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Edited by WakeyBake: 2/10/2016 1:50:21 AM

0% Excitement for Crimson Days...

So I've logged in almost every day without fail since vanilla launched, played almost every trials, every iron banner, supported every content release (Even SRL when 80% of my friends said it was trash)...But today Bungie, you truly disappointed me. [b]We have been given[/b] -A TEMPORARY game mode, which is (let's face it) 2 player trials... -A quest shorter than most weekly bounties... -Different bounties to replace our usual weekly bounties... -More paid emotes... -Roses in the tower... -A few ghosts.... -A few shaders.... I don't think I've enjoyed a game more than I have playing destiny for the last year. But today for the first time. I logged in to a brand new event, headed to the tower. Before taking out my disc and putting in a different game. It frustrates me to think that you guys have spent time on this, instead of focusing on REAL and MEANINGFUL content. The time spent on this could have 100% been better off spent on: -Vault of glass challenge mode? (Just the one raid, you can make us wait another 3 months for crota's end). -Maybe focus on getting the next big DLC out a week or so earlier? -How about a vendor refresh? (Surely wouldn't be more work than crimson days?) -Even introducing the old strikes back into nightfall and vanguard playlist rotation would have had me more exited than this... This is the[b] first time[/b] I've posted on your forums...but just letting you know, I'm finding it really difficult to play this game now, even though I could easily sink more hours into it. And i'm sure there are thousands of people out there that agree....if there was just SOMETHING to do. (Except grind for Twilight Garrison, which by the way I've given up on now also). WakeyBake Out P.S big fan of you guys since Halo 2 BTW...make chief proud, give us a reason to play

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  • Should take this post and blast it all over reddit so the fools at Bungie actually read it. Perfectly said.

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  • Edited by seraphic_thunder: 2/15/2016 2:48:23 AM
    [b]Pillar 1:[/b][b] [i]A World Players Want to Be In[/b] [/i]Jason Jones: "This pillar really influenced us early in development. Is this world cool? Do I want to stay here? Do I want to learn more about it?” Joseph Staten: "One lesson that’s critical is that the most important stories we tell aren’t going to be told by us. They’re going to be told by players – their personal legends built from shared adventures.” [b]Pillar 2: [i]A Bunch of Fun Things to Do[/i][/b] (after describing a three-man dungeon run in detail): Joseph Staten: “And just like that, The Dust Palace becomes part of my story. The breadth and depth of Destiny’s world encourages me to find my own adventures. It’s a place where I can leave my mark.” [b]Pillar 3: [i]Rewards Players Care About[/i][/b] Jones explained how the game will have “a lot of great things to earn, find, and make,” reiterating that “everything you do in Destiny earns rewards.” Besides unique weapons, every piece of your kit will be your own, from your helmet to your cape to your armor pieces to your face. Their goal, he said, is to keep players coming back “day after day, week after week, month after month, [and] year after year.” [b]Pillar 4:[i] A New Experience Every Night[/i][/b] Jason Jones: “Imagine you could spend an hour and accomplish something, but you get distracted from doing the thing you meant to do when you logged on. Every time you sit down to play Destiny you have a different experience than last time.” [b]Pillar 5: [i]Shared With Other People[/i][/b] Jason Jones: “Everything that’s fun to do is more fun to do with your friends.'” [b]Pillar 6: [i]Enjoyable By All Skill Levels[/i][/b] Jason Jones: "All core activities can be enjoyed by a novice player, that's not hard. What’s hard is keeping it interesting for your advanced players.” [b]Pillar 7:[i] Enjoyable by the Impatient and Distracted[/i][/b] Jason Jones: “Players don’t want to work hard, they don’t want to read, and they don’t’ want to go to the Internet to figure out our bullshit.” I think it's time for Bungie to remember the foundation that they laid for this game. Bungie's own words.

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    3 Replies
    • Bump

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    • Bump

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    • Truth bump

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    • Bump

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    • Bump.

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    • I just want match making for everything. Im sick of waiting and hoping for friends to get onto this dead game.. theres no reason not too.. unless they cant. This primitive game probably cant handle it.

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    • bump Crimson What?? a pvp mode where sweaty/tryhard player will go till trials on friday, so you will play against hard players ,thay will snipe you noscope /Tbag you at the end... great MODE BUNGIE , GREAT MODE !!!!

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    • Edited by Senor Crouch: 2/11/2016 6:24:40 AM
      I'd like to address something to you, Bungie. Under ideal conditions I'm sure the Crimson Days holiday event would be going over much better than it is now. So then that begs the question, "Why isn't it doing well with players under these conditions?" Well many reasons for sure, but one in particular is the fans are beginning to believe that these holiday concepts are nothing more than distractions for real problems that continue to be a concern with the player base. "Dangle a shiny object in front of them and hope they are none the wiser." Whether this is true or not is of little concern because it is what the players are beginning to feel. But, again, that is your fault is it not? Destiny players have no idea where the game is going this year. There was no New Year's Resolution 2016 update that outlines what's coming down the pipeline or anything. There is no Marvel Phase 3-esque timeline that Destiny fans can look at and be assured, "Ya, okay, so we'll be getting something in an 'x' number of months." or "Hmm, okay so the next major patch that will address many community concerns will be in <INSERT ESTIMATE MONTH HERE>." There is no hype for anything, only nebulous speculation that something is coming some time (unconfirmed). So for all the fans know, this is as much effort you are willing to devote to this game going forward. So naturally they are hostile to the event they perceive as nothing more than a smokescreen to hide underlying problems. Point being, keep with the holiday events but in order to prevent increased hostilities you are going to have to start taking communication with your players on your own website way more seriously than you have. Keeping them informed is so extremely vital with games like these. Twitter and the subreddit are nice, but the main source of information should be plastered all over your own domain, not through some tweets.

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      2 Replies
      • Gay Balls Mode!

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      • Declined the quest on all 3 of my characters....

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        2 Replies
        • Does anybody else think that the trail of rose petals that starts from the spawn point in the tower and runs towards the downstairs area looks like a gutted animal dragged its dying carcass across the floor of the tower? That's what it looks like to me.

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          3 Replies
          • Im so glad im not the only person outraged by this bullshit crimson event. it makes me sick!

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          • No excitement for this excrement...

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          • NOT INTERESTED... I need more PVE content, even if it's PVE live events. This Crimson Days event is a joke because Power should matter... It's nice to have the ability to obtain a 320 ghost, but this is ridiculous. Please bring back paid DLCs or something because I LOVE this game, but the community is losing faith in Bungie....

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          • Edited by GOATCAST: 2/10/2016 6:15:23 PM
            yea i did the bounties on one guy cause i was excited about this new event BUT i quickly stopped and thought about what i was doing, EFF this is it worth my time. the thrill and reason to play is slowly fading away and that's coming from a day 1 player with pretty much everything done as far as TTK, the raids, and all exotics that are available NOTHING TO DO!. my characters are 320, 319 and 319. I don't even want to do the challenges in order to have 3 320's like why should i do it, its pointless. SO destiny needs to bring something out man like really. i love this game and i really would like to see them come back.

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          • I'm not touching it... sounds stupid to begin with... all for a chocolate ghost?... no thanks and why is there no way to get silver in game??

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            5 Replies
            • I agree, after finishing all the content, crimson days feels like a pretty lazy effort by bungie to sell microtransactions. I did have fun for a few hours. The bounties give legendary armor engrams that turn into the same crap, the candy is useless, the pvp mode is easier but not much different, and the reward RNG is horrible. Only two possible shaders and the rest is recycled stuff. There is a remote chance of getting a chocolate ghost, and even more remote chance of a 320. I already have a 320 ghost so I couldn't care less. I could go on, but then I would be putting more time into writing this post then was put into CD.

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            • It is of zero interest to me as well. Any of the topics you suggest would have been time better spent and I think you speak for the vast majority of the community when you say that.

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            • Boycotting this sad event

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            • the tower looks pretty... But there was no reason this event couldn't have had matchmaking, none. the rewards are so lackluster. this is the worst event yet, sorry.. not trying to be overly negative, just honest.

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            • I'm more excited for my surgery next month.

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              7 Replies
              • Edited by Solace: 2/12/2016 7:37:37 PM
                A few shaders? A few ghosts? No. Two shaders. Two ghosts. An emote and if you're lucky a faction weapon (like you couldn't already get it) and or an exotic (like you couldn't already get it or as if you didn't already have it). Bungie is using recycled armor and materials with gimmicky "new" events. These events are aesthetic and tired. Bungie should have never announced Destiny 2, announcing it only shed MORE light on how stale The Taken King has become. Even the Kings Fall raid is exhaustingly tired, boring, stage after stage of the same mess. It's not explorative. At least VoG was more labyrinthine and allowed you to seek hidden treasures. Let's face it, and I'm not comparing the games, anyone who isn't trying to ditch Destiny by the drop of The Division either couldn't afford it, didn't like the beta (which they should not have made a judgement by) or is too die hard to leave such a repetitive and insulting game. Sorry. Nerf all you want. Appease to the whiners. Give us flowers on the floor with a silly ghost and event with terrible RNG. I'm at the end of my rope with Destiny, Bungie, Activision, this game, and the forum. Quite close.

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              • the fact that there's six lame bounties for the entire "event" just makes it worse. There should have been a guaranteed 320 ghost from the big rewards thing, I don't want another fall emote, if i had wanted them, i would have bought them. Now there's three "legendary" emotes I would like, but there's a zero percent chance that I will buy them unless there is a major PVE expansion or addition announced, TL;DR Lazy "event" No more money for bungie

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