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8/2/2016 10:19:56 PM
Don't insult other users and you don't have to worry about warnings or bans. Feel free to discuss topics and disagree, but calling someone a bunch of names on the Internet doesn't acomplish anything.

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  • This IS an issue. It's not so much picking and choosing, but the issue is that the ninjas moderate based on words being said instead of the context in which they were used. It's similar to when you're a child in school and someone comes up and starts a fight with you, but the teacher only sees you when you finally had enough of it and you swing for the other guy's face knocking him out. All things happen with a reason. If the ninjas can't take the time to read the context, they shouldn't apply for the position. My only warning was for using the word Huntard and let me tell you the context... I legit said "I'm doing this so I don't get called a Huntard" and that was deemed offensive. Though there were other people on the thread saying much worse things with actual targets. :/

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  • I dont feel like you read the post.

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  • Edited by Guardian,Archon Of Light: 8/7/2016 10:02:03 PM
    That's something I was wondering, does Bungie monitor player to player communications, or do they leave that up to Microsoft and Sony?

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  • Tell that to the people who say certain classes take no skill. Thats insulting to a lot of players yet i dont see their posts removed. Freaking hypocrite

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  • Doesn't matter. You can still get warned and banned even if you don't.

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  • Edited by ajaxroach: 8/3/2016 6:52:16 PM
    Wow. Generic reply much. If your gonna comment at least leave some real feedback on the subject. Like how the biased nature of some of your moderators and ninjas will be investigated. Nope didn't think so. Since this kid doesnt have the nerve to yell you himself. -blam!- off.

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  • Edited by iDovahBear: 8/3/2016 6:10:55 PM
    Wasn't even name calling, but okay Cozmo. Unless you count this topic, but this topic wasn't the one reported, so...

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  • Edited by PhraustStryke: 8/3/2016 11:29:04 AM
    Cozmo your ninjas and moderators aren't holding up the CoC. They have thier own agenda. They only look at part of the picture and not the whole thing. If anything they need to be held to a higher regard and monitored more than us. They enforce the rules only when they want to, not when they should. The entire team needs a IA investigation into what they do, how they do it, and when they do it. If a post or comment in nuked, than it should flag to the others and they should look into the actions leading up to it. Be proactive not reactive.

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  • But there is a noticeable bias from ninja. A while back I was warned for calling someone a crybaby warlock. Never mind that it was a joke and a repeat of what was on every balance thread just with warlock instead of Hunter. But I went and reported sever comments on valid balance threads where hunters were being insulted and nothing was done about them. So why my harmless comment and not any of the Hunter hate? That's a clear bias which I get that the ninja are humans and humans have bias but you can't ignore that there is a bias and it's not as simple as just name calling.

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  • Edited by PandaScream: 8/3/2016 10:22:26 AM
    Cozmo no offence but you do have a rotten ninja on these forums that are extremely bias. Not cool at all. I know I was warned over an opinion and facts about the Titan. So are we not allowed to talk crap about in game characters either?

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  • I reviewed your warnings to see if there was any bias. All your warnings were given on posts where your were directly insulting another user, not Titans.

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  • Look at my last ban. I called the status of the crucible the g-word. I mean...come ON.

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  • ???

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  • What tool are u today?

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  • Explain to me how curse words like that hurt someone. I get racial or religious slang, but that?

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  • Edited by catrodsan: 8/3/2016 4:08:47 AM
    [quote]Explain to me how curse words like that hurt someone. I get racial or religious slang, but that?[/quote] You don't control how someone reacts to something. So asking to explain how words like that hurts someone is pointless. The point Cozmo made is name calling doesn't help:accomplish anything. Leave it out.

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  • There is nowhere in the universe where you have the right to feel offended nor is and feeling protected but what many places do have is a right to free expression which is protected. The only choice you have is to grow up or die quietly and alone.

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  • 1
    Neither does banning/warning users based on biased decisions over petty curse words. There is NO right way to handle this. Either effectively ban EVERYONE equally or effectively prohibit your choice of disallowed words and let people express themselves freely. You ban/warn someone for telling someone to go -blam!- themselves, but if he said something others find more subtle such as "screw you" I doubt anything would have happened. This is BIASED. I take offense to the words idiot, retard, stupid, dumb, and similar words because it offends less intelligent people. These words are tossed all over bnet. If I report people, ninjas will warn/ban them equally, right? Yeah, I didn't think so Cozmo... People need to come to terms with the fact that not everyone is going to say nice things to or around them; especially on the internet. Life isn't some G rated Disney movie. This entire thread, and situation in general is so uncalled for. It's a direct outcome of the lack of uniformity of Bungie and those who represent them. You should have protocols in place for issuing bans and warnings, and then you should have an appeal process for those who may have been banned by some biased nerd with a Ninja tag. Just because they have a tag by their name does not mean they always make the proper decision. There have been so many posts similar to this one where people got banned for the most absurd reason.

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  • BUMP

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  • I'm not real sure why you chose to reply to this and not others, especially the ones with bold cursing in the TITLE!

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  • Hello there sjw

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  • Seems as though it only rings true for some posters.

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  • Edited by SithLord Osirus: 8/3/2016 2:08:16 AM
    That policy would be fine, if it were enforced anything but sporadically. You can't seriously think the way the mods here pick and choose is OK. Aren't you their boss effectively? Get your troops in order man.

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  • There are around 100,000 to 200,000 posts every day. If moderation seems sporadic, that's because the Ninjas can't see everything. They are not picking and choosing, they are getting to as much of it as they can. Reporting helps, so if you see anything breaking the Code of Conduct, please report it.

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  • Edited by xNyasha: 8/7/2016 8:56:09 PM

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