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7/6/2016 10:31:35 PM

Why haven't you raided yet? (and now's your chance if you haven't)

Lack of in-game matchmaking/lfg tools


Too time consuming


Too difficult


Like to lone wolf


Mostly a PvPer


Afraid of being griefed for not knowing what to do


other, list below


So we are closing in rapidly on year 3 of Destiny and there are still many Guardians here who haven't ever run a raid and I would like to know what it is that keeps people from running them. For myself it was always the lack of in-game grouping tools but once I met people who raid and started doing it regularly, it is by far my favorite thing in the game and it is sad that such amazing content is never seen by so many Guardians. So if you haven't run, please pick a reason why above or if it's not listed, let Bungie know in the comments. Also to those who haven't run for any of the reasons listed above and would like to, we are doing a #feedback forum community raid weekend where member of this feedback community have volunteered to run those of you who haven't been able to for whatever reason through. We are running Friday Saturday and Sunday on Xbone and PS4 and have Fireteams of fellow Guardians who are willing to lead you through a raid and let us get to know each other better as a community. We have Guardians who we are going to be leading through, but there is still plenty of room for more if you'd like to experience this content. If you'd like to be paired with a community fireteam to raid this weekend, please let us know in the comments below and we'll do our best to try to get you your Oryx kill :)

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  • I stopped because the rng on getting a reward was too low, then when something did drop it had rng on the light and rng on the stats and just wasn't rewarding enough for the time invested.

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  • Do you like wasting your free time? Do you want to spend hours on end doing something with no proper reward? Would you like to spend those countless hours getting the same reward over and over again? Do want want to spend hours not only getting said rewards over and over but having the rewards be complete shyte? Would you like to spend hours, days, weeks even trying to get all of the gear and guns only to get better gear from a 30 min strike or one crucible match? Would you like to grind your life away for an exotic drop that has been through the nerf machine about 15 times? If so, come on down to the director where you have 3 raids to choose from...scratch that, you only have 1 because the first one and the best one gives obsolete gear and weapons that can no longer be used in any facet of the game and we would rather rehash a game mode that you never asked for instead of the fan favorite VOG, and let's be honest, no one liked or even cares for the second raid anymore. We're also not going to find people for you to raid with because it's jus wayyyyy too much work to add OMM and why do it when you can jus do it yourselves and save us the hassle. Get out there and become legend. But don't become legend too fast or overuse your awesome gear or we will nerf it. Have fun guardians and don't forget to check out Eververse Trading Co. Where we will use all that money to not give you any new content at all. Don't forget to preorder what will likely be our over priced DLC that you will most likely blow through in 4 days and you also get the best nerfed version of the weapon that made destiny "Destiny" comes in black...nuff said. Stay tuned for next weeks update where we focus more on how much you disapprove of our constant nerfing and how much we don't give a shit because you're still playing and paying us!!!! :) Till next time guardians. Keep up the good grind my little sheep:)

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    6 Replies
    • Been reading the positive feedback from those that have participated, thanks to all who gave up their time to help

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    • Nice thing you and others have done in the past few days. Every one should have a chance to do the raid. I only wish it could happen more often. Good job.

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      2 Replies
      • 3 runs done today! Kingpriest Aulakauss Nic2trill Salacious d Drbuffalo973 Ki11er bee 187 All got their first Oryx kills! Great runs guys!

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        5 Replies
        • If there is a team of guardians who not mind helping an older one finish the Normal Kings Fall raid, please let me know. I have a check point at sisters And if you have been reading this thread- I have some time today. Being a 44 year old with a little bit of time today to finish this up. :)

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          6 Replies
          • To be honest, I only beat this raid on hard mode once because to me it was a boring raid, like pretty much if someone dies, it's gonna be a wipe, plus during the raid a lot of times it will glitch out like on challenge mode week, we did the 16 orb method (I think that's what it is called) and orxy lived with full health.

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          • Edited by h bluer: 7/10/2016 8:03:40 PM
            i created a topic about this problem on feedback earlier, ive never completed a raid since Y1 cos matchmakin pits me in solo and same for higher lvl prison of elders..(checkout my post for my suggestion to solve the issue).im constantly tryin to complete all raids but never get a team for it so i gave up tryin which is quite sad that ive missed massive parts of the game because of this. I like the idea that the raids r specifically designed to be a lot more about teamwork than just kill kill kill, like the standard missions but its too difficult n time comsuming to even get a team together.

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          • I'm a 334 Warlock and I'd be very happy to help any 1st timers you find through the raid, Sols.

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          • Big thanks to: Lost Sols King Hodor VII BeardofODEN RedWingsGirl1999 KIM CHi For helping me complete the Kings Fall Heroic raid! Probably wouldn't have even bothered trying to complete it if I hadn't read and replied to this post. Thanks again!

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            5 Replies
            • On PS4 GT: same as above. I'll raid with anyone. Harder to find a team. So many playing other games untill Sept.

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            • It's not that difficult for self entitled kid's to whip out your phone and go on to destiny app, tap.which platform you are using and find a group. [spoiler]meet the requirements or focus on building yourself up[/spoiler] There's quite a few "newbies welcome" posts, quit being lazy.

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              31 Replies
              • I have completed each raid (hopefully going to do hm KF later to get them all in the bag!) so I can't vote and see which is the main reason. However.... My clan uses the app band to post events and when I put up an event I sometimes get messages from players wanting to join but saying they are worried we won't let them because they have never done it before. The awful community here has made people scared to raid because they don't know what to do, but they can't learn! It's stupid. Elitist jerks saying "must be 490 light, have 6 year 5 gallys and a rainbow spindle" If you want to raid but don't have the experience, say screw it and join anyway! How else will you learn? If you get kicked the people you were playing with are arseholes so you haven't really lost anything other than time.

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              • Another successful completion! Thank you to Killing Joke and AllSeeingRogue for joining. ☺

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              • Annnnnd another successful run. Thank you apehangers31 got his first oryx run completed! 😊 Thanks you all for helping.

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              • I just wanted to say thank you to P-dub -bama & the other guys in our raid group you guys were awesome. got it done in about 3 hours on hard mode. It was fun & easier then I thought minus the jumping for me lol. So I hope I didn't slow them down to much. Thx again p-dub-bama I appreciate it. Also yo Sols & everyone who helped & set this up Thank you very much without this I would never completed it.

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                1 Reply
                • I have raided them all. No Kings Fall Hard though. That's when I actually stopped playing for good (311 items were a slap in the face) People aren't raiding because Bungie creates a cycle of disinterest. 1. Make the raid require twice the standard player requirement. Not easy to begin with, as if people don't play video games to be social, because they could just be social if they wanted that 2. The teamwork required almost always demands a microphone (yes there's exceptions, but that doesn't change a general standing), Which i can assure you, anyone who works in fast food, or dispatch services (hospitals, police, military, agriculture blah blah blah) definitely don't enjoy wearing headsets. 3. The game makes no effort to help you find partners, literally in any way. It's got you covered if you need AFK teammates in strikes though! 4. The third party mechanic Bungie shoves in people's faces reeks of blatant grabs at cash. This point leads in to a serious problem about Bungie and the players tbh Everybody has been convinced somehow that Bungie "Needs to make money" and "has a business to run" and have been using that as an acceptable excuse for the trash and garbage they've been eating willingly. It's becoming a serious problem in this gaming world, and the real world. Do the players forget this is a million dollar company? They don't NEED anything, but the idiot players seem to be okay with that excuse. Pathetic human beings. So couple this on top of the fact that your average gamer is going to be my age and about as busy as I am, which offers about 2 spare hours a night... Maximum. Which goes to much more important things than raids. Especially when there's a guitar 5 feet away lol

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                  1 Reply
                  • So yeah I don't think this old man will ever finish KF

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                  • I have basically wasted my whole Saturday trying the normal raid- Wife is at work. One person knew the raid the rest of us Had not done it... Yeah... Insanity

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                    3 Replies
                    • 8 hrs Sols.... 8 hours in time

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                      8 Replies
                      • Just a small note to the community in this post. People say this community is toxic, but, when it comes down to it. The real guardians step up and offer complete support. Happy Guardian (Bungie) Day to you. [spoiler]The people working on this raid day are the true community.[/spoiler]

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                        15 Replies
                        • Edited by TheKungLao: 7/9/2016 2:23:18 PM
                          Thanks to DemonicDmouse, Starkiller2258, CrispySquirrel, Sharkhunter81 and Odium44 for having the patience to help me fumble my way through to completion. Thanks to Lost Sols and Red Wing Girl for putting this together so it was possible to meet some truly excellent people who just like to help and have a good time. I'm looking forward to more completions in the near future.

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                          18 Replies
                          • Edited by whanmann: 7/9/2016 9:16:20 PM
                            Send me a message anyone who needs help and has never done oryx, gladly help anyone that can't raid. Completed the raid multiple times. PS4

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                          • Edited by TarloDenn: 7/9/2016 11:57:05 PM

                            between the ether & the void - 6/8/2024 11:52:47 AM

                            I know I suck, so I don't wanna waste players time. I love PvE, but I jus.. ain't got what it takes. At least on Gears n CoD n Halo there was an easy level. Kinda sux I'll never see the end game, but hey.. as much as I suk at Destiny I'm great with techno.. Btw, that's a great thing you guys are doing. When I get current n get better I'll come knocking yer door 😃

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                            3 Replies
                            • Edited by CarniverusParrot: 7/9/2016 8:24:33 PM
                              I liked raiding but I really don't like most people. I have only once been in a raid team that wasn't toxic. They got me through my first and only raid completion and unfortunately our schedules never aligned again. Nothing bungie can do about that. I will probably not be able to finish the moments of triumph or complete my grimoire. Until I develop the skill required to solo these activities. Wish me luck... Side note: this is a really cool thing you're all doing for our community. Thank you for making destiny a better place to be.

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                              1 Reply
                              • Just wanted to say that I think what you're doing is great! It's so good to see guardians helping guardians.

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