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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
2/22/2016 5:52:26 PM

Bungie, we need to talk, as well as the other players....

I have become concerned as of late due to what I personally see as a carrot on a stick MMO grind. In some aspects the game is more of a grind then "some" Korean MMO's and that is bad. Let us look just ahead in the future where you speak of a raise in light level. Knowing that this is coming we can only speculate or assume that either all vendors will have new gear or a system will be implemented to increase our current items to the next or appropriate tier. If all new weapons and armor are coming then the Iron Banner will not be useful or fun to participate in because the gear is or will be irrelevant. Actually even if we can upgrade weapons and armor to new levels because of this light increase then again the event seems irrelevant. If you are going to make "OLD RAIDS" harder then new raids then the new raid and Oryx was pointless as he chronologically should of been more powerful. Pve'rs and others may be fond of this and if so I do not object. I have been getting greens in heroic strikes lately and do not know if it is just really bad RNG or something went wrong in a patch or update. Also the Iron Banner event does not drop any weapons near or above 300 light level unless you are lucky enough to get one in the rank 5 package. Most of my gameplay has been in Crucible. I am not in a position to speak much on raiding and the issues those groups of players face. I have not seen many legendary drops and packages from Crucible rank ups are often armor and not weapons and also of a light level lower then I care to put work to get up to 310 let alone raid to get to 320. I play with a small group of friends so the chances of going flawless in Trials of Osiris are unlikely, this though again can be attributed for lack of skill but the idea that you can only get there by going flawless just helps the rich stay rich. I like to think I am good enough to play and hang with the young guns as I have put down a lot more then one person with a doctrine of passing with a Zhalo or my Midi. What I am asking genuinely is do you have a "REAL" plan for the future other then hoping to keep attention of your player base until Destiny 2 comes out? Is that when we are going to see many things that should of been done be done? I will not name the game out of respect to your company, its workers, and especially the loyal players but I have played a beta of a game that comes out in early March that seems so far advanced and interesting then Destiny. And I am not happy because if you look at my Titan I have 65 days playing time on just him with three level 40 characters. I also must admit I bought many items through your vendor with real currency so its an even more bitter pill to swallow when another game seems to do so much right. What I would like to hear from you guys is a real map for where this game is going and how we are going to get there instead of the same ol MMO focus of grind. Now you may argue that you are not an MMO and you are partly right. But as a thirty eight year old who has played MMO's since Old School Ultima Online if any game has gear, quests, dailies, events, raids, pvp battles and now in game purchases it is an MMO. Now the part that is hard is telling you the makers how you can fix it. That should be the easy part but I did not make it. I can only tell you that the grind is horrible and the loot in comparison to the light level the players are is horrible. I am personally over rank 240 or so with the cryptarch and can not remember getting anything around 300 light level despite being 310 plus for some time. Crucible rewards seems so varied that those who finish in last place often get much better loot then those that bust their butt and finish in first. I have read raiders complaining of loot problems but do not raid so I can not be sure. Add a looking for group, or matchmaking that is private for the larger guilds to battle but DO NOT offer better rewards. Bragging rights alone would or should be enough for those clans. When more of the player base reaches higher level it is time for the vendors and gunsmith to stop sending us loot at 280 light level. It needs to be based somewhat even if with rng on our light level. The same goes for Iron Banner gear being sold or won in game. I have never seen a weapon be over 300 or and armor other then class and ghost drop at 320. Tell me a real strategy to make the game not stale, and if we have to wait till Destiny 2 be honest with us. I bought the collectors despite already owning all the content. I and others have put a lot of time in to playing this game but it is at a point I feel that many of us are looking at other options. I would advise also to stop doing a circle of nerfs where one weapon type becomes weak for awhile only to become relevant again. I see no problem with 1000 yard stare and I can say that because I do not use the gun. Look at my stats and you will see I am a horrible marksman as well as it does not fit my play style. Take more patience in balancing and do not knee jerk react. Also I would stop doing twitch events that offers emblems when or if their is only going to be a fire team of two of you against ALL OF THE PLAYSTATION AND XBOX players because odds are we will not even get a chance and I do not want to watch others get to play against you. I want to play the game not watch you play the game. If you doing something like that get at least a group of 20 in 10 two man teams.... These are just my opinions and I am sure I left a lot of things out that others may fill in.

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  • Everyone will be past 320 in just a few days after the new light level drops. So... just do the things you enjoy doing. The light level will take care of itself. For example, if you're 310 now, you have the light level you need to do any current activity in Destiny. There's no real reason to reach 320 other than bragging rights.

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