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7/22/2016 3:02:32 AM

To those crying over Striker Titan nerfs

Hunters and trolls are still crying for nerf to the class that was considered 2nd to last in place last year, THE NERF WILL [b][i]NEVER[/i][/b] COME. Fact #1 Shoulder Charge is OP to anyone who isn't paying attention to the battlefield Fact #2 [b]ANYTHING[/b] that has fast TTK rates can take down SCs Fact #3 I have been a Titan since the Beta (the time in crucible is less since I didn't have internet for a while, thats the reason why it's lower) and Titans suffered from T-rex arms that barely hit anything, Shoulder Charges were viable to use until year 2 came around and whoever changed the hit boxes screwed them up from being more accurate for weapons, more broken for melees. Fact #4 Lightning Grenades take skill to throw to attach to walls, like your Tripmines. Opinion: If SC gets a nerf, there should be a nerf for Hunters to lose their ability to track and go invisible and get max stats Agility and Recovery, while Warlocks have to lose their melee cone and get Area Of Effect melees that cause an explosion where ever they are looking and do damage over time Think of ideas for change, not weakening nerfs

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