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Edited by WSHAKESB33R: 1/18/2016 9:38:20 AM

Are you happy with crucible?





I want Bungie to actually sit up and take notice of the players concerns, personally i'm far from happy with the mess crucible has become, lag, hit detection, floating bodies, misadventure upon activation of supers, dying when dropping down off ledges, I have much love for crucible and has always been my first choice when jumping on, it's sad that it's become almost unplayable. Maybe this poll won't go how I think it will which is a massive "No" and that's okay, if the majority of players are happy, that's good, I for one won't play again until Bungie addresses all the problems. Edit; Thanks for all the comments and feedback guys & gals! greatly appreciated, The Destiny community is as alive as ever, and what a fantastic community it is, hopefully bungie will take notice and realize that we all care about this game and only want to play it as bungie intended, with eagerness, determination, excitement & fun.

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  • Edited by Professor H0bo: 2/15/2016 8:32:35 PM
    I'd like for some way to find players who actually try objective gameplay in objective-based games. Every team I find appears to treat rift and control like it's clash and tend to care less above capturing and holding objectives and more on just getting a cheap kill.

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  • I think BUNGIE'S issue is their obsession to please everyone and that's why there's so many nerfs, buffs, and patches. I guess it's nice to care for the minority, but it gets annoying when there are literally monthly intervals of an overpowered class of gun, for it to be nerfed, with another class being buffed, and the cycle repeats.

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  • even out the teams at the start... of all the games.... pause the timer or something... make even teams...

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  • too much lag too many 1000 yard stares too much nerf sunbreaker

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  • How do you post a poll like this

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    2 Replies
    • I have to say that yes Im happy with Crucible but yes I agree. Bungie needs to make it much more diverse. I use 1000 yards Stare my self, but I agree. A lot of other weapons are not being used. I love the Tao Hua Yuan design compared to 1000 yard, but its the matter of aim assistance. If they can get rid of it, I'd switch to it any day.

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    • Edited by purgy330: 1/21/2016 11:36:28 PM
      [quote]80% of special weapons used in the crucible is the 1000 yard stare. [/quote] Just gonna leave this here (Dont remember source but i read this recently)

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      1 Reply
      • I noticed some people do very well in laggy matches. Unfortunately I'm not one of them. Is there a trick to it?

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        • When did they add skillbased matchmaking? I was wondering why it was taking so long to find games.

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        • Edited by Sturm with no Drang: 1/21/2016 3:48:36 PM
          Along the occasional floating bodies I've also begun to notice that orbs are also starting to float. Is this the end of Destiny? I suggest we all panic and spread about mass hysteria. I'll start. *clears throat* "...OH MY GOD!!! THE BIG THREE META FROM HOW IS BACK!!! THORN IS FILLING PV-...oh, wait..."

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        • If pvp one day just went away and guns were restored to glory I wouldn't care. Pvp is a broken laggy pile of.garbage. Nerf this Nerf that posts wouldn't exist. Pvp ruins this game.

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          7 Replies
          • [quote] i'm far from happy with the mess crucible has become, hit detection, floating bodies, misadventure upon activation of supers, dying when dropping down off ledges, [/quote] They are actually going to address these problems. If you go to all topics you can see a post from cosmo saying this. Unfortunately not the case for the lag...

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          • I'm happy with mayhem and trials. Nothing else.

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          • Skill based match making needs to go! And what kind of a game actually wants each players win % be at 50%? I call BS on that crap, matchmaking you so you intentionally lose half the time! It needs to be adressed. And the pointless nerfs and buffs? WTF game does this? It's ridiculous for any players to find a rhythm and actually get really good when the deck is stacked against them.

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          • While sometimes it's fun, I refuse to be match made into an already mercy'd team or me being forced to play sweatys or play with lag for days.

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          • Mostly, yes.

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          • Crucible was most fun in vanilla

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            4 Replies
            • The problem with cruicible right now isn't any glaringly obvious balancing issues, it's just that so many people right now are trying their best to find the most OP way to play e.g. Using year 1 Thorn and the Conspiracy Theory(Felwinter Jr.) Some people just can't let go of the crutch.

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            • Your poll needs a "sorta" option, for people like me who can't take a stand. :D I don't play other PvP games. Destiny is about the right speed / pace for me and my old-man level of skill; plus, the game is simply fun to actually [i]play[/i]. So I don't give a shit if Destiny's PvP is the worst PvP that ever PvPed. I still have fun. And it's the only thing in Destiny that can still occasionally [i]surprise[/i] me, so there's that. So anyway, I'm mostly happy with Crucible. The fixed the floating bodies, and they may have half-fixed the melee detection issues, but I can't really tell since I avoid melee if at all possible (as a wise man once said, "if there are bullets in my gun, why the hell would I get into bayonet range?"). However, there's some stuff that is irking me: [b]one[/b], I'm a little pissed off that I can count the number of games with fewer than 3 red-bar players on my [i]elbow[/i] [b]two[/b], I'm not happy that everything else sucks so bad that MIDA is the best tool for every engagement, at all ranges, ever. [b]three[/b], I'm tired of waiting for 3 hours for the stupid SBMM to search the entire world for players so I can start a match

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            • So glad this poll is in favour of no. So much can be improved, so much is missing.

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            • The crucible is fun. I voted no. Fun doesn't mean good. Fix your shit bungo.

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              3 Replies
              • I'd be happy if grenades were only usable twice a match and bother heavy and special ammo came once a match and they got rid of generating ammo

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              • While there are issues with lag and certain weapons that are a little to strong/weak The meta is the most balanced its ever been and I think its headed in the right direction I remember a day where you were at a clear disadvantage if you did not equip Suros Regime, thorn, TLW. But today I feel I can succeed with any loadout and not be at a disadvantage. Mida and TLW are not over powered they are just popular. Both weapons handle well and are fun to use As for Snipers, I think there handling should be slowed a little (like shottys) and rate of fire should be brought down a little bit, Right now they don't really punish a missed headshot and its really easy to just double bodyshot. In my opinion Crucible needs work but it could be worse

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                4 Replies
                • If Bungie could just acknowledge lag first things first Then take steps to address the issue then a lot of the other issues become way easier to address people often think they lose gunfights due to a particular type of gun being overpowered No ...its because half the time during your gunfight lag is causing your weapon to not do damage or your opponent is redbar and becomes an unkillable god If you enjoy pvp and you hear that the system in destiny 2 is going to be PVP...keep your money or pay and expect to be fustrated all over again

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                  2 Replies
                  • I'm sure it can't be easy making everyone happy, while also trying to make the game fair for everyone, while also trying to make the game fun for everyone.

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                    • It's fun.. ICE BREAKER ALL DAY.

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