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7/21/2016 2:18:05 AM

Dear bungie.

Alright with iron banner going on, we need to have a serious come to Jesus talk about your nerfs. You nerfed hunters melee, throwing knives ect. So now if you melee someone it doesn't one hit them. The same goes for the throwing knives.... OK cool I get it, what I don't get is how a titans shoulder charge is a one hit kill, how a Titan melee are also one hit kills. I understand balance... but when you nerf a class into the ground yet keep the others horribly OP with one hit kills... well let's just say you screwed up. Seriously bungie... for the love of all things holy, quit the nerfing game, give the classes their strengths, their weaknesses, give them their abilities... just stop with the bs shenanigans.

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