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Edited by Cozmo_BNG: 12/8/2016 9:03:00 PM

Changes to Matchmaking Settings on 12/08/2016

Today the development team is making a few changes to Matchmaking settings with the goal of improving your experiences in the Crucible. Here is a quote straight from the team with some details about what is being changed. [quote] We’ve made a change to the Matchmaking system in an effort to increase match quality. Our specific goal is to reduce the number of matches that begin before they fill up with players. To achieve this, we are expanding the available skill-range for other players earlier and more aggressively. We will also be looking for lower-latency matches for longer than before. Essentially, this puts a stronger bias on connection quality, with less emphasis on skill matching. This may result in slightly longer matchmaking times in some cases. For some of you, this could mean that you’ll be matched with opponents well outside of your skill range. We hope the tradeoff is worth it to improve the Crucible ecosystem in general. As always, our work in designing a Crucible experience that serves all players is never finished. Be sure to let us know what you experience out there. Our forum, just like our game, is a constant source of great feedback. [/quote] These changes are now live in all playlists*. After you play some games with the new settings, feel free to post in this thread with any feedback you have. Let us know what you think. [i]*All playlists excluding Trials of Osiris, which matches teams based on card wins. [/i]

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  • Edited by bill_westie: 12/27/2016 2:37:34 PM
    Whatever you've done to matchmaking, there are now twice as many redbar cheaters than before. The difference is that now they are infecting regular crucible. Just for now ignore weapon balance and matchmaking and do something to rid the game of cheaters

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    2 Replies
    • [quote]Today the development team is making a few changes to Matchmaking settings with the goal of improving your experiences in the Crucible. Here is a quote straight from the team with some details about what is being changed. [quote] We’ve made a change to the Matchmaking system in an effort to increase match quality. Our specific goal is to reduce the number of matches that begin before they fill up with players. To achieve this, we are expanding the available skill-range for other players earlier and more aggressively. We will also be looking for lower-latency matches for longer than before. Essentially, this puts a stronger bias on connection quality, with less emphasis on skill matching. This may result in slightly longer matchmaking times in some cases. For some of you, this could mean that you’ll be matched with opponents well outside of your skill range. We hope the tradeoff is worth it to improve the Crucible ecosystem in general. As always, our work in designing a Crucible experience that serves all players is never finished. Be sure to let us know what you experience out there. Our forum, just like our game, is a constant source of great feedback. [/quote] These changes are now live in all playlists*. After you play some games with the new settings, feel free to post in this thread with any feedback you have. Let us know what you think. [i]*All playlists excluding Trials of Osiris, which matches teams based on card wins. [/i][/quote] Your game is broken!

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    • Red bars??? Yep. Almost every lobby has one. Please take those millions from micro transactions and upgrade to server based instead of this peer to peer garbage!

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    • To be fair most the players left on destiny are the long term players !

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      • HAPPY NEW YEAR COZMO! I hope that Destiny will have a greater turn this year for you guys and that you are working hard to keep this great game running!

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      • PVP on the PlayStation is complete shit. Games take ages to get into and when it finally starts it's not 6v6 it's 3v6 4v4 I've even been a part of 2v6. And red bars as far as the eyes can see. Not sure what the PlayStation was like before this patch as I've been xbox since day one but IMO this new update is terrible.

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        • again second time new cards for everyone and we get matched with people who were on their 9+ win streak what the fok here are the fking stats bottom doesnt show crap but it will show who we went against your so called bs *All playlists excluding Trials of Osiris, which matches teams based on card wins. its all a lie and you guys are liars kiss_games0921 Bladedancer ✦ 400 Grimoire 5115 RECENT MATCHES 1.00 K/D 54% WINS 9 STREAK 1,487  ELO RATING 8x FLAWLESS THIS WEEK THIS MAP Shotgun30 13.33% Pulse Rifle3 33.33% Sniper Rifle2 100.00% WEAPON TYPES USED MOST KILLS HEADSHOTS 18 MATCHES 14/4 WON / LOST 103/103 KILLS / DEATHS 1.00 K/D EQUIPPED LAST MATCHES STATS 400The Clever Dragon The Clever Dragon  CounterbalanceSnapshotBraced FrameIron Red Dot 400Matador 64 Matador 64  Aggressive BallisticsRangefinderFull AutoRifled Barrel 400The Silvered Dread The Silvered Dread  Hidden HandField ScoutAccurized BallisticsHand-laid Stock Bones of Eao Bones of Eao Not Bound By LawShotgun Ammo Memory of Jolder Memory of Jolder No sprint cooldown INTELLECT DISCIPLINE STRENGTH ARMOR RECOVERY AGILITY Flux Grenade Flux Grenade Better Control Better Control Razor's Edge Razor's Edge Backstab Backstab Fleet Footed Fleet Footed Hungering Blade Hungering Blade myTrialsReport Emblem shogo-haga_1210 Voidwalker ✦ 400 Grimoire 5255 RECENT MATCHES 1.02 K/D 55% WINS 9 STREAK 1,550  ELO RATING 27x FLAWLESS THIS WEEK THIS MAP Hand Cannon65 30.77% Sniper Rifle41 85.37% Shotgun13 7.69% WEAPON TYPES USED MOST KILLS HEADSHOTS 35 MATCHES 25/10 WON / LOST 192/138 KILLS / DEATHS 1.39 K/D EQUIPPED LAST MATCHES STATS 400Eyasluna Eyasluna  Rifled BarrelLife SupportHot SwapTrueSight IS 400LDR 5001 LDR 5001  FireflyGrenadierLongView SLR10Snapshot 400Truth Truth  Prototype TrueseekerGrenades and HorseshoesJavelinHard Launch Ophidian Aspect Ophidian Aspect Viper TotemicSnap DischargeEnergy Projection Colovance's Choice Colovance's Choice Harmless artifact INTELLECT DISCIPLINE STRENGTH ARMOR RECOVERY AGILITY Axion Bolt Axion Bolt Focused Burst Focused Burst Lance Lance Life Steal Life Steal Angry Magic Angry Magic Vortex Mastery Vortex Mastery myTrialsReport Emblem knha_0714 Striker ✦ 400 Grimoire 5370 RECENT MATCHES 1.11 K/D 70% WINS 9 STREAK 1,744  ELO RATING 35x FLAWLESS THIS WEEK THIS MAP Shotgun22 0.00% Sniper Rifle13 84.62% Pulse Rifle2 0.00% WEAPON TYPES USED MOST KILLS HEADSHOTS 35 MATCHES 25/10 WON / LOST 184/155 KILLS / DEATHS 1.19 K/D EQUIPPED LAST MATCHES STATS 400No Land Beyond No Land Beyond  Soft BallisticsMulliganSnapshotThe MasterPrimary Care 400Matador 64 Matador 64  Aggressive BallisticsReinforced BarrelFinal RoundPerformance Bonus 400SUROS JLB-42 SUROS JLB-42  Grenades and HorseshoesWarhead VerniersJavelinSingle Point Sling Twilight Garrison Twilight Garrison Tactical Air SupportSpecial Ammo Judgment of Mars Judgment of Mars Harmless artifact[quote]*All playlists excluding Trials of Osiris, which matches teams based on card wins. [/quote] [quote]Today the development team is making a few changes to Matchmaking settings with the goal of improving your experiences in the Crucible. Here is a quote straight from the team with some details about what is being changed. [quote]We’ve made a change to the Matchmaking system in an effort to increase match quality. Our specific goal is to reduce the number of matches that begin before they fill up with players. To achieve this, we are expanding the available skill-range for other players earlier and more aggressively. We will also be looking for lower-latency matches for longer than before. Essentially, this puts a stronger bias on connection quality, with less emphasis on skill matching. This may result in slightly longer matchmaking times in some cases. For some of you, this could mean that you’ll be matched with opponents well outside of your skill range. We hope the tradeoff is worth it to improve the Crucible ecosystem in general.As always, our work in designing a Crucible experience that serves all players is never finished. Be sure to let us know what you experience out there. Our forum, just like our game, is a constant source of great feedback. [/quote] These changes are now live in all playlists*. After you play some games with the new settings, feel free to post in this thread with any feedback you have. Let us know what you think. [i]*All playlists excluding Trials of Osiris, which matches teams based on card wins. [/i][/quote]

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        • Trials is shit nothing but 2 people with over 2000 Elo and one carry 2.0 kd or above garbage bull shit I hate trials now head glitch every corner unless u make a 5000 Elo team ur self it pointless

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        • Having an even number of players before a match might be a place to start.

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        • Sbmm has been turned back on for sure

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          3 Replies
          • Edited by Alvin Thwait: 12/31/2016 8:57:10 AM
            This has turned out exactly as I thought it would. Without skill based match making you have driven out so many players that I feel you've finally destroyed your game. Since this change I am still getting matched with the same areas (France, Netherlands, etc ) so nothing has changed there. The connections are actually worse as we are now paired up with the try hards that stream on twitch all the time. This definitely causes lag (I have first hand experience of this when I streamed for one time only). Yesterday I went into a game of Supremacy with my brother. After a few minutes it could still only find 8 people wanting to play. So 4v4 we went down and as soon as we got in we both noticed that enemies ghosted up on us. Nothing on radar (even with the high detail artifact on) but suddenly 2 enemies standing in front of us with shotguns. I watched as one of my team mates got killed and his assassin crossed the entire map (Timekeeper) within 2 seconds. This is exactly how I was when I streamed. About half way in the match others started to join. Why? Who wants to join a match half way in? To cap all this off I am absolutely damn sure you have done yet another stealth nerf to pulse rifles. Prior to this I stood a chance against a sniper by knocking him/her out of scope when I hit them with my hopscotch pilgrim of hawksaw. Now they are back to being able to still one shot me in the head. I could understand if this was a one off lucky shot, but it's back to how things were before with snipers. You constantly listen to the wrong people and mess with weapons. You don't understand that people getting killed with shotguns will [i]always[/i] cry about nerfing them. Same with pulse rifles. I understand trying to balance this game is an unthankful task, but whatever you have done has pretty much destroyed pvp. Unfortunately I read OP opening post and he asks what we think of these changes and to comment below. I would be damn surprised if he even pays the slightest attention to any of these replies. I'm done.

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            • I returned to crucible after a month off due to an operation on my finger, I headed to Supremacy first to start work on the four Shaxx bounties I'd picked up during my down time. How bad could it be, Bungie have apparently made some changes to improve connection based matchmaking after all, I thought. There was so much red in that first match, 4 on opposition team and 2 on mine, the first 3 minutes were spent with hardly anyone scoring because the lag was so bad that nobody knew where the hell anyone else was. I was stood in the middle of 3 enemies at one point just shotgunning and melee'ing them with no damage and they were lagging so bad they weren't even aware of my presence. The match finally stabilised to a degree, but was still a mess. Onto my second match. Basically the exact same. I moved onto Clash, again to work on the Shaxx bounty. Pffft!! Two matches again before I decided to quit. Unplayable for the most part. Destiny PVP is a joke. Worst part is, Bungie can't (or won't) fix it. It's a scrambled example of everything that can be wrong with a PVP mode. Utter trash!! Looks like another hiatus from Crucible as I am not willing to grind that clusterf*** of a mode for anything right now. It's quite literally shocking how much of a terrible state it's in.

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            • 3
              Connections still beyond a joke in this game. Tonight I was playing with a bunch of guys from Saudi Arabia and I'm in England, they invited me to party chat to play, they were nice so I played a couple of games with them but it should not be happening, I was playing rift... you're telling me no one else was available? Worst connection in any game I've ever played, I love the game more than anything especially year one games. It could be so great if it didn't just lag all the time, and it's not like laggers are at a disadvantage they're often top table and hard to shoot.

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              3 Replies
              • Your matchmaking is still a bag of flaming crap!

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              • [u][/u][u][/u][u][u][/u][/u][u][u][/u][/u][u][/u][u][u][u][u][/u][/u][/u][/u][u][/u][u][u][/u][/u]

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              • Edited by Racebum: 12/31/2016 12:24:16 PM
                I'm reading all these comments and I agree with the majority. The game is just fuked. A large percentage of matches are unplayable if you actually care about things like hit registration and shot timing. I live on the west coast of the United States and check some of these profiles that have languages from Europe and South America. One of my friends that has a netduma can actually see the locations of players. We were seeing West Coast. Midwest, East Coast, Brazil, and Scotland all in the same damn match. I mean really it's our fault for sticking around. Really good games like Battlefield and Titanfall 2 are out. Matches actually play properly. All I know is I hope you guys get something figured out because you're pissing off a lot of players and that is going to really cut into your destiny 2 sales figures. Need an example? 3 words. Call of Duty

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              • I like your lies.

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              • I can predict the future. Bungie will come back from their holiday break and post an apology for "accidentally " reverting all the crucible matchmaking back to SBMM as priority when the Dawning came out. Then everyone on the forums will get incredibly salty and claim it was a conspiracy to try and sneak SBMM back into the crucible. All will be revealed in two weeks...

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              • try warframe ! great game . ill see y'all in destiny 2. no point playing it now

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              • I wanted to create an updated comment after a longer exposure to these changes. Connection quality and match quality seems to be very poor again. I am not sure if this is due to low overall crucible population or if these changes were altered after the Dawning update. This is the most frustrating experience I have ever had in the crucible and I have played since year 1. I cannot even play a 3v3 without lag, how can the matchmaking system not find 3 other people with good connections? I do not think I can bring myself to play this game anymore, I am tired of facing Redbar gods. It does not make the game competitive when it matches me against similar skilled players and my guns do no damage.

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                • RIP destiny

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                • Um quick question. Does archon's forge drop exotic shards? Or can you only get them fron daily public events?

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                • Edited by Matt204MoNeY: 12/28/2016 2:05:58 AM
                  Bungie I had an absolute horrible experience in Crucible today as a solo player. If there is a group of 4 in a 6v6 playlist I am ALWAYS matched against them. Since "The Dawning" my win% has gone from 45-55 down to 30-35. Connections are good for the most part but still as always there are 1-2 red/yellow bars that almost always lead the fireteam in score. Although I find some matches sweaty and exciting most of the time it's -blam!- or be -blam!-. I just looked at my past 7 games kdr 0.00, 1.00, 0.62, 0.73, 9.00, 0.33, 0.50. I lost all with the exception of the obvious kdr. In that 9.0 match I was loaded into an already-started salvage match up 1800-200 where the two other people on my team were just farming kills and not concentrating on capturing the relic. Shortly after the I joined 2 of the 3 opposing guardians left the game. I was getting easy kills for a change and even was killing a guy just sitting because he was fed up. And I felt bad for him but thought that was me the last 5 matches. I've been trying to "git gud" and clawed my characters to a slightly + kdr. But I think with the changes to MM I'm going to take a break from the game and hopefully it gets fixed. I had absolutely no problem with the lobby times before this recent fix and now it's no better. I don't know what the answer is but I do know I have been enjoying Crucible less as of late.

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                • [quote]Today the development team is making a few changes to Matchmaking settings with the goal of improving your experiences in the Crucible. Here is a quote straight from the team with some details about what is being changed. [quote] We’ve made a change to the Matchmaking system in an effort to increase match quality. Our specific goal is to reduce the number of matches that begin before they fill up with players. To achieve this, we are expanding the available skill-range for other players earlier and more aggressively. We will also be looking for lower-latency matches for longer than before. Essentially, this puts a stronger bias on connection quality, with less emphasis on skill matching. This may result in slightly longer matchmaking times in some cases. For some of you, this could mean that you’ll be matched with opponents well outside of your skill range. We hope the tradeoff is worth it to improve the Crucible ecosystem in general. As always, our work in designing a Crucible experience that serves all players is never finished. Be sure to let us know what you experience out there. Our forum, just like our game, is a constant source of great feedback. [/quote] These changes are now live in all playlists*. After you play some games with the new settings, feel free to post in this thread with any feedback you have. Let us know what you think. [i]*All playlists excluding Trials of Osiris, which matches teams based on card wins. [/i][/quote] BROKEN

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                • Remove SBMM stop the blatant lies

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                • Im have red bars everyday since the dawning. My internet is fantastic never a problem but yet im lagging in game something is wrong. I never had this problem until this past event.

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