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4/8/2011 6:34:03 PM

The Flood's Lifehacker Thread

[b][u][url=]Now Featured On "Know Your Meme!"[/url][/u][/b] [i]"Please do not post any lifehacks that are illegal or otherwise violate the forum rules."[/i] [b]Well Flood, the first thread got locked and is now being deleted due to lifehacks being illegal and stuff. So, here's all the ones from the other thread minus the ones that can get you and me banned. Oh, and no more blogs allowed[/b] [b]Q. What is a Lifehack?[/b] A.It's basically like shortcuts, tips, and tricks in your life that could help you out. Share your secrets to life on The Flood [quote][b][u]Lifehack Archive[/u][/b][/quote] [url=]How To Cheat With Dice[/url] [url=]How To Properly Open A Banana[/url] [url=]How To Hide Files In JPG[/url] [url=]General, Everyday, Important Lifehacks[/url] [url=]How To Use An Elevator Without Stopping[/url] [url=]How To Hack Your Brains Sleeping Cycles[/url] [url=]Computer Brightness Hack. Time of Day = Brightness. Good for Mornings and Evenings[/url] [url=]How To Win At Rock, Paper, Scissors[/url] [url=]Oreo Life-Hack[/url] [url=]The Ultimate Life-Hack Guide. Literally[/url] [url=]How To Cook The Perfect Steak[/url] [url=]How To Flip The Bird Around The World[/url] [url=]Best Anti-virus' For Windows 7[/url] [url=]Homemade KFC Secret Spices[/url] [url=]How To Spot A Hidden Handgun[/url] [url=]How To (Properly) Hop A Fence[/url] [url=]US Army Call Signs[/url] [url=]The Ultimate MANual Guide To Male Grooming[/url] [url=]The Ultimate Apple Guide (Baking and Taste)[/url] [url=]How To Make A Hollow Book[/url] [url=]Building Computers Parts Guide![/url] [url=]Big Mac Secret Sauce[/url] [url=]How To Make 8-Bit Songs[/url] [url=]100 General/Best Lifehacks of 2010[/url] [url=]10 Foods You Can Make In A Coffee Maker[/url] [url=]Quick Easy Beer Storage[/url] [url=]How to Cure Burnt Fingers With Earlobes And More[/url] [url=]Lifehack Website (Found By BRICKchiken)[/url] [url=]How To Protect Your Computer (And It's Privacy)[/url] [url=]How To Move Music From Your iPod To Your PC Without iTunes Blocking[/url] [url=]How To Turn A Sweater Into A Laptop Bag[/url] [url=]In Case You Get Pulled Over By The Cops...[/url] [url=]Turn Your Chip/Snack Bag Into A Handy Chip/Snack Bowl[/url] [url=]Alt Code Reference Sheet[/url] [url=]How To Make Any Shoelace Pattern (I Like This One)[/url] [url=]How To Tell If Someone Is Lying[/url] [url=]Proof that 0.999... = 1[/url] [url=]Computer Boot Up Trouble Shooting Flow Chart[/url] [url=]Tips On How To Live To 100[/url] [url=]Algebra Properties[/url] [url=]Geometry Properties[/url] [url=]Calculus Properties[/url] [url=] Mac People VS PC People[/url] [url=]How To Make Any Type Of Coffee[/url] [url=]C++ Tips And How-To[/url] [url=]What Your Dreams Really Mean[/url] [url=]Budgeting Tips To Help You Save Money[/url] [url=]How To Chill Any Drink In 2 Minutes[/url] [url=]How To Save $40 On Button Cell Batteries[/url] [url=]How To Make A $100 Flashlight For Only $10[/url] [url=]How To Boost The Range Of Any Remote[/url] [url=]How To Read Body Language[/url] [url=]/g/'s Computer Building Guide[/url] [quote] [/quote] [u][b]If You Find A Problem/Bug Or Need Assistance, Feel Free To PM Me[/b][/u] [Edited on 01.07.2012 7:43 PM PST]
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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] old bad dog [b][u]Note To Mods, This Is A Prank you may play on April Fools, Not A Rule Breaking Offence[/u][/b] Creating a Fake and Harmless Computer "Virus" Note: This is really just a shutdown code. It in no way has any potential to steal information or content from any PC. It's an easy trick. 1. Create a new shortcut. ..a: In the target box you can input any command you want the computer to run. Like a shutdown. 2. To create a shutdown command, type "shutdown t s #Time". ....Ex: "shutdown t s 30" (this is set to shut down after 30 seconds). 3. After this, you may wish to add a little message in addition to your "virus" that tricks your friends. After you type the time for the shutdown, add "-c "TEXT"". Always type your message with quotation marks, or this will not work. 4. You probably want to give your little trick a specific name, something that'll seem innocent. Like "Internet Explorer." Just rename it. 5. Now you're going to need to change the icon, so it looks presentable. Right click > Properties > Change Icon > (Choose one to match your name) and click "Ok" or "Apply", whichever shows up. After you are finished, it should look a little something like this: Name: Internet Explorer Icon: (Internet Explorer) Directory (or path target): shutdown s t 30 -c "Thought this was the internet, didn't you?" There you go. It's an easy trick, I think most people already know this. Again, this is completely harmless, but only slightly if you set it to run at start up. Just go to your "Run" tool, and type in "shutdown -a." This will abort the shutdown.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Twiggyy When it's hot as hell out, and you're trying to fall asleep. Try putting all of the pillows on your bed, in the freezer. ;)[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Teh Illusive Man I don't know if this counts as a life hack, but we all know how that gas molecules are more dense when they're cold, right? So, it's better to fill up your car when it's cold outside, (Night or very early morning) to get potentially more fuel. Nothing drastic, like a mile of gas, but it still works.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] old bad dog Nutrition Cocktail (kinda) First get Green Tea. It's very healthy, and has been known to fight many types of cancer. Black Tea works as well, but offers a few less benefits. Warm it up. Then, try to find some good, wholesome, and honest fruit or vegetable juice. Pomegranate has seemed to taste the best, but that's just me. It all depends on you. Fair warning, this may taste either really good, or vomit-inducingly disgusting, again, it's all based on you. Try finding some healthy ground spices around the house, like Nutmeg, Cinnimon, Ginger(be cautious with Ginger), Basil, etc. Many spices offer numerous health benefits. Ginger is good for the digestive track, cinnimon is good for pain relief (although that may require a high dose, which isn't fun), and Nutmeg increases brain activity and helps lower blood sugar and cholestrol. I'm sorry, I have been vague with this, but only because there are so many variables to take into account here. Example: The Tea : Juice Ratio you are using (half and half is what I do), the types of spices, doses of spices you are using, etc. Just use what you think works, what you think is right. And, you can always flavor with a bit of sugar if you like. Next step: Mix it all. All of it. Although, it is better to use a taller glass, as you have more freedom to add more ingredients. This can be a tough hack, but it helps. Pros: Good feeling, nutritional boost, and a healthy beverage. Cons: Potentially horrid taste, possible "crumby" feeling (rare), and probably a bit of gas. NOTES: Be careful, before you do this you should try to find the maximum for using spices before it is an overdose or at the "toxicity" line. Like using too much Nutmeg can impair brain progression and cause hallucinations. Cinnimon can also cause muscle fatigue if too much is used. Basil can induce a high heart rate (very rare). Results may vary. This isn't supposed to be a one-shot wonder, or cancer cure. Just a boost.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] old bad dog Relieving Headaches Have you ever had a headache you just don't have time for? Can't find the aspirin? Don't want to deal with it? There's a neat trick that works to relieve the pain using pressure points. In the Meridian theory, chinese medicine, and actupuncture, there is a pressure point called Large Intestine 4 (LI4, for short). Rubbing [url=¤t=LI42.jpg]this[/url] point in a clockwise motion, or rubbing up in the direction of the arm (that is actually very advanced, be cautious with that one). You should be rubbing from both the top and bottom of the hand. You should feel it right about where the meat of the thumb and the bones of your thumb and index finger meet. You know you have it when you feel a tiny ball-like part inside. Be careful, though, pressure point work affects your body to the point (no pun intended) where your body may need up to 72 hours to repair bioelectrical energy that runs through a damaged point. Don't work on this point too long, as it can have a negative effect, and possibly make the headache worse. [/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Multijirachi Here is hack for all Zynga games: First, go into the selected game. Once it loads, you should have a box in the corner of the screen that allows you to accept gifts in-game. Accept all the gifts you want to clone. Next, go into the homepage. Once there, scroll down until you find the button that reads 'Game requests". From there, you can re-acept your gifts for 2 times the fun![/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DynamicVamp If you're Xbox controllers are running low on batteries, and there are none nearby, try turning off vibration (which uses a lot of battery) and turning up sensitivity (that way you're remote won't have to process so much, and you'll still be able to turn a lot. The triggers also use up more battery than the buttons and d-pad, so if you can, switch controls to operate on those mainly.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DynamicVamp There are many devices that can snatch up nearby credit/debit card numbers. To prevent this, simply cover it with aluminum foil and keep it in your wallet.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DynamicVamp Not sure if a Lifehack, but here's some tips for Firefox tht make browsing easier: Ctrl + Shift + T = Reload Closed Tab Ctrl + Shift + R = Reload Web Page, Override Cache Ctrl + Shift + Tab = Go Backwards When Scrolling Through Tabs (right to left) Ctrl + Shift + G = Find Toolbar searches page backwards (down to up) Ctrl + Shift + Del = Clear Private Data Ctrl + Shift + D = Bookmark All Open Tabs Ctrl + Shift Shortcuts Ctrl+Shift+Enter = Adds .org to the end of an address in the address bar Ctrl + Shift + B = Organize Bookmarks Ctrl + Shift + E = Adblockplus addon preferences Ctrl + Shift + F = Foxmarks Addon settings Ctrl + Shift + H = Show Browsing History Ctrl + Shift + J = Firefox Error Console Ctrl + Shift + L = Open selected links using the Linky addon Ctrl + Shift + Q = Foxclock addon Zone Picker Ctrl + Shift + S = Synchronize books using Foxmarks Addon Ctrl + Shift + V = Show items blockable with the Adblockplus addon Ctrl + Shift + W = Close the current window Ctrl + Shift + X = toggle typing direction of current textbox[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Y SO REACH BETA When trying to form habits, do ANYTHING to make the activity fun for your brain. Our brains love to do things that give us a good feeling. It's a natural high that we are rewarded with. Typically exercise habits fall short because people break the habit forming process while they're, well, trying to form the habit. When exercising, keep pushing until you get the good feeling that comes with exercise and remember that rest and diet are VERY important. Listen to music, chew your favorite gum, do anything that you can while exercising that may help you get more enjoyment out of the experience, while not spoiling it. And NEVER reward yourself for your hard work by cheating your routine. That does not fly. [/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Morpheus300 For a quick, easy and cheap meal, get some Minced Meat [REAL MICE MEAT, NOT THE STUFF FROM MINCE PIES](Or TVP mince, chopped Onion, Canned potatoes, canned tomatos, Mild Chili Powder (Not essencial but gives it taste), a few stock cubes, some Mashed potato powder and some water. Step 1: Get an ample sized saucepan out and brown off the mince (If vegitarian, use TVP mince and rehydrate it). Step 2: put chopped onions in the saucepan with the mince and stir them in. Open and drain the can of potatoes, put them in to the pan. Repeat with the canned tomatos but keep the juices, they add flavour. Step 3: Add about 2-4 teaspoons of Mild Chilli Powder Step 4: Crumble a stock cube (Flavour depends on what you want) and pour the water in (Not alot needed, roughly 500Ml). Step 5: Stir all the ingredients together Step 6: Leave the ingredients to simmer for a while, stirring every now and again to prevent the mix from sticking. Add in a small amount of mashed potato once the water is boiling. Step 7: Once the mix has boiled for a good 2 mins and the mince is fully cooked, serve the mix in bowls. I hope people enjoy this recipe, it's quick to make and reasonably priced (Well, in my area of the UK it is).[/quote] [Edited on 11.10.2012 9:23 AM PST]

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