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4/17/2016 6:18:04 PM

Transfer of status for characters

I was not really sure where to put this and there was no place I could just put a message so I am asking if a bungie employee can help me here. Back when Destiny wasn't even released I preordered the game, played beta and played through 99% of the year 1 stuff on PS3. The only thing I didn't do was beat skolas in the arena simply because i could not find anyone to join me with it. (limited community as most people transferred to PS4). I am now currently on Xbox 1 with a new game (that i payed full price for I might add) but would like to have my unlockables from the year one stuff from preorder etc. Things like the sparrow and ghost are examples. I am not asking for all my gear or to get a free level up on my character but simply to have my current one reflect my status as a Destiny player. I don't mind if you take off my accomplishments, items and achievements off my old character as long as i can use what I already was able to from the get go with my old character. I am more than happy to prove I bought both, hell I probably still have the original receipt somewhere. If a bungie employee could come talk to me about this or fix this up for me it would be greatly appreciated. Both the ps3 and xbox 1 account are linked to my email/ account.

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