As much as I am a proponent of bringing back the HoW era as it was the best era I feel with out much of a doubt in the history of the game; I don't really care about re forging. I never used it much personally and thanks to Etheric Light I was rocking my Zombie and other pre HoW killers anyway that were already better than what I would get dropped in HoW.
However, I have seen some people say "well you didn't have to look for guns you just created them" - not entirely true. You couldn't re forge impact, range, etc as far as the raw stats, you could only do the perks. So I mean, crap gun was still crap gun IMO with or without re forge. So it wasn't as bad as people make it out to be outside of crucible but that is a whole different issue.
At that point you could still rock the zombie. Now all year one weapons are deliberately weakened.