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Edited by Helykaon: 3/11/2016 3:27:28 PM

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Soldier's Life (Chapter 1)

[b]Chapter 1[/b] He woke up to the blaring sounds of the alarm.‎ Sitting up in his cot, he tried to make sense of what was going on around him. He looked out of his rooms window and saw white-armored soldiers -Clone Troopers, his brothers! - Yes, he remembered that he was a Clone, just like the men who were charging down the hallway lit by urgent red warning lights. He swung himself off of the cot, eager to join his fellow soldiers, and as soon as his feet hit the floor, he realized something. He was on a space station, as indicated by the familiar pull of artificial gravity. Judging by the design of the room he was in and the hallway outside, a medical station. He blinked in surprise. How did he know all of this? And what was his name? "How did I get here?" he said aloud. A distant explosion snapped him out of it. He pressed his face to the window, trying to get a better view, when another explosion rocked the station with the force of an earthquake, throwing him to the ground. His head hit the ground with a smack, and everything started to spin. "Hey! Trooper!" the Clone turned his head to see a fully armored Clone in the doorway. "This place is under attack by the Seps, we're evacuating, can you stand?" he offered his hand to the Clone. "The names Coric, what's yours?" "I'm not entirely sure that I remember." he shook his head, trying to remember. How could he have forgotten his own name? "How about your operating number?" he shook his head. "No? Strange... we'll sort this out once we're out of here." a metallic clanking sound caused Coric to unholster his blaster pistol, a DC-17, the nameless clone immediately knew. "At least tell me you remember how to fight?" he offered the blaster to the nameless clone. The nameless Clone smiled and grabbed the pistol. "Don't we all?" a movement behind Coric caught his eye and he reacted before he could realize what it was. The DC-17 flashed three times as three B1 Battle Droids went down, smoking holes in each of their heads. Coric whistled. "Well. Until we find out what your real name is, I'm just going to call you Rookie." he indicated the three Battle Droids. "For obvious reasons." "Sounds weak." The Clone now known as Rookie rolled his eyes. "This better just be temporary." _______________________________________ Rookie and Coric ran down the corridor. Ahead, Coric's squad was engaged in combat with a platoon of Battle Droids. They were making good progress in thinning their ranks, but were having trouble dealing with the B2 Super Battle Droids. "Good to see you sir! We're in a bit of a tough spot!" one of the troopers ushered Coric and Rookie over to cover. "These SBD's are giving us a run for our credits!" "Fierfek!" Coric swore. "We've got to get back to the transports or we'll be left behind." One of the Clone troopers peaked over cover to return fire and was hit in the chest twice. Coric checked on him, then shook his head. "They've sealed off the blast door, so the only way down there is through them!" "I've got an idea." Rookie's eyes lit up. "Pass me a breaching charge." Coric handed him‎ one. The trooper who was taking cover with them shook his head. "We've already tried them. This door is the true definition of blast proof." Rookie looked up from his work, the trooper was right, the door was riddled with scorch marks. "Good thing we're not going through the door." Rookie said, placing the charge on the floor. Coric stared at him like he was mad. He probably was. "Do you even know what we're standing on top of?" Coric yelled. Rookie grinned. "No, but we're about to find out!" He motioned to the others to pull back towards the door. They must have thought he had gotten it open. Once they were all close enough he blew the charge, and the whole floor fell away beneath them. As soon as he pressed the detonator, he realized something that would have definitely effected his decision. [i]Why the hell would I do this without wearing armor?[/i] He hit the ground and rolled in reaction, straight into the wall. Thunk. The last thing he heard before losing consciousness was the most accurate statement he had heard since he woke up. "You kriffing idiot." _______________________________________ [b]To be continued.[/b] (I know there is a lot wrong with it, I didn't really edit it too much and I haven't written a fanfic in a little while. Feedback is appreciated!) Ps, this is my first time back in the field in a while, my writing is very rusty and I barely edited.

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