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Edited by Cozmo_BNG: 12/8/2016 9:03:00 PM

Changes to Matchmaking Settings on 12/08/2016

Today the development team is making a few changes to Matchmaking settings with the goal of improving your experiences in the Crucible. Here is a quote straight from the team with some details about what is being changed. [quote] We’ve made a change to the Matchmaking system in an effort to increase match quality. Our specific goal is to reduce the number of matches that begin before they fill up with players. To achieve this, we are expanding the available skill-range for other players earlier and more aggressively. We will also be looking for lower-latency matches for longer than before. Essentially, this puts a stronger bias on connection quality, with less emphasis on skill matching. This may result in slightly longer matchmaking times in some cases. For some of you, this could mean that you’ll be matched with opponents well outside of your skill range. We hope the tradeoff is worth it to improve the Crucible ecosystem in general. As always, our work in designing a Crucible experience that serves all players is never finished. Be sure to let us know what you experience out there. Our forum, just like our game, is a constant source of great feedback. [/quote] These changes are now live in all playlists*. After you play some games with the new settings, feel free to post in this thread with any feedback you have. Let us know what you think. [i]*All playlists excluding Trials of Osiris, which matches teams based on card wins. [/i]

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  • I really have not hit the crucible hard since the last IB. I did play crucible a couple of weeks ago when the Shaxx weekly bounty was Supremacy. From that small sample size I would say the crucible was worse. Connections weren't any better, but I wouldn't say they were worse than before. Skill level was all over the place. I will put more time into it in the coming weeks and give honest feedback.

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  • Bungie is corrupt

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  • What are you people doing with your lives, seriously. Stop complaining! If you care that much about this tiny thing that breaks the game then play another game. Destiny over time has become this grinding microtransaction ball of shit it is. What is the sole purpose of grinding over and over and over again to get this tiny thing just to become disappointed! What does that achieve in your life, seriously! Stop supporting this corrupt company

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    2 Replies
    • I got so many games for Christmas but DESTINY still beats them all man

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    • Edited by drvankmen: 12/27/2016 7:48:45 PM
      No matter your skill level pure connection based matchmaking is what is best for the whole community. Everyone gets what they want. If the lobby is too stiff leave it and try another...unless you are at the very tail end of the bell curve you can find a lobby you feel comfortable in with patience. Doing well is relative. Players with even kd and lower i would imagine will be ok with hitting that mark and occasionally spiking up or down every few games. Strict cbmm or what i like to call, matchmaking will give you the best chance to have an acceptable game regardless of skill level. Sbmm is forced equalibrium, where the highs and lows are lopped off in an attempt to control the outcome of matches rather than trying to provide the best possible environment with which to enjoy the game how you see fit as an individual. Kill sbmm. Anything else is just socialism.

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    • I like your shoes.

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    • Destiny should have cross platform multiplayer...

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    • Hakuna my Tatas!

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    • You know I was just thinking in House of wolves This Thread would have thousands of replies. Right now it has a few. Sad to see so many players gone

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      2 Replies
      • I havent played Crucible forvseveral weeks so popped on to do the weekly Supremacy bounty. Matchmaking is still terrible. I'm still suffering red bars teleporting all over the place and not taking damage. Doesn't seem like connection is a priority to me.

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      • Skill based matchmaking is back to being top priority , there's no way it's not . Just for the simple fact that me and my friend have decent stats , we get paired against 5 man teams while every single one of our teammates have no thumbs whatsoever . This is becoming unplayable .

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      • Guys I cannot be the only one going through this pain. I am a totally casual below average pvp'er. I picked up Destiny with my PS4 and loved it from the day I started playing. But, with these recent changes, you have totally lost me. I don't know if it's the matchmaking or just the population decline, but crucible is just not fun anymore. I went from an kd of around 1 to getting absolutely destroyed game after game. Even if I am on a winning team, I am one of the guys getting the beat down which is no fun win or lose. Something changed. It didn't use to be this way. I just want to run around and shoot at a bunch of other dads who got off work and just want to chill out for a few games. But now I spend most of my time dead getting blow away by guys in armor I don't even recognize. I will mess around until destiny 2 - I love the game that much. But seriously, if you read these posts, please consider the average joe getting stomped under your new pvp system. Something needs to be tweaked.

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      • Don't like the changes.

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      • SBMM isn't the problem. It's the gross P2P connections that make this crucible unplayable most of the time. Shooting someone that blinks frame to frame only to not take damage until after they kill you is not fun nor fair in any way. If everyone who played destiny all had local connections to each other then no one would be complaining about SBMM because there wouldn't be any lag to blame lack of skill on. You would just have to git gud. Unfortunately that's not how it is. Far from it.

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      • Edited by A Discarded TV: 12/27/2016 1:02:37 PM
        Coding will never fix the issue of this game being a peer to peer connection which doesn't work now I'm days unless you trying to download movies or music.

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      • Its a lot better

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      • I like your shoes

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      • I like your shoes

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      • I had no issues over Christmas !!

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      • ..

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      • Whatever changes have been made.. omg! Bungie messed up is the bottomline. Something has changed in PVP & it has definitely slowed matchmaking and thrown balance out the window. I am genuinely lost as to who you are trying to please Bungie! Rise of Iron lacked in every way come PVE and now PVP is "broken" - epic fail! I'm not "skilled" but where is my support Bungie? Gaming is for chilling out & having fun. Why have you bowed down to the elitists? Bungie I'm sorry to say I think you lost perspective on what really matters

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      • What are you people doing with your lives, seriously. Stop complaining! If you care that much about this tiny thing that breaks the game then play another game. Destiny over time has become this grinding microtransaction ball of shit it is. What is the sole purpose of grinding over and over and over again to get this tiny thing just to become disappointed! What does that achieve in your life, seriously! Stop supporting this corrupt company

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      • 1
        It's no different

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      • This game has turned into a huge joke

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      • Edited by Jerico_7suns: 12/25/2016 4:08:06 PM
        I believe a lot of people wanted change thinking it would be 'more fair''. The games were generally well marched before so far as skill went but the connections were inconsistent. Now, for anyone other than the top tier player, the games have become exponentially more difficult. The only players who are benefitting from this are Tier 1 players as their chains have been unshackled; everyone else is screwed. I still crank out a decent game 50% of the time but the others times I am being absolutely destroyed and it is definitely the quality of players. I have played a lot of crucible and I can tell right away that the competition is different. There is a trials feeling to control now and for anyone who has played control as much as I have, you can absolutely feel the difference.

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        1 Reply
        • Not seeing as many red bars so good job on that. However, games are so inconsistent that I can't tell if I'm playing like poop or getting pub stomped. Same goes for when I'm wrecking, either I'm on fire or doing the pub stomp....

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