They will all be amazing for PVP you realise. Bloodbound + Quiver would be awesome for taking out a whole team. Blessing of Light + Armour of Light will make you and your bubble unstoppable. Scatter + Vortex will give Nova Bomb the AoE it needs.
Bloodbound is the perk that shares damage between tethered targets. I think you meant Blackhole seeing as that would increase tether range for quiver. (a lot of people get them confused)
I know but its just wishful thinking in this 2 year beta.
Have you ever used Nova Bomb? It's incredibly lack-full in PVP. The extra AoE will be able to secure kills easier. The only competition for the NightStalker exotic will be the Shadestep helm. And the Bubble is really fun to use in Mayhem and being about to Max out the over shield will make you be able to live through a bit extra than before.