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1/31/2016 12:44:36 AM
Hello I really don't get on here to complain in fact I think this is the second or third time I have felt the need to voice a complaint about my experience on destiny I try very much to be an understanding guardian but I just wanted to know if other people where having the same experience I was as far as the rank 5 iron banner package goes and which I was super excited for and I got basically nothing and my primary weapons spot was full as well as my class armor so when I got nothing I though maybe it went to the post master but no such luck and the same thing happened to my Shaxx weekly bounties now is there something going on where your drops are being lost? Is there anyway this can be looked into? I've participated in every iron banner there has ever been and so far this is the saddest as far as loot goes and iron banner already gets the shaft compared to trials anyways (and why is IB treated like the red headed stepchild compared to Trial) I regress hopefully I didn't ramble to much non sense and this is looked at seriously thank you

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