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10/28/2016 4:12:22 PM
I have bought silver, and to be honest, I apologize to the community for doing so. My problem is this. I bought some silver, got some treasure packages and got a bunch of the new stuff. Yay, right? No. I think it is bullshit, and after doing the quests for the ONE treasure you can earn in game, the short but annoying quest for ONE treasure. I got nothing. I mean I got something, but it was in no way a reward worth the time put in to the quest chain. And that got me thinking about the people who don't spend any money. Content obfuscated by a pay wall, one month after a PAID expansion, which, while cool, was a tad over priced for the amount of content that it added to the game. Because there is no matchmaking for end game activities, a lot of players are paying for shit they will never actually see. And I get it, the whole point is to coordinate with friends, do things as a team. I don't disagree with that aspect. I just kind of feel like there needs to be some middle ground. So yeah, I am sorry to all of you for actually supporting this micro transaction system. I really do think it detracts from what players are able to experience just by playing the game they paid for. I won't be buying anymore silver, and I won't be supporting any future updates that require it to have access to the fancy loot.

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