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7/21/2016 3:36:18 AM

Status of Etheric light after new infusion system

So it's been a while now since the taken king dropped and bungie introduced the new infusion system. As we year 1 vets know Etheric light used to be the way to go when it came to boosting old favorite gear. Now, especially after the 1 to 1 update in April, the ways of the past have been quickly forgotten, though this is not a bad thing. Progress, especially for newer players, seems much quicker with the new system, but Etheric light now sits idly by in our inventories. A friend and I were discussing this as I was lamenting the fact that several of my friends were 334 because of once gear slot that refused to drop. In our discussion about the old ways vs the new I randomly came up with a suggestion that may help with this cause. Etheric light could be used to boost the light level of one piece of gear by 5 points up to 335 in a manner similar to infusion. Think about it, it's still very rare to get, and this simple change would allow players to boost their gear without it being completely rng dependent while giving Etheric light some use again. Any and all comments are welcome. My group really liked the idea so I figured I'd put it up here for review.
#feedback #Gear

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