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Edited by Spawn: 10/20/2016 3:31:08 PM

Who else is sick of people in the recruitment forums..

I mean really guys. Raid has been out for about a day and you're asking for people over 390-395? Like seriously in my many many years on this website through multiple accounts jumping back to when this was a halo website I've never seen people want to be separate from others in the community so much. Personally my best character is at 387 yet I still completed the raid with people at lower light levels then myself. I honestly think this stuff needs to stop, asking for people over 390 a day after it's launched or for the hard mode emblem is ridiculous just like every single trials poster saying 'Must have year 3 emblem' when they 1. Don't have it themselves or 2. think that an emblem means that they're better then everyone else. Rant over. Note: I get that people can ask for whatever they want, that's not the point though. The point is that this community should be trying to help get people through the raid that don't have the emblem or haven't reached 390 yet, help get these players that might actually be good at pvp but haven't found a group to get to the lighthouse because people only want 'Emblem' players. Destiny was designed to be a game that brings people together but rather most people on this forum use it to tear that design apart. Edit 1: *sighs* I guess people love using the same old arguments, "why not make your own?" Well to answer that, because post are buried in seconds. Oh another one of my faves here, "well we want skilled players with high light level"... like... really?... Light Level accounts for skill..? Ha... hahaha.. And since when was PvE skill based? Edit 2: Yeeeess, YEEEESS, let the hate flow through all you elitist that think you need skill to do a PvE activity & that 385 is apparently to low of a requirement when it'll be three manned next week. Edit 3: Also, the reason I bitch about this like many say is because there are many 390+ teams that can't get it done. It lower level players can get it done easy which also goes to show this stupid requirement crap is just a horrible thing, what next, the second challenge mode drops it'll be 'must have completed mode even though it just dropped 2 minutes ago'.. Edit 4: Ahh gotta love the destiny 'community' lmfao. Remember when this was the halo community and it wasn't as toxic, the good ol days. Edit 5: This has turned into a giant storm in the comments lmfao. It's about as bad as Hillary or Trump. (Trump is better then Hillary by the by) LET THE ANGER FLOW THEOUGH.

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  • Playing with randoms is completely different to running with friends. Sure we all were lower light when we done it first time but why should we possibly have to carry lower light people if we don't know them? Nothing stopping you from making your own party either is there? Silly child

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    • Edited by Sllaakkeerr: 10/25/2016 9:35:59 PM
      YO! Checked your profile... don't act like you know. Anyone else see this joke of a carry? YOU are the reason people can't get things done when purples turn in to 385! It gives noobs EVERYTHING and they work for NONE of what BETA and Day 1's SLAVED for. How about this, stop LFG'ng and start LFM. Make a group of little complainers that just don't get it at less than HALF the light necessary on every character and roll up in to a fresh WotM HM raid with all your little like minded buddies. Have fun playing the only respawn point of the raid forever. PvE requires no skill? Then why can't you get a group? What a joke... Anyone reading this who is serious and becoming ashamed of being a part of this community because of people like this hit me up. Look for HM Raid Crew, [HMRC], in the group section, or do a search in your PlayStation communities for WotM HM Raid Loop 3x, or PM Sllaakkeerr and let's put the last ten points of light between us and the bar a scrub still can't cut. Don't suck.

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      2 Replies
      • [quote]The point is that this community should be trying to help get people through the raid that don't have the emblem or haven't reached 390 yet.[/quote] Typical entitled scrub. The [i]point[/i] is that people who aren't high enough light to satisfy LFG demands should STFU, increase their light level, or put together their own group. No one has a responsibility to carry you through content you're obviously too lazy to prepare for.

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        5 Replies
        • Edited by evomichel: 10/20/2016 11:49:30 AM
          Let me tell you something: before hard mode droped, on the second week after RoI was released, i was LL 386, and it was time to try the raid (my first time, but i really knew what to do). So i posted on lfg, need group, 365+. Boom, lots of invites. Tried with one group, after 2 freaking hours we got to phase 2 on aksis. Then another 2 hours and some -blam!-er always die with empowered on, just befor the last ball. Then i gave up. Next time, i started again, now with my warlock, with the same results. Try again, now with my hunter. Put requirements: Be 385+, know the raid. will check. After 3 minutes, i got invited, and an hour later, we killed aksis, with a single wipe in the entire raid. So, -blam!- scrubs, i'm not joining a team with lower light them i am. ATM, if you are sub 390, you are a scrub that didn't put enough effort to play the game and be ready for hard mode.

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          37 Replies
          • Ever hear of personal responsibility? You should be in the 380's by now; preferably in the 390's. I recruit players based on merit. It's foolish to think I'm doing a disservice by playing to win.

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          • Start your own LFG?

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          • Lol! You get some real tools out there. I try and keep groups and tactics similar so we can make activities easier. If I do use a group it from and it works very well.

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          • Anyone else hate these dumb bait post that are a desperate cry for attention?

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          • Agreed. I meet most requirements asked for recruitment but still get my ass kicked sometimes. Ive also beaten every raid with 10 light levels less then recommended. All i ever ask anyone is to hold your own, and communicate. Its sad that these people who ask for requirments were once in many others same boat. Ive seen groups of 365 post 370 requirments, like wtf. Its sad too cus those players arent actually that good. Considering they seem to want to only play with (in their mind) the best, they dont even know how good they are. Everything is easy when your fireteam is knowledgeable. I find it funny too cuz these players arent even day one players and dont even know what true skill it took to get this far. I cant wait till they update the old raids and those douschcanoes are struggling in the vault of glass.

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          • Edited by Kwisatz Haderach: 10/20/2016 4:12:30 PM
            under 390, MUTED! Seriously. Get good scrub. I went from 386 to 395 in one day of grinding.

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            12 Replies
            • Friend reached 395 before he went into the hard raid. Quit yet bitchin

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              • I had a one guy say "Must be 390+ with emblem and know what to do..." I joined the game, he was a 381, no emblem and no hard completions. I may not be the best raider, but I stay away from people who post specific requirements -- I met damn near all of them anyway. Hell, I joined a few randoms off the forums and we couldn't get passed Vosiks phase 2... 2 people left, I invited my friend and someone invited one of there's... we beat it after the third attempt when they took my advice. We get to the siege engine and all but two of us are dead and we still beat it in under 6 minutes... we five maned Aksis because someone couldn't stay alive. I don't like LFG on the recruitment page, I just went there last night because I had no friends and wanted to collect the last of the raid weapons gear. All I need is the chest piece and class item. I should be 400 after Xur arrives with some Three of coin.

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              • I've had pretty positive experiences from the recruitment forums so far. They're definitely better than regular LFG sites IMO. People are always going to have specific requests for what they will and will not accept into their group but that's fine because its their group. I appreciate seeing the over the top requests because it warns me to stay away from those people from the start. The bigger problem that Bungies recruitment forums is better at filtering out is the liars. From my experience people here tend to tell the truth more since we can find out anything about a guardians experience in 2 clicks.

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              • I love this game, but these assholes are the reason I am leaving for Battlefield One. I have left before. but came back because blops 3 and AW sucked ass. However I love Battlefield One and doubt I will be back.

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                2 Replies
                • I'm sick of people in this game in general. The elitist jackassery spreading to pve is disheartening, keep it in pvp folks.

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                  • I know right? I just couldn't get a team for hard raid because I was 388 and then I just went and did it with some 380s to 386s and finished it in an hour or two

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                  • it's sick, but the truth is this... Carrying someone could me the difference between getting rewards or not.

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                  • The absolute worst thing I saw recently was an LFG post for the CoE requiring everyone to be 365+. This was right after RoI came out, so it was a pretty big deal to some people to be 365. I have no problems with people making their own groups having requirements to get in. But the requirements should make sense. If you want people to be a high enough LL to do full damage in a raid, I totally get that. If you only want people that have already finished it before to get it done faster, I understand that too. But, requiring people to be 40 LL's higher than an activity's LL a year after it's been out and everyone and their little brother has already completed it 1000 times is just asinine.

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                  • The community does not have an obligation to teach or carry people.

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                    33 Replies
                    • Edited by KurtPanzerNader: 10/20/2016 3:07:48 PM
                      This is why I don't even bother with hard raid. You can level up without doing the raid, only do it when you feel like it or just want to do for something to do. My challenge will be 400 without doing any hard raid for all 3 of my characters.

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                      3 Replies
                      • Grimore shows ur skill, not light lvl, when I see some kid with 3400 grimore forcing me to be 390+, then I get really pissed. I bet I can do much better in KF with my 367 than anyone who is 385+ cause kf is the only raid where u need to be skillful, wotm is -blam!-ing easy

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                        10 Replies
                        • hmmm, just ignore those posts then if you are not happy? no one said you have to join those groups, people posting for high lvl players are looking for a quick run with alot of DPS to get the job done fast, is that a crime is it? LFG is there for you to make the team you want, people can do what ever they want on there, Akis is a fairly long fight, and with good DPS you can down him witout using all platforms which makes the fight shorter which means you can get it done faster and on to the next activity... some people dont have time to waste trying to teach people shit...IMO why would you want to spend more time then you need on raids? considering we will be doing it 3 x a week for the next 12 months..

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                        • join a clan, id suggest. LFG ive met maybe a couple of really awesome people that are just the best in the world, and ive met lots and lots lots of people who are not worth knowing. but the awesome poeple i have met are like out of this world awesome.

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                        • I do agree that people shouldn't be so strict on LFG/LFM posting. But I can definitely see where they are coming from. While most of the Raid doesn't really matter what your Light is (unless it's Heroic you want to do, which I imagine so) it's mostly Aksis Phase 2 that most people are concerned about. It's fine when you know what is going on, but people that are new to the Raid and low Light die easily. Even after someone spends ten minutes or so explaining the fight and asking "Does anyone have any questions?". For some people, like myself, they can tolerate people not getting it and needing a few runs to understand. Most people don't have that kind of patience and just want to get the Raid done. And I will admit, it is frustrating when two hours into the Aksis fight people still won't say when and where they are Empowered.

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                        • Those are called Please Carry Me posts, A.K.A. PCMs.

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