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Edited by BraveKinkajou14: 4/11/2016 7:18:01 PM

Fractured House ( Chapter six : Assault on Steel )

The negotiating took a week. Me and Zelkir traveled back and forth between the houses, telling them of the house of steel, how they were amassing an army. The Kells were concerned by this and agreed to work together to eliminate this threat. [i]Later[/i] It's been three days since the negotiations. We have established a forward temporary base about 209 miles from the House of steel's location. [i]Even later[/i] I've been getting rigourus training throughout the week in sword combat. My ether rations are increased and it is clear I am supposed to lead the attack. Zelkir and Skoei have also been receiving training. Because this is a joint operation, I have donned a house of kings cloak along with my Devils, to signify our unity with this. I have created specialized armor, colored In orange for this mission. [i]Six days later[/i] Tomorrow is the attack. The plan is to have four teams. One team of three skiffs will harass them from outside, firing rockets at their defenses. Team two will destroy their fleet while team three rushes in. Team four's priority is to rescue prisoners and kill the Kell. I am leading team four, Zelkir and Skoei will be in team three and one respectively. This operation has a high likelihood of failure, but the Kells agree it's worth it. [i][b][u]Day of the Attack[/u][/b][/i] We launched the skiffs. Team one splits off and begins the assault. We land in the hangar. We are met with heavy resistance from the guards, but we clear them out. Team three fans out and they start charging down corridors, clearing the base. Me and team four race down the hallway to the cells. My men begin killing the guards and I stab one in the chest. I turn around and spot a captain pinned under some debris. I run over to him to help. "Don't move, ok?" I say as I lift the debris off him. "Many thanks-" "Ezkor. Name is Ezkor. " "Oh,Ezkor. My name is Skintar" he says as I cut his cuffs and pass him some shock pistols. "Nice to meet ya." I tell him, "Now let's go!" I roar and I sprint off down the hallway. We turn a corner and see four guards coming at us. "Can you take two?" "Sure, you take the others?" I nod and run at two of the guards, impaling them both. I turn to see him shoot one in the face. "Nicely done." I tell him. "We need to find my friend." He says. "Her name is Peekis, she arrived here with me." "Very well. Where is she?" "In cell block one, I think." We found Peekis and freed her. I was about to go to the kell's chamber when someone sent a message via the comms. [i]"The Kell is gone.".[/i] Hearing this was a shock, the slippery woman, she must've had a private skiff. I run off with Skintar and Peekis. I tell them I have a skiff waiting. Sure enough the skiff is there. We climb aboard and take off, heading for the temporary base.

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