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originally posted in: So, this Hawkmoon problem...
2/16/2016 9:09:49 PM
I find it absolutely unbelievable that Bungle would take player skill out of the equation when it comes to ADS-ing with HC's. I'm sorry, but if my aim is true, then my shot should land no matter how fast I squeeze the trigger. This should never be an RNG scenario. The simple fact that Bungle decided to inject RNG into the equation, shows just how clueless they are when it comes to weapon balancing. Top that off with the how bad the ammo situation is with HC's and well you end up with guns that no one will use anymore. Bungle continuously make changes to weapons in order to "balance" weapon type usage within the game. Well, congratulations Bungie...You managed to basically take the Hand cannons completely out of that equation and now no one uses them. Well done. You now have an entire class of weapons that is utterly unusable.

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  • That makes sense. I couldn't tell you how many times I'm playing and saying out loud "why the -blam!- are my shots not registering" when i clearly have the reticle on my target. I still do ok with it but damn it can be frustrating to use

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  • Agreed, RNG for shot connection is pathetically stupid. Either you're on target or you armt. End of story

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  • How was rng injected?

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  • They made a cone that goes from the end of the gun and the max range. It gets bigger the more it goes and the bullet will land anywhere in this cone. In the nerfs they made this cone way to wide and its really hard to land shots now

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  • ↑ This is regardless of your aim. Say you are ADS-ing and your aim is spot on, well depending on the distance of the target and the frequency of your shots, RNG will decide whether the bullet hits or not. Therefore, your skill with ADS-ing no longer matters. This is my main issue with the nerf they did to HC’s. All they had to do was apply a more strict damage fall off at distance so that you couldn’t snipe from across the map with any Hand Cannon. If your aim is true, you will hit the target at long distances, but the damage will be severely reduced. How hard would that have been?

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  • Ha, so that's what's happening. I was wondering how I miss some of those shots. I thought it was lag

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