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9/22/2016 6:00:56 PM

Since Saladin is no longer coming to the Tower

We need some new purpose for his event area. Here are some ideas, some already suggested by the community in other ways: - A firing range. A place to test newly acquired or any current vendor weapon for sale in the tower - An LFG meetup site. Have stations setup with people sitting next to options for RAID, NIGHTFALL, PATROL, CRUCIBLE, etc. If you’re not going to give us optional matchmaking, at least offer a place for teams to create their own party in the game. - Basketball hoops for the purple ball, for people to kill some time - Dead Orbit. The dude who needs a suntan sits under the stairs all day long, becoming even more pasty white. At least FWC has an office and New Monarch has a lounge. Let him get a little sun once in a while. - Reef and Iron Temple representatives. Instead of us having to fly to each social space, we can visit a Variks representative or Shiro representative. - Eris Morn. I’m tired of listening to that creepy morbid b!tch on the way to Shaxx or the Vanguard. Stick her over there so that we don’t have to hear her chanting and end of the world prophecies anymore. - A Guardian Fleemarket… a place where Guardians can drop off unwanted items for either trade or to sell with other Guardians. Yes, this is a trading type system, but at this point in the game, you might as well just let people trade things. - A statue of our guardian, considering we’ve saved the solar system from the Vex, Crota, Skolas, Oryx & now SIVA. Pretty sure we deserve a little recognition higher than being called a Young Wolf by Saladin the entire campaign. By now, we should have Become Legend.
#Destiny #Endgame

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