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Edited by Cozmo_BNG: 12/8/2016 9:03:00 PM

Changes to Matchmaking Settings on 12/08/2016

Today the development team is making a few changes to Matchmaking settings with the goal of improving your experiences in the Crucible. Here is a quote straight from the team with some details about what is being changed. [quote] We’ve made a change to the Matchmaking system in an effort to increase match quality. Our specific goal is to reduce the number of matches that begin before they fill up with players. To achieve this, we are expanding the available skill-range for other players earlier and more aggressively. We will also be looking for lower-latency matches for longer than before. Essentially, this puts a stronger bias on connection quality, with less emphasis on skill matching. This may result in slightly longer matchmaking times in some cases. For some of you, this could mean that you’ll be matched with opponents well outside of your skill range. We hope the tradeoff is worth it to improve the Crucible ecosystem in general. As always, our work in designing a Crucible experience that serves all players is never finished. Be sure to let us know what you experience out there. Our forum, just like our game, is a constant source of great feedback. [/quote] These changes are now live in all playlists*. After you play some games with the new settings, feel free to post in this thread with any feedback you have. Let us know what you think. [i]*All playlists excluding Trials of Osiris, which matches teams based on card wins. [/i]

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  • Im have red bars everyday since the dawning. My internet is fantastic never a problem but yet im lagging in game something is wrong. I never had this problem until this past event.

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    8 Replies
    • Can you please stop ignoring players who are still facing issues? Or do i need to get a twitch streamer or you tuber to plead my case?

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    • Holy f*cking sh*t. This needs to be fixed. Laggy as f*ck fireteams, blinking green bars who don't take damage. Was the change just to show all players as green? Seriously, if i did my job this badly, i wouldn't have one.

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    • What is wrong with u...? Really Wrong with u.... All speed tests are actually great On all devices Connection to destiny ONLY destiny is stopping me from full connection to destiny Meaning .... NOW Your game breaks players ability to actually play the game Ur fd up n ur game is breaking itself now

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    • So they say crucible is better. Well they said cbmm is taken more heavily now and matches will be better but you may face tougher opponents. Well from my recent experience it royally stinks worse than before. Wait times are way longer, there are even more red and yellow laggy ppl and more higher skilled players. That is so much better. Thank you. Not only more lag but better ppl. Thank you. At least with sbmm I already knew there was going to be some lag but equal matches.

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      1 Reply
      • These are the 11 reasons why but Bungie are dicks 1. Dlc's aren't new content, they are recycled content 2. They do not update frequently as promised, almost rarely 3.Seems as though the company is only in it for the money with their cash grabs and microtransactions 4. Limited content 5. Vanilla game was not as promised, cut content and no story 6. There was a story that was promised but there was none 7. Most of the game you open doors and clear out enemies 8. New raids are unoriginal. 9. Deej is a dick 10. Cozmo is a dick 11. Why did no man's sky get all the hate when destiny did not?

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        2 Replies
        • How the -blam!- do you bungidiots manage to set 3 v6 matches?

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        • SBMM is a pathetic attempt to insulate the majority of low skilled players from having their butts kicked by top 25%. Problem is, the top 25% are really only ever allowed to match against each other and the result is sweaty and not all that much fun beyond a couple matches. Meanwhile, Timmy Nothumbs and his buddies can have lots of fun playing hide and seek and occasionally killing each other with bad ARs. This is a video game. An FPS game with complex mechanics and extremely customizable weapons and loadouts. Experienced, highly skilled players SHOULD stomp the ever loving crap out of you. Everyone should be on equal footing when it comes to the pvp matches we load into, and let the winner and loser be determined by skill, experience, and tactics. If you get rolled, learn from it. If you are bad, chances are that there will be bad players in every lobby and you will not single handedly destroy your team's chances of winning and may even pick up some kills too. Focus on making less mistakes, play smarter, inspect the top players loadouts for tips on improving your own game, and pay attention to the weapons other players repeatedly kill you with. That will make you a better player. Being coddled by only playing against other terrible or even mediocre players isnt necessary. Nor is it necessary to make good players only duke it out against each other every match while the rest of the players in this game can actually have some fun in crucible.

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          35 Replies
          • Wait about 5 mins join a match already in progress and as your flying in hear " heavy ammo available" yeah great I'll just spawn in and get destroyed about 3 or 4 times by heavy and if I'm lucky supers yayyy

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          • Bungie is corrupt

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          • Bungie is corrupt

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          • Sbmm should not be a thing, matchmaking should only look for the best connection possible and nothing else period. No game is fun with lag. If you're playing a online pvp game you're gonna run into people who will stomp you into the ground it's inevitable. If you don't like being stomped you have very few options. 1. Get better, which happens much faster if you face better players. 2. Stick to pve, which kinda cuts the game in half so I can understand a little how that's not very likely. 3. Play offline games so you can worry about getting stomped by ai. If you play a online pvp game, expect to face people who are way better than you. Bungie shouldn't have to cater to you because you bought this game knowing that. My kd is not the best but it's not the worst either. I won't complain if I get matched with a top 10 player because I signed up for that when I bought the game. I don't play toO so don't bother commenting on that.

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            7 Replies
            • Nothing changed

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            • We should just all stop playing destiny until they fix Zur

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              • Why is Xur not selling Three of Coins again?

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                • Dedicated servers worldwide please, I think we finally deserve them, and have paid for them with our sweat and silver many times over.

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                • Terrible and horrible while playing a strike alone yesterday (full green bar) another player joined and 💥📉lag infected everything, he ran to some stairs and proceeded to run at the wall while Rasputin couldn't even harm him. Was funny for an instant then totally unenjoyable as it was left to me to kill Rasputin who just stayed trying to kill the guardian at the stairs. 👎😖

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                • Screw all the balance bs. Why is xur still broken?

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                • Shot threw walls....check Hitting someone and they are healing while getting shot ....check Taken 5mins for a kill to register....check First it was going good lag was less now....well not so good. Not much more that can happen until destiny 2 and lets pray they change something for the better and learn from destiny one. Its still a bit better then before but not by much. I might hold back getting destiny 2 to see how people talk about the game.

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                  • How is connection the #1 priority when EVERY game I play is extremely close with at least 3 red bars ? Sounds like skill is the priority .

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                  • Hey getting any of this?

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                  • Still being connected with lag players. Thanks for the lie

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                  • This horror show that passes as multiplayer pvp is disgusting the lag that is prevalent in every game is beyond a joke. 8 clash games in a row with teleporting players constantly . Mostly green bars that are lagging the red bars are worse right enough . And no my internet is fine

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                    1 Reply
                    • I really dislike your changes. It's the worst crucible gameplay I've experienced. It's really been awful from my perspective. I hope you revisit whatever you did and try something else. Very frustrating.

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                    • Liars full of crap

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                    • Bungie is corrupt

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