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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
Edited by Shade: 8/12/2016 2:37:52 PM

Purple team recruiting!!

Since the blue and red team always fight I was thinking let's make a purple team to bring peace and rule over them! [spoiler]if you read this spoiler you're now on the purple team![/spoiler] Just write something random down here! [b]Members:[/b] Nydhira Nydroxide Classified Project Rawrrr Solrev Cookiekiller001 Templar videos Liliumtenebrae Mildsquirrel JewMcShekelstein CommanderQuantum Gabriel Reyes JohnBomb14 M103 heavy tank Sgt Bronson PATHPING Kratoself Halo spatarn Raijin Cegiofra Ice bear Doc ski Kylarstern96 Alucard AwesomeDaniel10 General brickler Sartoris Masterscrub taco Number16busstop Swipe da snipe Terrorizer Yogurt pretzels My face Crazedfireball Saint rahool End3rraven962 Huntik9999 Ryk357864 Bfgesus Disadis Red gyarados Bt-7274 Jack sparrow Thatonemoofin Nepatriotsfan217 Sans PurpleFyrus Spree Kurt cobain Howitothemoon Solaris Chillybean Inflatablepants Lolfac25 Merpyfun Ted cruzin Lord bretomart Dirtiestknave61 Archon Eagle ace 84 Tay Avenging theron <3

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