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4/14/2011 6:10:58 AM

my first girl thread - Dedicated to singles/loners/Forever Alones

[url=]Leave this song open as you read.[/url] . . . Good evening, Flood. How are you? I was just thinking about my life and stuff, and I felt like sharing a dream of mine. I like to daydream, you see. Sometimes I make up awesome action sequences that would blow everyone's mind if they were to be in a movie. Other times it's something like a music video or a dance sequence that would totally revolutionize pop culture. I have a good imagination :) Which brings me to the next thing I daydream about most: love. Having a girlfriend. To have someone to love, and be loved back by them just the same. Surely you guys all do, too? So there's this girl. Name's Yvonne. She is basically the sweetest, cutest, most wonderful girl I know. I like her, and I think she might like me too. I'd ask her out, but I'm waiting for the perfect opportunity. In the meantime, I just have these daydreams of being with her, talking with her; holding her hand, going places with her, having fun with her; hugging her, comforting her when she's crying. You know what I mean. There's this one recurring daydream I always have about her; it's really nice too. As a matter of fact it's based on a thread from a couple days ago about "what would you do if the world would end tomorrow?" The premise is that there's an asteroid that is going to crash into the earth and kill everybody. So, being the daydreamer I am, I dreamt up this hypothetical situation about how, if the world were going to end tomorrow, I would contact Yvonne and tell her I liked her. In this fantasy, she likes me too, so we decide to go out and be together on the last day of our lives. Holding hands, we walk around the streets and city; it's a mess. People are breaking into here, killing someone there, having sex there; it's absolute chaos. The details of what we do on our romantic pre-apocalyptic date together are irrelevant (not sex, btw; unless she wanted it); let's fast forward... It's nighttime now. Yvonne and I end our day together [url=]sitting under tree, gazing at the night sky.[/url] It looks especially pretty tonight, so tranquil and peaceful; Every star and every planet and every galaxy seems to be visible tonight. It's ironic, considering we're all going to die in a matter of minutes or hours and never see it again. In this dream, I can also play guitar, so while we're lying there looking up at the stars, I'm serenading Yvonne with the song that you're hearing right now. She scoots closer and we cuddle, her cheek against mine. Feeling a tear begin to run down her cheek, I look at her to check what's wrong. She's staring up, apparently at something in the sky. I follow her gaze and, realizing what she sees, I lie down next to her on the grass. Our hands meet as we lay there, watching a bright fireball in the sky get closer and closer. - - - The end. Any of you feel like sharing your dreams you have about that special someone? I may not know who she/he is, but I'm sure they're amazing. P.S. Right now, I've decided I'll try to make this into a movie or a short film. We're trying to come up with a title! Any suggestions are welcome (but keep them serious plz) [Edited on 04.14.2011 6:01 PM PDT]
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  • The first thing I thought of was that Yvonne could have a small temporary tattoo of a swan somewhere on her body. Here's why: Being "temporary", the tattoo is a symbol of one of the themes of your story; limited time. Just as the world is a temporary mark in the universe, as love is a fleeting emotion, and as humanity as a hole will vanish into the "skin" of the Earth, so will the swan fade from view. But there will always be remnants, little black lines, like an epitaph of someone or something that was once great. I see the character of Yvonne as something of a delicate figure hovering overhead, not unlike a bird, out of reach except for one beautiful day after which no one will ever touch her again. As time passes, so will the ink disappear, and so will the swan's song drift into space where nothing exists. Here we are all equal, actualized in a web of one conscious, and where neither you or Yvonne exist.

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