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originally posted in: What's your Favorite Halo Game?
3/10/2016 12:25:46 PM
I don't know why people liked reach so much. Yeah, I spent a lot of time on it forging and having custom games with my buddies but that was it. IMO most MP modes were kinda shit (besides invasion and infection) and the maps were mostly either forgettable or forged. The campaign was aaiiiiiight, but aaiiiiiight is terrible by the standards of the halo franchise (pre-343). I don't know why people still think the death of noble team is more saddening than Dom in Gears 3, it confuses me. Maybe I just didn't get invested that much into the story, you know, seeing as there is hardly anything to get invested in. I'm probably gonna get shit on for this, which is totally understandable seeing as many people can't handle others having different opinions to themselves. Even I got pissed when I found out that one of my friends preferred the star wars prequels to the originals (but I'm sure most people would my on my side with that one).

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