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10/11/2016 9:32:52 AM

Rangefinder: Does it not work on some shotguns? (correct me if I'm wrong!)

Before anyone goes raging in the comments... this is all based on the Reddit forums for the Crucible Playbook, the way the perk affects a shotguns stats.. These tests are done with my Vendor Roll Last Ditch, the quest reward Conspiracy Theory D and Proud Spires that I have. Keep in mind this is also done with non-upgraded ones as well to see what the base range really is- due to the armory not always having correct information. So Rangefinder, for those who don't know the numbers, adds to most weapons a 20% range increase off the base range stat of the gun when aimed down sights. However Bungie changed it to a 5% addition to Shotguns only. So... how much does Rangefinder affect shotguns? As we know, all perks such as Rifled Barrel, Reinforced Barrel and Hammer Forged affect each gun differently. But I tried my best here! Last Ditch from the Vendor has Soft Ballistics, Hammer Forged, and Range Finder. It has a base range of 23, so with Rangefinder, that bumps it up by 5% to a base range of 24 range. Not a lot... But then with Hammer forged bumping it up to 29 range, that makes it a 30 range shotgun. So not a big bump, but it helps out. (Max range sitting at 32 according to the armory) Theory D from the reward for doing the quest from Ikora, has a smooth ballistics, Range finder, Rifled Barrel and Performance bonus. Including the range bump with Rangefinder, the base range of Theory D goes from 16 base to 16.8 ... so not a lot. Pretty much staying at 16 base range. Add on Rifled Barrel which bumps that base range to a max 31 range! That is a huge jump in range, and that is without Rangefinder doing anything for it. (Max range sitting at 31 according to the armory) Proud Spire is up next, mine rolled with Reinforced Barrel, Lightweight and Rangefinder. At base range Proud Spire is sitting at 15 range according to the guns stats (armory has it at 13, gun says it's 15 base) and with Rangefinder... it sits at 15.54 base range. So.. not a lot. However with Reinforced Barrel it bumps the guns range up to 27 range. (Max range sitting at 27 according to the armory) So why is it that Rangefinder doesn't do a whole lot for the shorter ranged shotguns? Or is that .54 and .8 really helping out the range so much? Maybe I'm missing something, does anyone who may know a bit more on how the percentage of these perks help out at all? According to the numbers... Rangefinder really only (based on numbers) affects longer ranged shotties. Again... maybe I'm missing something- maybe the numbers don't matter as much, but in game play might be a better test.

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