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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
9/1/2005 2:53:20 AM

text art

who is good with text art such as my sig
#Offtopic #Flood

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  • others are way to big and not needed those were my best and right now im going to sleep

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  • Got anymore?

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  • it just takes practice and it does take a while and i have a program thing that i use to help me i think everyone has the notepad thing that is a good thing to put them on

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  • -blam!-

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  • Hm... l never thought of that. But those are just too good. l can't imagine him making those. But then....some one made them right? Why couldn't it be him? l just find it hard to believe.

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  • Holy -blam!- dude. . . .That rocks! (>_-) \m/

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  • yay im having fun a jackel ……………….___ …………....„-”::::.”\‚ ………….../::::::::...\ …………../::::::::::....\ …………./:::::::::::::::..\‚…………………………..„ ……....../:::::::::::::::::...\……………………„-”\„„-\\\„ ……...../::::::::::::::::::::...\………………„_\”^\\\\\\\\\\\ ……..../::::::::::::::::::::::...\…………….~„_~^|\\|\„\|\|\\\„„_ …….../:::::::::::::::::::::......}……………~-˜-„-*”¯-•-„:::::::¯”-‚ ……../:::::::::::::::::::…..„-”…………...~-~{:::::”-„*¸¸¸}:::::„„„¸}„¸_¸ ……./::::::::::::::::….„~”………………...~-|::::::::¯:;;_„„..--......¯˜\‚ .......|::::::::::::::….‚-’…………………....../-*’”‚::‚-’¯/;;//\/\///\\//\\/\/˜ ……|::::::::::::…„-”………………………./*-„„/:::\::\~-„„¸;;;/ ……|:::::::::…‚-’……………………..„-~”;;;;;;*~-„„¸:\˜˜”““”/ ……|::::::::::::/………………._¸„---/”;;;{:::::;;;;;;;;;\’\‚\^^;{-„¸ ……|:::::::::::|¯˜~„-~*•„¸„„-~*˜¯…:::/;;;;;\:::::;;;;;;;;/;;\\^/\;\..”~„ ……|:::;;;;;;;;;\;;{”::;;:::\”~-„:::….../;;;;;;;;”-„¸::;;¸‚-’;;;;;\\¸^^¸\…::’ ill try to fix so i can use as a sig

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] XXJackalSniperXX There's no way you are making those. You're doing it to fast. NO WAY. Your getting them some where. There's no way you made that in that amount of time.[/quote]Ever think He made them previously and is just copying and pasting them here? Damn I had to look at that a while before I saw an elite!

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  • Obviously he's got them saved somewhere. And that's really good. [url=]And I think this guy's art is really good too.[/url]

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  • there saved on my computer it takes forever to make them and theres a program that helps

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  • Even though there's no way you're making those they're still cool. Oh and l stared at the "elite" long enough and l see it now.

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  • There's no way you are making those. You're doing it to fast. NO WAY. Your getting them some where. There's no way you made that in that amount of time. [Edited on 8/31/2005]

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  • l can't make an elite outta that...

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  • …………………..._„~”*~~~~**”;;;;;;;;”\„”\ …………………..|‚~*;;*~~***””;;;;;;;;;;;;;;”~„ ………………......|;;;;;;;;~*””””””””””””””*\„;;;;”| …………………...”–„;;”…………………..);;| ……………………...}……………………‚{;;} ………………………|……………………[~‹„ …………...„~*~--„_.{”\„_„/”¯¯¯¯”\--~**”¯..\(„„) ………..„-”¯……....\.|.¯”*~„___„„~”¯;;_„„-~}./” ……..„-”¯……¯”-„....”¯\„;;:‚|…::;;|‚::”-„{_„-~‚/” …...„/*”¯....¯”*~~-„”*-„..¯”-„|…::;;|‚::;;;_„-~{- …„/”……….__….¯’›;;’|;;:;;¯’\___„‚-~*”„-”*¯”-„

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  • its an elite

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  • l'm not sure what that last one is, chemical artist. And l NEVER would have realized that was the "N" word unless you told me.

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  • …………………………………_„„-~*~„ ……………………………„-*”˜˜¯„„„„„„i~„/ ………………………….‚-’….:./;;;;;;;;;”\„ ………………………...‹”„„„„„„/„„„„-~~–„_”~-„_...CA ……………………‚-~~-‹”¯˜””\„„„„„„‚}„--~/*”˜˜”~-„ …………………….*-„„„„}”~;;„„”\„„„„/::::/;;;;;|;|;;”~„ …………………………/::;;„-~–„/..|::„/;;;;;;;|‚|;;{¯”-„_-„_ ………………………./(„„/”¯”..|;/.„-”¯’’\;;;;;;;|‚};‚}…...¯}’\”~„_ ………………………./|:¯„-”....|˜¯;;\;;;;\::;;;’|/;’’|…….{...”-„;¯”-„ …………………....../‚-”¯/…….|;;\;;”}:::};;;;|’;;/….....|…...¯’-‚;;\ …………………...../;\.../…......|:::”-„\‚_};„-”;;”]….....|…:::::::”-‚|

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] XXJackalSniperXX Chemical Artist- HOLY -blam!-! And why would he be banned for saying [/]1632? whats bad about that?[/quote] Because it forms the "N" word, and no not the one for someone new.

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  • Chemical Artist- HOLY -blam!-! And why would he be banned for saying [/]1632? whats bad about that?

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  • OMG THATS FREakin huge how long did it take you to make that

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Fatal05 |\|1663|2[/quote] Banned in 3...2...1

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  • Holy crap!

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  • ………………………………_ …………………………...../‚-‚\‚ ………………………….....||¯|’\‚ ………………………........|‚|:‚|.\\‚ ………………………........|„|::|..\‚\ ………………………........|„|:::\::\„\‚ …………………………....|„|::_‚\:::’\‚\„ ……………………….......|‚‚|::|;|:\::::\‚’\‚ ……………………………|‚„|::|;|„‚”*\„-”\‚;”-‚ …………………………...|‚-”:/”;;¯”~„\‚.”\‚;”-„ …………………………...|::/’;_„__;;’\;\‚..’\„;;\‚ ……………………………|„*”¯…..¯”~\‚;\‚..”\„;’\‚ ……………………….....‚-’¯;¯”-„_…....}~„\‚..”\‚;\‚_ ………………………..../;;;;;;;;;;;”\‚……|;;;}-\~*”¯¯’-‚………………………………____„„„___ ……………………….../„_;;;::::‹¢›”----”¢›/„„\_.....|..|;’-‚……_……………„-~~*”˜˜¯¯;;;;;;„¸___¯\‚ …………………….„-”˜\¯..\˜”¯„-~*˜¯¯¯¯˜-‚:}…\‚...\‚.|„-*/”˜¯¯.¯˜›………‚-’¯;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;„-”¯----„¯¯¯˜”*„ ……………………‚-\…\‚…|..(„_{:::::/”¯¯’i‚}/…}..._\||„„--~*“„-”¯…….‚-’;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;{;;;;„__;;;¯¯˜˜*„„* …………………\;;”~„|„„”¯”~„”„„__„„/”*~*˜*”¯...\;|:::„”¯~~~~~”;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;’\;;;..\‚;;¯\;;;;‹”¯„~-„_ …………………….\„;‚\„i\;;;\‚;;;;;¯¯;;;¯;):/”………...\|‚”;;;;;;„/:::/„{;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\‚;;;..’‚;‚\‚;;;”¯„*|…………………”¯\;;.\:::’\„;;”„_;;;;;;„”„/……::”~„_:‚\”;;;;„~”~„~’\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;”›„_„}..„˜”};;;;;;;|;…...„„{”¯~*”\”˜˜\::::.¯”„;¯”**”;;:/………::::::¯”};;„/.:;|……….˜”~„_;;;;;;;;;_„„„~*¯...¯...\‚;;;;;;;;‚„„„”{”::\‚_…„-~˜˜*~-„_::\:::::…¯’\„„„;„-\:…::::::::::::/;;;/..:;/…………….¯˜”˜¯¯……………...”~„__„~”¯ …..}::::„/¯˜”~-/\„:::”-„„„-¯*-\_:::::::::’\::\;’-‚\::::::::::::::„-”;;’/-./”…………………………………….....¯ …„/:::„/;;;;;;;;;¯˜””~”˜¯……..¯”~-„_::”-’-‚;’\‚’-‚_„„~*”¯;;;„-”‚-’/ …{:::/’;;;;;;;;;;;;;;}…………..„_…_¯”~*”„-~~~;;;;;;;~*¯„/’~’-„i\‚ ….\‚/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|…………..”-‚¯”„¯¯¯¯¯„_”-„;;;;;;;;;„-”¯;;;;;];;;”~„_ ….};;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|……………..¯\;;;;¯¯”””¯;\¯”\„;;;;;;;”--~*”’‚-’“”˜””;;’\‚ ….|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|………………./;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\‚....¯”*”˜¯…../’;;;;;;;;;;;;’| ....|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;‚|…………….../;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;„\‚…………./;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;| ....|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|……………‚-’{‚-”\‚;;;;;;;;;;;/¯”-‚………‹”;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;| ....|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|…………..¯˜”›__„\„„„„„„„„l„„„„„\……....’|;;;‚-‚;;;;;‚-‚;;;„\‚ …|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;i„…………….¯……………...¯……….\/”:.\‚;;‚/:.\;;/...\‚ …\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;{¯¯\;”-‚……………………………………....‹”„„„„\„(„_„\-”~-* ….’-‚;;;;;;;„-„;’-‚...¯”………………………………………......¯…...¯ ……”\‚;;;;;\-”;;;”- ……...¯””**”*~˜…Chemical Artist

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  • |\|1663|2

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  • oh crap actually this is my nickname at school cuz im realy good in art trust me i didnt copy

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  • OO ( U ----oo---- -----c----- ----u------

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