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Edited by TacTheScribbler: 9/23/2016 1:48:13 PM

Cheater's Demise (Part 3)

Kellis felt Shaxx’s grip on his breastplate, followed by the sensation of weightlessness as the Striker threw him at the outpost’s weathered walls. Brick gave way as he smashed into the old building. Chips of stone and chunks of masonry exploded outward, clouding the area with dust and debris. Bits of stonework rained down around the incapacitated Guardian. If only he could [i]breathe[/i]. A moment later, something clacked on the bricks heaped around him. A flash-bang grenade. Kellis threw his arm over his face and closed his eyes, but the detonation still deafened him and sent Arc Light screaming through his body. He scrambled backward, extricating himself from bits of ceiling and chunks of brickwork. ‘Glint, help me!’ Kellis felt a stab of pain as the cartilage in his throat popped back into place. He sucked in several breaths of much-needed oxygen as he clambered to his feet and retreated through a side door to see Shaxx approaching the collapsed wall. He approached and grabbed the Titan’s shoulder. Fast as the Arc Light that made him a Striker, Shaxx reached up and gripped the offending arm, twisting his body and throwing Kellis to his stomach on the ground. Keeping a firm grip on the Defender’s wrist, Shaxx planted a boot on Kellis’s back, and the Guardian visibly winced as his shoulder threatened to remove itself from its socket. Shaxx only gave him a moment to contemplate his predicament before he wrenched the limb free and released his grip. To his credit, Kellis neither screamed nor shouted, although he gave a pained gasp and attempted to rise. His now-useless right arm hung at his side, and the he clutched at his ribs with his uninjured left hand. The old veteran had apparently broken a few. But Kellis wasn’t done. He opened his good hand, summoned his Light, and flicked his wrist. The suppression grenade landed at Shaxx’s feet. ~~~~ [b]Another short one. Lots going on these days, but I hope to keep writing once things settle down a bit. Thanks for reading![/b]

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