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Edited by Valkier08: 8/6/2016 7:53:07 PM

Stop using SCRUB guns!! (RANT)

Ok I'm just gonna rant this out, sick and tired of [b]The Last Word[/b] and [b]Universal Remote[/b] in the crucible. 'But sir, they are meta guns that do well in pvp' [b]NO!![/b] No one cares how big your damn ego is, oh look at me, im the king! of the damn castle cause I copy what gun is meta ooooooo. People who use [b]The last Word[/b] and [b]Universal Remote[/b] in crucible are [b]scrubs[/b] who can't think outside the box and just copy and paste everything! [b]What the Hell![/b] Do you think its funny to to ram [b]Universal Remote[/b] up a titan's behind? Do you think it's funny when [b]The Last Word[/b] lands you on the recieving end of hate mail? Do you want to get reported cause some poor little child thinks your cheating? Then stop using [b]cheap[/b] meta guns! Scrub guns [b]ARE META GUNS! [/b] Don't need no skills for them what-so-ever so yeah[b] SCRUB GUNS![/b] At the end of the day I'd rather pick a gun I want to use and be unique with skills and so on over being a cabbage who uses overpower meta guns to beat down some massive invisible threat. (like, where's the fire?) Stay lonely at the top or drop the meta guns and have fun with others while dying more often, choose your poison. Also.....stop wasting time posting salty msg's, I don't care....just shows how childish brats can be when you take their bottle. Yeah...what? Come at me bro? Giving me more rubbish to laugh at? Bring it on! Just shows that you weren't here when the game launched in September 2014. Get over it and just embrace the nerfs in the name of balance. LMFAO [b]END![/b]

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  • U must except the fact Destiny is a unbalanced mess now and Bungie just keeps making it worse as they have no idea whats going on. They look at charts and take advice from 10 year olds to balance the game. Lol they failed. Destiny is done, play for fun, nothing more. Will luck Destiny 2 will release under new mgrment team as the current crucible and weapons people need to be replaced. RNG has to be reworked to function as it should unlike now. These few things could and would put Destiny back on top

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    1 Reply
    • Edited by VermiilionFlash: 8/7/2016 11:29:38 AM
      Do you want to get reported cause some poor little child thinks your cheating? [/quote] [spoiler]rants about how he thinks using metas is cheating [/spoiler] [spoiler]admits to being a poor little child [/spoiler]

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      3 Replies
      • Blah Blah Blah

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        • You my sir are crazy. Btw this comment is not out of salt, it is simply to debate your arguement because nobody can just post their opinion on the forums without it being debated. That is just the internet so dont cry yourself to sleep if a lot of people hate you now. Anyways, these meta guns you are talking about, I dont have them. It is human nature for you to lean more towards whatever will make you more powerful. It is normal! Your job is to make it hard for them. So do it! Yes, both of those weapons are pretty and one of them may need a small nerf (universal remote). Other than that, get over it. It is not the end of the world. It is a video game dude. Please chill your tits.

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          • You can only control yourself. Therefore, that is who you should worry about. How you feel is very cute. However what you feel is cheap or skill-less is simply based on some set of made up rules or your personal honor code. Neither of which matters to us or Bungie unfortunately. Your job is to adapt or leave.

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            3 Replies
            • You must be 12.

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              • :|

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                3 Replies
                • I dont like those guns. But you're just a plain idiot

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                  3 Replies
                  • Maybe if most primaries stopped getting the crap nerfed out of them, players would feel comfortable using different loadouts. Just a thought.

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                  • The last word is one of the hardest exotics to master.

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                    5 Replies
                    • You know what? I'm right there with you. I understand that people are going to use the meta to be competitive, but I also think people have forgotten what 'fun' is. Winning really isn't everything in games, and if you're willing to exploit developer imbalances in order to win, then you're unfortunately part of a growing problem. I completely welcome logical debate on this, but do it civilly, please.

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                    • Can't even use guns I like half the time because ttk on all the meta guns destroys you even if you shoot first

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                    • I run mythoclast and split shifter pro, do I qualify as a scrub?

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                      3 Replies
                      • Scrub guns are crutch guns and I need my crutches to be as orthopedic as possible. Therefore I always use mida.... because it works.

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                      • So I just popped out to get some I'm back....and uhhhhhh......30 new salt posts?? really? You ppl need to get some sun!!!

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                      • 0
                        Yo dumb ass, have you ever thought grasp of malok and MIDA aren't the meta now?

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                      • Personally I don't like those two weapons.. But..sadly some people has to use TLW to finish TexMech's chaperone quest..or kills for mountaintop...

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                      • I'll keep using my last word. It's my favorite exotic and it's a great counter to the overwhelming amount of shotgun warriors out there.

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                      • [quote]Ok I'm just gonna rant this out, sick and tired of [b]The Last Word[/b] and [b]Universal Remote[/b] in the crucible. 'But sir, they are meta guns that do well in pvp' [b]NO!![/b] No one cares how big your damn ego is, oh look at me, im the king! of the damn castle cause I copy what gun is meta ooooooo. People who use [b]The last Word[/b] and [b]Universal Remote[/b] in crucible are [b]scrubs[/b] who can't think outside the box and just copy and paste everything! [b]What the Hell![/b] Do you think its funny to to ram [b]Universal Remote[/b] up a titan's behind? Do you think it's funny when [b]The Last Word[/b] lands you on the recieving end of hate mail? Do you want to get reported cause some poor little child thinks your cheating? Then stop using [b]cheap[/b] meta guns! Scrub guns [b]ARE META GUNS! [/b] Don't need no skills for them what-so-ever so yeah[b] SCRUB GUNS![/b] At the end of the day I'd rather pick a gun I want to use and be unique with skills and so on over being a cabbage who uses overpower meta guns to beat down some massive invisible threat. (like, where's the fire?) Stay lonely at the top or drop the meta guns and have fun with others while dying more often, choose your poison. Also.....stop wasting time posting salty msg's, I don't care....just shows how childish brats can be when you take their bottle. Yeah...what? Come at me bro? Giving me more rubbish to laugh at? Bring it on! Just shows that you weren't here when the game launched in September 2014. Get over it and just embrace the nerfs in the name of balance. LMFAO [b]END![/b][/quote] Just in case OP changes the post

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                        1 Reply
                        • jimmy got destiny today. jimmy a level 2 titan decided to play PVP.... 15mins later jimmy deleted the game

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                          • It's shit like this that makes me hate this community...

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                            5 Replies
                            • Meta guns hmm? You know there are basically 4 guns in each primary archetype? The only difference is stats & perks. Then there's the 3 special primaries being vex, nlb, & uni... Sick of dying to the same things? Get over it. At least now there are other options. TLW has been nerfed into the ground compared to what it was & so have shotguns in general. The meta will probably be changed in a month anyway so no point whining now. If you're complaining about this you must know nothing about when TLW & Thorn were pretty much the only options & they couldn't be countered unless you were just flat out better than the person using them.

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                              1 Reply
                              • I don't even own The Last Word. I have the Thorn, Ace of Spades, Hawkmoon, and even First Curse. No Last Word though. That gun is broken.

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                                2 Replies
                                • Edited by Daedalus: 8/7/2016 12:18:00 AM
                                  The last word isn't a scrub gun however it is incredibly powerful in the right hands Edit: as well as incredibly annoying

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                                  6 Replies
                                  • Lol last word definitely requires skill, I've tried to use it many times to no avail. Universal remote takes careful planning to get in close enough to make the shot. Pretty sure that they take some skill.

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                                    3 Replies
                                    • 25 salty posts since last night, woooooooooow....... keep it comin. lol

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