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1/29/2011 12:58:04 PM

Summa Canonica - The Ideal Halo Canon Policy

[i][b]SVMMA CANONICA[/b][/i] A Treatise and Discussion on Canon Policy for the Halo Universe [quote][/quote] [i][b]PARS PRIMA[/i][/b] I.[b] OVERTURE[/b] II.[b] PURPOSE[/b] [i][b]PARS SECUNDA[/i][/b] III.[b] A DEFINITION[/b] [i][b]PARS TERTIA[/i][/b] IV.[b] A NOTE ON CANONICAL HIERARCHY[/b] V.[b] PROCEDURES FOR AN EXCLUSIONARY ANALYSIS[/b] VI.[b] CONCLUSION[/b] VII.[b] ADDENDA[/b] [quote][/quote] [u][b]I. OVERTURE[/b][/u] To be oversimplified into unjustly bereft and inadequate terms, terms that, in the interest expediency and brevity, must for now suffice: one ought to perceive the Halo Universe as an expansive and detailed mythology, which is comparatively new by incarnation and arguably still in maturation with respect to canon that supports the main events of the Halo Trilogy, indeed a finished and written Canon, which is the keystone, ethos, basis, morality, and fundamentality of the entire "series"; i.e. the greater "Halo Canon" which refers to the totality of those objects veritably referenced by the name "Halo". The care, time, and ingenuity that were put into manifestation of this story have produced a result that is on par with classical works of the Greco-Roman epic tradition and implores, in part, a revival of therein contained themes; however not without an insight that does evince a modern relevance. Consequently, the story has been the focus of heavy scrutiny and research as one is naturally compelled to investigate the higher philosophical and real-world implications that are hidden within and obfuscated by the story's copious and puzzling array of allegorical references and symbols; whether they are literary, biblical, classical, historic, or original in nature. This continuous cycle of research and examination is assisted and advanced by a set of common standards that are pertinent to the objects being studied and establish a homogeneous environment preventing confusion and advocating collaboration. I wish to write about canon policy and its corresponding philosophy not only to spread my opinion of which I have put much fastidious mental effort and astute canonical study into concluding on the crucial matter, but also to clarify, at the very least, the arguments and differences people have in regards to the subject. In keeping with this mythological tendency, having been argued for above, the manifold nature of Halo's multifarious expressions and narrations throughout recent history has left an apparent canon of discord, with minor variations and inconsistencies between different renditions of the story, while obeying the overall theme and plot of the canon. By purely methodical and logical processes, this policy will discover the true standard of Halo Canon when possible, or, at the very least, provide a sound substantiation for the exclusion of those egregiously acanonical articles. [u][b]II. PURPOSE[/b][/u] At the time of this writing, it has been announced that Bungie will progress from Halo-related endeavors once they have finished their canonical revelation that aims to convey the events of The Battle of Reach in a form of an interactive media experience, colloquially, a "video game". Microsoft's 343 Industries, which has a notorious reputation amongst many for the repeated, merciless, and greedy butchering of our great Halo Canon for pecuniary benefit not to mention the full legal rights to the Halo Intellectual Property and franchise, will henceforth oversee and manage the future of the Halo Universe in its franchisal posterity - a fact that has many, including myself, frightened. The current atmosphere, occasioned by frequent unjustifiable castigations of the True Halo Canon to which recent asinine publications of 343 Industries; juvenile but facetious and variegated illustrations of alleged Halo canon whose florid and incongruous absurdity is, indeed, quite of Legend, subversive and imperious recompositions in place of previously written textual canon, or otherwise; are attributed, does provide the cause, purpose, and desire for me to publish this declaration of remedy and guiding direction back towards the proper course of things, a course of things that does no disrespect to the True Halo Canon, much unlike the customary [i]modus operandi[/i] of 343 Industries. The cause for this document is made more crucial to my personal perception when I read professions of despair and abandonment of Halo due to the recent perceived downfall - an abjuration so illogical yet disturbing I can but haste to submit this document for the isolation of damage that has already been done. Fortunately for us and future Students and Doctors of Halo Canon, there is good news contained in the following aphorism. The proceeding best conveys the entire purpose of and reason for this work: [i]An ideal canon policy is a sufficient countermeasure to any negative aspect or unwanted existence of any given non-Bungie product or publication that identifies with the Halo Universe; namely, potential future products from 343 Industries.[/i] To clarify, the term "canon policy" is herein defined as the set of reasons that compel an individual to include the according members as part of Halo Canon. How I define my specific policy, or "ideal canon policy", is quite complicated while concurrently dependent upon previously ascertained understandings, prerequisites that may or may not currently be had; I will refrain from providing a precise definition of this nomenclature at this point in time. I have devoted an entire section with the sole objective of defining this. Back to my original point which I italicized for emphasis above, I consider this fact to be self evident, easily inferred with basic analytical logic, and quite simple. My explanation of this follows. The greatest extent to which one would consider a member, by their interpretation, of Halo Canon would be those objects bearing the name of the Halo franchise; i.e., which overtly associate themselves with the Halo story in some way, shape, or form by means of marketing, labeling, or designation as such in a commercial, public, and published manner. It is certainly plausible that one may include other members, but that is outside the bounds of reasonability and is hardly ever an object of debate, so I will ignore this possibility. On the contrary, the most conservative possible canon policy is that that includes exclusively articles of canon directly authored by Bungie that are within the Halo Trilogy. This is because the Trilogy is the most original canon to appear under this name, as well as what I described to be the ethos and fundamentality of the universe, which is a position that I shall defend later. There is a very large and rapidly expanding chasm between these two ends, as more candidates for canonical acceptance become published. Now somewhere inclusively in between these two boundaries lay one's opinions on what they accept to be Halo and what they do not. Since Bungie has not laid out a specific policy or even an exclusive and complete set of canon represented by an official list, even if such a list were of relevance, the issue of "What global standard or greater means justifies my opinionated rationale of why I accept these items and also why I reject others" is raised. Surely one cannot include a potentially canonical article because of the feelings it invokes upon the individual, since that justification is extraordinarily ambiguous and in no way official, logical, or analytical in nature or derived from a standard that is implied or discovered, to contrast illustratively with the aforesaid proper and crucially important process. This is a trap that many of my past interlocutors with whom I have disagreed have fallen into since Halo is indeed a marvelous story that they, naturally, enjoy to parallel with their own lives. Nonetheless, between these two boundaries is that inclusiveness, as dictated by our policy, outside from which considered artifacts are designated to be acanonical and of a state that is to be ignored; thus removing any threat that 343 Industries poses to the purity and essence of established Halo Canon. To recapitulate, our canon policy finds that inclusiveness which is the True Halo Canon. But current beliefs are most heterogeneous among the community, and flawed self-policies do permit the ruining of our great and established Canon by new and unholy artifacts. These are more reasons that proclaim the need for a definitive canon policy extrapolated logically and from implications and patterns in the Halo Trilogy, considering any official word Bungie has made regarding their canonical manifestations. As stated, that is the purpose of this document - both to outline those specifications and defend, explain, and logically infer their meaning, truth or falsity, and applicable use. [b]Objection I:[/b] The said inclusiveness of Halo objects named the True Halo Canon cannot be come upon or dictated by those who are not in the position to do so or who do not compose them, i.e., it is the sole decision of those enabled by the business, legal, and financial arrangements that ensued the founding of the Halo franchise by Bungie Studios. Therefore, those that are Canon are so designated by officials such as Frank O'Connor of 343 Industries or Joseph Staten of Bungie Studios and the obverse, to give an example. Any document unapproved by these individuals or their colleagues purporting to select the real array of canon for the Halo Universe is at best flawed in purpose, arrogant in its proclamation of apparent authority, and to be ignored due to its lack of accreditation or approval by 343 Industries or Bungie Studios; at worst, entirely egocentric, misleading, and dishonest. [Edited on 01.29.2011 7:41 AM PST]

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  • [b]Reply to Objection I:[/b] The Canon is what the Canon is, and it had always been the same and will be forever. Proof of this is given in the First dictum of the catechism for this canon policy entitled "Specific Reflexivity" in the next section. Given this fact, constant and unchanged Halo Canon isn't dictated by anyone. It was not created, but conceived of and then communicated to us by means of words or media; ergo, the ones put in place by copyright law posses no special epistemological ability to reveal knowledge of the Canon to others, although some may very well be more capable of accurately, this process of Canonical revelation, carrying out than others of equal natural ability and status. Consequently, this document only from the highest care for preservation of the sanctity, beauty, and accuracy the Halo Trilogy reveals of the Canon results since others threat to mislead with poor depictions of True Canon and do also threat, far worse, to make themselves into "false prophets", so to speak, by propagating content that bears no inclusion with the True Halo Canon and may in fact reverse it. Now that is the true face of egocentrism, foolery, and dishonesty. This disturbing behavior has been elicited by 343 Industries, a pattern that for all worthy indications betrays no tendency to discontinue, whom we shall henceforth attempt to refer to as the Denigrators of Our Magnificent Canon - an accurate appellation. [u][b]III. A DEFINITION[/b][/u] [i][b]1. A CATECHISM[/b][/i] As I discuss various topics, I will define their final and irreducible summations that in totality constitute the core of the Ideal Canon Policy having explained the rationality upholding the aforementioned dicta. These are to serve as the primary definitions and may be, if the abstraction of application is necessary, evaluated against an object at question to decide the canonicity of questioned object. Note that nothing contained within this definition is based upon opinion, but is logically extrapolated, which is why this methodology of thought and classification bears significance and deserves universal acceptance. [i][u]i. Specific Reflexivity[/u][/i] Introductory Aristotelian logic dictates that, to give an example, datum a is equal to datum a; and no further inferences may be made without additional declarations that substantiate the relation of a to other unknown or known values. This observed law is applied to that of Halo Canon. This entity is what the entity is, a fact that may seem unnecessarily tautological at first; an applicable and veritable concept is deduced henceforth and is the definition of Specific Reflexivity: because the entity of Halo Canon is that same entity and no more yet no less, and never has this assertion evaluated false, that entity was, is, and will be that entity as it is now. A certain notability is with this statement, for we can now conclude that Halo Canon neither does nor can change if it is indeed that sameness at all times. To extend this logic, we can deduce that the True Halo Canon never conflicts with or contradicts itself, unlike what might seem apparent in "continuity errors" of canonical manifestations. Those errors are a product of whichever imperfect engine of canonical revelation is employed. There can be no contradictions among the True Halo Canon because there would be considered two or more manifold "pages" or "renditions" of canon, as is the definition of such a situation in which a contradiction is apparent; this would violate the Law of Identity and is impossible. [b]Objection I:[/b] If mere reflexivity is sufficient to deduce quite so magically the assumption that that given entity has remained unchanging, it is also put forward that nothing can change, citing the Law of Identity for proving the reflexivity of all aforesaid given entities. This is false by very and natural observation. [b]Reply to Objection I:[/b] Although an expected rebuttal, its explanation lies within the fact that the entity being described as Halo Canon is not concrete; it is not itself a physical manifestation in itself wherein the imaginary quantities can be codified into a measurable unit and therefore altered. It cannot be such that those measurements are recorded at one point in time and re-sampled later to observe a change. If the Canon were to have been changed, then it is simply what we now would consider to be original canon. An infinite amount of stories can be conceived of; the story in which I walk one mile outside is different than the version in which I walk one and one tenth miles outside, etc. The one story that is Halo Canon is never changed, but only attempted to be told. If this requires further explanation, one should consider the statement that an ambiguous canon of infinite possibilities has those infinitesimal dissimilarities to that of True Halo Canon - whatever it might be. [b]DICTUM I:[/b] The principle of Specific Reflexivity states that the canonical entity is in equality with itself without inconsistency, has never been unequal with itself, and will remain unaltered [i]causa sui[/i]; a proceeding argument is one that conditionally selects a canon policy whose inclusivity is that same unchanging canonical entity. [i][u]ii. Idealism and Implicitness[/u][/i] The term "Idealism" has various meanings extraneous to this end; it is extant in philosophical and eschatological contexts. We ignore these definitions and for our purposes define "Idealism" as such: Idealism is the ideal and perfect mythology, and which is consequently also the True Halo Canon. One may wonder how any story could be considered ideal or perfect; if stories are just events and information, then how can there be an objective measurement of the worth or stature of a story that is not predicated on subjective opinion? We have already established the absolute necessity for logical and methodical process in creation of this canon policy because there are many who are in disagreement and must be held to the absolute and incontrovertible standard of reason. To this, I request that one observe the nature of stories surrounding him. Even without the reminding that Halo is a classical epic conveyed by modern means, and thus ignoring social science's discovery of the identity of a civilized society marked and defined by such epic tales, the argument of popularity answers this question. By observation, one can conclude that different stories are of different significance and therefore popularity; Vergil's [i]Aeneid[/i] has been of more consequence and meaning than the story of Jack and Jill ascending a hill in search of water. By this measurement Idealism assumes perfection; the measurement of significance, identification, classical tradition, and ingeniously crafted symbolic message and allegory. Books, movies, or video games, to name a few methods, of the Halo Franchise although imperfect do exhibit and communicate this Idealism, provided their naming of Halo, and not of another story. What, then, is the term "Idealism" but a synonym for the True Halo Canon? Nothing, I say, save for the minor tendency of the term to insinuate the essence of the Halo story that we have come to expect, that would be considered a classic plot device; such recognizable and vaguely familiar themes and structures easily forecasted by those well trained in the Western classics. It is likely impossible to convey fully this Idealism given its greatness and the constrictions of media. Therefore, high quality and true canonical artifacts evince this Idealism overtly or by means of implicitness, the act of describing the inherent nature or higher meaning of a part of the Idealism, to expand the accuracy and amount of Idealism able to be demonstrated. Both instances are flavors of the Reasonable Manifestation of the True Halo Canon. I classify two types of implicitness: natural implicitness and expository implicitness. Natural implicitness is a symbol, theme, allusion, allegory, reference, suggestion, hidden meaning, or philosophical revelation of the Idealism (the True Halo Canon) itself in fully detailed form - a fullness we may never know. Expository implicitness is the aforementioned implied nature but within a canonical medium and not the Canon itself to symbolize the True Halo Canon or manifest a part of the True Halo Canon that is natural implicitness. Expository implicitness is of far more effect and concern to us discussing canon policy. In the systems of this universe, there exists a duality between intelligence of design and potential information. Furthermore, the space occupied by a system can be compressed when reliance upon the intelligence of the interpretative actor is trusted. To submit an example, suppose I have a constant need to communicate a word to a friend every day by letter. Every day, I will write to him one of three previously chosen words. Suppose these three possible words are the three longest words in the English language. All major schools of basic linguistic philosophy agree in teaching us that the words themselves are symbols for ideas, and the intelligently crafted actors of specificity and order are two metrics: the order of the letters, and the selection of the letters in the word. However, it is decided that I will only communicate one of three words every day. Therefore, symbolizing my idea with the appropriate spelling of the word is a redundant exercise: it is unnecessary with regards to its small difference. If a small amount of time were expended by us to decide intelligently upon a code for each word, I could save time composing the message. For each of the three words would be assigned an integer from zero to two, each representing a different corresponding word. This symbolism is more efficient and compact.

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