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4/16/2010 9:56:31 PM

One Final Effort

There are those who said this day would never come... [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=25650] click for full story [/url]

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  • Halo 2 will be missed, my first Xbox Live Gamertag sported [url=]my endeavors[/url] in Halo 2 MP. Good times. I was an addict foaming at the mouth for MP carnage years on end. I held the illustrious LAN party more than once and slightly less than twenty times. In fact, H2 LANs are the reason there are four standard def tvs taking up space in my garage (for sale btw.) Something I never noticed until now still eludes me. Urk, maybe you can find this one out. When you are searching for games/players in H2 Optimatch, the blue screen with data scrolling by caught my eye. It scrolls a little fast, half displayed and obscured by the UI but I definitely know it is in English. The part I keep catching over and over is "...DAVIDCANDLANDISTHEGREATEST...DESIGNER..." What other hilarious things might I be missing? Please tell me, for I will never see it again!

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  • Moments in time. My favorite moment was the first night our over [u]age 50 group[/u] played our first age exclusive game almost five years ago. I welcomed the group and we started to play. For some strange reason all those same people, and more, have kept showing up at the same time each week ever since then. Does it get any better than that? :)

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  • Best Halo 2 Memory.......God 6.6 years of my life poured into a single game, well best game. It's hard to think about it and me makes me feel quite older then I should be and Quite sad. Over the years I have met truly awesome people and many of them have dissipated out of my friends list, the good times of Pre-zombies where when you got infected you had to be yelled at to switch. Those were the good days.....but the memory that truly set halo 2 apart form every other halo was playing it with my older brothers. Back when it first came out I was a 5th Grader and they were still in high school. I remember In halo CE they always kicked my ass. Once halo 2 came however, I was finally good and we all would hook up on live and kick butt. That Family - halo fun was what made halo 2 awesome the sheer awesomeness when I grabbed the flag or planted the bomb and I for that single moment made my brothers yell "Hell Yeah!" Those memories will be we me forever and it's painful to know even when we are all done with college Halo 2 will be gone forever. Good bye Halo 2. You will be missed. Hopeful reach has a Throw-back game-type to you.

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  • Halo2 was by far my favourite game. I loved sticking people and sniping. Halo3 just didnt do justice when it came to plasma gernades (having 4 at a time) and the sniper rifle (it's just too slow in h3). I also loved using the h2 maps to my advantage (crouch jumping up high to suprise my persuers). I loved the variation between choosing a small map like midship/lockout or picking a big one like coagulation. One of my fondest memories of h2 was the matchmaking lobby because you could talk to everyone while waiting for a game. Youd either befriend people or find enemies before the game even started. H2 was my life for as long as I can remember. I was able to reach out of my shyness and make true everlasting friendships and I even met my husband on it. Even with the release of H3 I didnt want to leave my H2. I stayed a devoted fan until the end and I wish more than anything that I could be one of the last people still online right now. [b] I envy you guys! [/b] I was one of the people who just realised too late. [u] 10 Quick Memories: [/u] 1. First modded game I played was on Team Snipers. Eventhough I was the one getting spawn killed out of the sky I thought it was fantastic. =) 2. Throwing a single gernade during a btb from lift 1 on lockout into under glass and getting a killfrenzy 3. Getting the most kills in a btb by just sticking people 4. Learning how to bxr 5. Getting out of maps/super bouncing for fun 6. Pigging out on all the halloween candy that I was supposed to give out to little kids and staying up all night in pre-game lobby talking to a random guy who is now my best friend 7. Singing when I thought no one could hear me unless I pressed the white button (Man was that embarrassing) 8. ROFL Copters 9. Crazy host bounces 10. bxring a lunging sword wielder Now I know Im a nerd and anyone who knows me knows that I could go on forever. I love h2 I cant believe its gone. H3 is nowhere near as epic as h2 so I hope the new halo will somehow manage to captivate more of h2's lengendary gameplay. Goodbye the best online game of all time. So long countless new memories I could of had. One can only hope that someday you will come back renewed to the 360 to be enjoyed once more. I cant thank you enough Bungie for creating this game and opening me up to a new world and family through online gaming. Forever a fan, A lil Cutie. P.S. Reading some more posts I too would like to say thats it was extremely sad to hear people say that they had never tried h2 online until the 14th and they loved it more than h3.I just cant help but think if they would have just tried it sooner, maybe it would have stayed alive longer. =( [Edited on 04.17.2010 8:17 PM PDT]

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  • The best times of my teenage years where not chasing girls, it was sixteen player halo 2. I wished I could have got my collectors edition of Halo 2 to work on my 360. The maps would not download properly, but alas it's all over now, so I never got to play it one last time. :( I can blame halo 2 for my first break up; some how I found time outside halo to get a girlfriend, the lateness of assignments; almost failed year 9, and my now awesome event management skills; from planning all those LANs. The first Halo CE 16 way, was in a tent in the back yard of a friends. A storm blew in, the tent blew over, but we kept playing. By the following morning I was hallucinating sniper rifle streaks across my vision from lack of sleep... 'never again', I said, But many more LANs like it would follow. When Halo 2 came out my LANing group quickly jumped to it quite naturally, and continued planning events. Even getting a LAN in when the map pack was released early by accident. Planning a LAN was like planning to invade a small nation. We has to get enough TVs and xbox's from trusting parents, and gather all the networking gear (often buying our own). Then we had to get transport for everything, and then we needed a place or trusting parent who was willing to take twenty or so smelly 17 year olds eating nachos and drinking mountain dew. We even had a girl/s in our LANing group! (big thing for me then) I even picked my gamer tag 'Hebdomad'... it means - "the number seven, from Greek, from hebdomos, seventh" ...all because of Halo. Most memorial of all was the midnight launch of Halo 2. Me and my close friend where waiting eating dinner, when our house got a phone call. Mum answered the phone, and dropped some very heavy news that my uncle had just died. Needless to say, it was a very emotional night. I managed to make it to the launch, thanks to my now brother in law, but the fact I lost my Uncle that night, I was just too upset to truly enjoy a master peace of game design that night. Halo is also the reason why I'm now studying games at University, despite the fact I have a very slim chance of ever working on a project like Halo, or even in the games industry at all. I'm sure many people will post about their kill streaks, but many more will await in the shooters to come, but for me Halo has represented the best times, and the worst times of my life. I've made life long friends though halo, but I've also lost a few because it. Thank you Bungie, I love you too.

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  • : /

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  • So what happens if you were one of those 50? Recon? Oh..wait never mind... -mutt

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  • Most of my Halo 2 memories are LAN parties. Many of which were on my birthday each year. :D Coagulation. Ascension. Legendary Campaign. and my favorite...HEADLONG! The last day was awesome. I just wish microsoft explained how they would be shutting the system down. I stayed up from 9pm EST until 6am EST and then tried to sign back on at 8pm est unsuccessfully. After the system didn't shut down at 3am est, I just figured it would be open until 3am est the next day. If I had known just by staying online I could still play... I would be another person online right now! Either way, thanks Bungie for the memories. RIP Halo 2!

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  • I remember the first time I played Halo 2. I was at a friends house and he had been telling me about the game all day. I didn't believe him when he told me how awesome it was. At the time I didn't have an xbox and had never heard of halo. I was a huge Ps2 fan. But I remember vividly turning on my friends xbox and putting Halo 2 in. Not even fifteen minutes into it I was hooked. It beat everything I ever played. The next day I went to the mall and bought an xbox, and a copy of Halo 2. I played the campaign so much. I still love it now. In fact just a couple days ago I played through the whole Halo series. When I finally got xbox live I played Halo 2 with my brother all the time. I had so many fun times. I haven't played it online in awhile, been on Halo 3 more. But Halo 2 will always be on the top five list of my favorite games. It being number two to Halo 3. You guys at Bungie never disappoint. And Halo 2 online never once had a bad moment for me. I enjoyed every game.

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  • What a great game... it was crazy playing for hours and hours on end for two nights, not knowing whether or not this game would be our last. Thanks for the hard work, Bungie.

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  • I have shed a tear or two today in mourning for the passing of Halo 2. I want to thank Bungie for the trials and tribulations that the team had to undergo in order to complete this game in all it's epic quality. I only wish that I had been there! Memories: COUNTLESS hours trying to get that damned banshee to follow me down the tunnel into New Mombasa only to destroy it accidentally or board it at the wrong time and have to start over! Superbounces! Mucho fun. (I know...Banhammer, but I couldn't resist!)I have shed a tear or two today in mourning for the passing of Halo 2. I want to thank Bungie for the trials and tribulations that the team had to undergo in order to complete this game in all it's epic quality. I only wish that I had been there! Memories: COUNTLESS hours trying to get that damned banshee to follow me down the tunnel into New Mombasa only to destroy it accidentally or board it at the wrong time and have to start over! Superbounces! Mucho fun. (I know...Banhammer, but I couldn't resist!) Hide and Seek variant of Juggernaut on Lockout or Ivory Tower! Trick-jumping all around Lockout without stopping! Scouring the internets darkest corners for all the juicy Halo 2 information that I could find. Of course I stayed away from plot leaks! Many many hours of practising my BR spread with my clan or friends. Great times. Halo 2 you will be missed dearly.

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  • My favorite memories of Halo 2 are insane 2 v 2 battles on Lockout between me and my buddies. Seriously, I think my hours logged on Lockout alone equal the rest of my Halo 2 MP experience. I'm going to miss you H2. [Edited on 04.16.2010 5:54 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ThreeSixXero At least we have Vista (I will totally screw Microsoft if they take that away, too). Not to be shallow, but what were those 'prizes' involved with wednesday? I'm rather intrigued to find out what they were/are.[/quote] I think most of them aren't decided until the last 50 players' Xboxes explode, as at least one of them is the Last kill on Halo 2 forever.

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  • Easily my favorite game ever. Met some great friends online, and met them in person. Still remember on the drive to meet them, my mom crying on the phone telling me I was going to get raped. Super LOLZ... glad they decided against it. Always a fan of the franchise. I have my emblem tattooed on my right bicep for craps sake!

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  • Goodbye Halo 2, You still are the best online experience i've ever had.

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  • No game will ever equal Halo 2's online experience. That's why we say RIP Halo 2, because it's online experience(and Campaign) were...words can't describe it. I have to say, I've never had more fond memories than in Halo 2. Ever since 6th grade I started playing Halo(I'm a senior). I use to always go to my neighbors house and we would all just play Halo CE, and eventually Halo 2 everyday after school until night. Then he got know what happens next of course. Some may say, "It's only a video game", but if I could go back I would still play Halo 2 all over again. On April 15th, 2010 a piece of me died along with Halo 2. I won't forget the best memories. All because of Bungie. [Edited on 04.16.2010 5:42 PM PDT]

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  • I don't want to sound like an ass but I find it extremely wierd how everyone is saying RIP Halo 2 when you can still play the single player of the game. Yes its a technicality ¬.¬ but still it annoys me that people think without online Halo 2 is dead, talk about its loyal fans [/sacrasm]. I mean yeah Halo 2 online was a big thing for me whilst growing up and it took alot of my time =P So I will miss it, but we have moved on to 3, ODST and now soon Reach but you can play the single player campaign and still be amazed. Now if Bungie/343 Industries/Waypoint were to support the single campaign maybe Halo 2 could live on hell even Halo CE could as well. *hint* *hint*

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    I had so many awesome times with this game. So breace yourselves for a wall of text because I'm going to highlight Halo 2 moments until quite possibly, I have to continue in a second post :P [b][u]Campaign[/u][/b] Halo 2, in my opinion, had the best Campaign as it was the longest and featured many different encounters that were all golden. Funniest moment: I was playing through Delta Halo for the bajillionth time. I had reached the point where they were "pouring out of the middle". I continued on up the left ramp and started killing Covies from behind cover while the Marines chased the Ghosts around in their Warthog. I was picking off Jackals and Grunts with my BR and unloading the ammo into Elites when I ran out of ammo. Still having a Rocket Launcher, I decided to take down a Ghost as I no longer required a vehicle and needed any weapon to replace my empty one. The out of nowhere, Joe Staten's Grunty voice came from a particularly brave Grunt who jumped out from behind an obelisk and yelled a battlecry at me. Naturally I was startled and my heart was racing. Out of instinct I hammered down the Right Trigger before realizing what I had just wasted. It was in no way wasted. The Grunt flew straight up in the air while I recovered and calmed down. I had spotted the Ghost and was about to get a lock on. The Ghost took the ramp and the Warthog was still giving chase. It was at that particular moment when the Grunt decided to fall from the sky. The Ghost at full boost rammed what I assumed was a Grunty corpse as I heard no sound emanating from the Grunt. The Grunt rocketed into a far wall at tremendous speed. I was rolling on the floor laughing for a good 5 minutes or more. Funniest Halo 2 moment I have ever witnessed. Bar none. Favourite levels: Delta Halo, Regret, and Gravemind Favourite encounters: Any part of Gravemind. Specifically the Mausoleum of the Arbiter. Pretty much because of Blow Me Away playing in the background. Favourite enemy to fight: Elites Notable mention: The first time I played Halo 2's Campaign was with my brother and he skipped all the cutscenes and I had no idea about the story until late 2006 when no one skipped the cutscenes and actually let me play a level other than The Silent Cartographer on Halo: CE. We had played through Cairo Station, Outskirts, and Metropolis. Knowing the story, my brother again skipped the cutscene. Being the a first time player of Halo 2's Campaign, I had no clue why I had started with a weird looking lightsaber that I quickly remembered was the Energy Sword I never got to use. Seeing an Elite in front of me, let alone 2 was enough to make me start wildly slashing. I continued to kill every Covie I could find while my brother was distracted by someone. We continued to kill some Heretics and not being a very skilled player, I had missed some of our allies. I started unloading shots into the "shiny aliens". My brother then told me that that if the reticule was green, they were on our side. I replied by stating that we were the green cyborg guy, not aliens. He then told me to look at his player model. I saw a weird looking alien known as the Arbiter. My brother then told me I was an alien too after my astonishment that he was an alien (By this time I was shooting him)., I looked down and sure enough I had non-human legs. I then proceeded to suicide bomb the both of us to "save humanity". [b][u]Multiplayer[/u][/b] Funniest moment: Watching as my attempted killer got run over by the train on Terminal. It happened so much and was really funny every time. Favourite moments: Let's start with the first time I ever played Halo 2. December 7th, 2004. It was my friend's (The one who had fully introduced me to Halo and taught me that you could shoot people too. Not just take cool jumps off of Jeeps and flipped Tanks with a weird looking hovering motorbike.) birthday and I was at his house along with 1 friend I didn't know who had been playing Halo 2 online, and our mutual friend who had also never played Halo 2. We were noobs and began playing a 4 player LAN party with 2 Xboxes and 2 copies of Halo 2. We played for 12 hours until 6:36 a.m. when his mom finally told us to go to sleep. Good times. Any other good moment is at the dozens of LAN parties I was part of that were Halo 2 and Halo 2 only. If we played video games ever. It was always Halo 2 (Though I was introduced to KotOR, Fuzion Frenzy, and Fable when we weren't playing Halo...which was rare :P). Favourite maps: - Terminal - Headlong - Coagulation - Ivory Tower - Waterworks - Relic - Elongation - Ascension - Lockout - Turf - Midship - Burial Mounds - Containment - Colossus - Zanzibar - Ummm...actually all of them. Except for Foundation, Backwash, and Desolation. Gemini and Warlock were ok but not favourites. - Tombstone - Sanctuary - Beaver Creek Favourite weapons: - Sniper Rifle - BR - Shotgun - Rocket Launcher - Energy Sword - Beam Rifle - Plasma Grenade Favourite gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer and CTF anything. [b][u]Conclusion[/u][/b] Halo 2 was great and I will miss it a lot. I only regret not playing it more online. Halo: Reach will help fill the void. But one day I will have another Halo 2 LAN party. And it will be awesome. :D Thanks Bungie, for the memories. You guys/girls rock!!! [Edited on 04.16.2010 5:31 PM PDT]

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  • You guys are so awesome, thanks for the support and the creation for the most awesome games on Xbox 1 and Xbox 360 :D. Great to read your memories of Halo 2. I can't wait for Reach but until then I think some Halo 2 Vista and Halo 3 will get me through the time until then.

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  • I remember standing in line at the iLoveBees event in NYC. I looked ridiculous in the documentary summarizing the event. When Halo hit, I looked like a completely different person. I cannot imagine how long its been. How many years Halo has been a part of my life. Halo has become an inspiration for my own game designs and I can't imagine that at one point I didn't know what Halo was. That documentary video reminds me of how excited I was for this game, playing it the other night reminded me how much I miss it and the quality and hard work Bungie put into their games. Thanks Bungie, plain and simple....thanks.

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  • I will always remember skipping class my freshman year of college to play system link H2 in my dorm. Those were the days, thanks Bungie.

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  • Counter was on 298 when I had to sign off. I refreshed the page- it was on 295. If I wasn't in the Army I would have absolutely not signed off until I was kicked off, but unfortunately I had to go to work. I was number 16 in line on launch at my store; so proud to be in the final 300. My favorite memory- Everything. From getting out of school and going straight to Electronics Boutique with six of my friends, just to sit there to get it- alarm clock set for twelve in hand the whole time. To then skipping school the next day with one of those friends to play all day at my house, with my mom making us peanut butter crackers for lunch. From all the wakeup on Saturday to sunup on Sunday marathons on live to the all night lan parties with friends. From skipping school for all of the map pack releases to having to recently redownload them all for one last stand. From November 9th, 2004 at 12:01 sharp; to April 15th, 2010 at 01:00 in the morning. Halo 2, you are missed.

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  • Oh man, soooo many great memories of Halo 2. This game was a HUUUGGGGE deal for me. Halo CE lan parties had been awesome, and my hype for this game was growing uncontrollable. About two years or so before this game came out, I became a manager of a GameStop store, and when the time came to get pre-orders I pushed this game like nothing before and nothing after(well, maybe Halo 3). I worked my buy off to get the highest reserves in my district on this, and every other manager in the district knew I was the crazy Halo fan of the district. One of the best memories of the period before this game launched would probably be our annual GameStop managers conference. A few months before the release of the game, and I was lucky enough to win a "vip" ticked to play the game at the conference. It was such a blast. The launch at my store for this game was insanely nuts, busy, and one of the funnest nights I've ever had working EVER. Then after we finally got done and the store cleaned up, I FINNALLY got to go home and play this game. Definitely didn't sleep at all that night. Too busy playing, and trying to come up with a cool clan name before it got taken. Our clan was never terribly organized, or good, but it was sure fun. Halo 2 created some of the best memories of my job, the friends I made at my job, and the times spent with old college friends playing this game in lan and online for years after the launch. It trulylived up to Ninja on fire metaphor. Halo 2 online, you will be missed!

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  • <3 Halo 2. My second favorite Halo game so far. Almost teared remembering the memories.

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  • Well I am depressed. :'(

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] GodOfGnar Ummm, not to be blunt or ungreatful but i was wondering what the "Reach Visual flare" us gamers who played Halo2 on the 14th will be receiving is?[/quote] No one knows. It's probably an emblem, or a title like of COD (If for some reason they're in reach.) Or, if we're really lucky, some kind of armor.

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