between sweaties and decent players who are desperately trying their hard soul for wins. -blam!-ing set up a tier ground where decent players can go up against decent players and sweaties against their own level. A kind of like a bronze level for just below average, and silver level for average or above, and gold level for sweatier players. I'm not sure but something like that. Point being, change this crap. It's bullshit. I'm honestly considering strongly about quitting this game cuz it's the worst right now.

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      • I was excited for the changes but match making seems the same as before now that I've played a lot.

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      • Edited by Eliteownez: 12/24/2016 9:54:57 AM
        So heres the thing. I know trials is win based on the card matchmaking. But for the life if me cannot understand how at 5 wins we matched against a team of apes that stomped us. and at the end of a 5-0 whooping two out of the three claim ultimate victory... so we lost mercy then dealt with lagging players next game and gained our first loss. I'm not salty tho its just a game that team clearly deserved to go flawless. I'm just tired of bungie claiming one thing and thinking that were dumb and that we don't actually play this game and see the things as above happen day in and day out. I will continue to to play and deal with these things but cozmo,deej and bungie need to seriously look at trials matchmaking and get there most competitive game mode in check then work there way down to the other playlists. Just to clarify I understand about the laggy sweaty matches in crucible and they need to be dealt with aswell CBMM yeah right!!

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      • Hey Cozmo, bungie is being called liar. DO you guy have human skin? It almost seems like all bungie employee's don't know how to hold onto their respect or even to earn one. Damn if this comment were for me, I would not leave my home for rest of my life. I don't how I am suppose to respect you but I have one very good question to you. Do you have word called "Dignity" in your dictionary? Please do let me know. Question to all of you, do bungie knows how by their own rules? "Play nice. Take a minute to review our Code of Conduct before submitting your post." Are they playing nice? Do they even review their own post before submitting?

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      • They need to bring back SBMM.

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        3 Replies
        • You are lying once again. You changed it for a few days but now it's back to what it was before. -blam!-ing idiots.

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        • RIP destiny

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        • More shitty connections than before. Not sure what is going on in your studio cozmo

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        • Cozmo update this post because it's SBMM all over again

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        • The matchmaking is worse now than ever before.

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        • How the -blam!- do you manage to start a 6v6 match with 9 players in this cbmm heavy tweak you lying custards?

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        • 400% SBMM At least tell us the truth

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        • You should rename crucible. Make it Sweaty Hide and Seek

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        • Go Steelers !!!!!!!!!!

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          • My recent matches go like this... .46 1.7 .46 2.0 .31 1.1 Yea. I definitely see the connection based going up and skill being random. I either trample people or get pub stomped. Cool

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            2 Replies
            • I don't understand why skill based match making is even a thing. It ruined cod (advanced warfare) .... I don't know why it's even considered ! I will always play destiny though

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            • Edited by SuFuFuCu: 12/21/2016 2:09:39 AM
              After taking a 1 month break and playing BF1, I tried some crucible today. Confirmed: You are still clueless and your matchmaking is a joke. How, after all this time, can you have matchmaking this jacked up. You must be a collection of the finest trolls ever assembled with a common goal to completely corn hole your consumers for S&G. In closing. Your PvP still sucks donkey shinunu.

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              2 Replies
              • Gee thanks for putting me on the worst possible teams

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              • Good because the only way to get better is by playing ppl better than yourself

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              • You all need to stop crying about match making and get good

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                • I have no more 1kd game plays... I'm like 40 or 10 kill gameplays !

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                • More needs to be done regarding players that lag in the match I just had someone lag and cheat It ruins the game! The gamers name is ToxemicCorn3877 and that exactly what he was toxic ruined a very fun match even his team mates was teabaging him and I was green bar with full bar on Internet so I shouldn't be paired with people like him. Also think he tried to ddos at one point as I went to red with contacting destiny servers then went back to green for rest of the game pretty stupid....

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