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1/11/2016 11:30:36 PM

If Everyone Only Wants Experienced Raiders....

How did anyone get experience in the first place? Is there a way to pay to skip the inexperienced phase?

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  • Sherpa my man.

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    • We spent hours and more hours on the raid when it was new, until we finally reached the point of being able to complete every encounter in 1st or 2nd try. When you get to that level you don't want to go back to the beginning of your raiding and spend 6 hours on the raid again. I'm no elitist prick, but that's the reality - I don't mind raiding with first timers, as long as they learn from their mistakes and listen to instructions. But when it comes to recruiting randoms through LFG to just clear a quick raid you really don't want that either, why would I want to spend more than 1 hour on something that I know I can do in 1 hour?

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      • Rhetorical question folks. I'm not actually in a dilemma. I just thought it was silly for people to have a requirement that someone had waived for them before....obviously. I can get in the raid if i cared enough. I just noticed quite a bit less patience in people with this raid than the past two. That's saying a lot.

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        • Or you can google how to do the raid and watch videos. Unless you are incapable of following directions then you face the dilemma youre in

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          • I never told the group i was with i had never completed hard mode, and it was the first time when i did the challenge mode. It means -blam!- all just dont tell them, watch a video if your even more unsure

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          • I get your point but the obvious answer is find other inexperienced players and go through the process. It's fun to figure it out and in future you're that little bit better. Don't want to sound preachy but that's what I had to do.

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          • It's tough because unless you were lucky and got in with a group who like helping others, or if you have a group that you do things with, doing endgame stuff is pretty much a no go. What system are you on?

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          • People in that boat need to find people with time and patience and or get their own groups together. Its unfortunate you run into those people but lets face it this community kind of blows sometimes. But there are plenty of good people out there. For example I am currently on military duty taking me from the game for a month but if you are on 360 my group will help.

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            • Nope you need to learn with others at your level. I played with experienced players because I had pretty good weapons. Later I played with another group and because I had been carried so many times before I realized I had no clue how to do the raid... may not be the case with most but get a group of friends and keep cracking at it until you beat it. It's the same with anything on Destiny. If you practice you'll get better. If you enjoy a part of the game you will excel. I really hated pvp for a long time then after doing it often I do okay. When rift wad introduced I hated but did it for bounties... Now I really enjoy it and score often. It feels good to contribute in any way, even more so when scoring lots of points.

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            • We want do this Raid in easy 90 minutes. That means if we want todo it without fun we can do it in less than a hour, but thats more work than any fun. So we meet every Tuesday for 5 hours funny playing for our small Loot, if we have a free Place we give that only too People 315+. Because we have all a job and a life and do not want mess with that Game for Hours without any success, because of one or two unexpierianced Player. Challenges needs expierianced Players, generally the Hardmode needs good knowledge of the Mechanics for everyone. To learn the Mechanics the Hardmode is the wrong Place but the most ~305 People ignore that. Mostly the ~305 People Sneaking in our Group because they see 4/5 Players with high Light 318+, and allways are sad if we answer you was not invited for this run. Wednesday/Thursday - Monday we help everyone but do not think 5 People with 318+ comming only too you too made the raid for you. If anyone has 5 People 285+ they can invite me and i help them too get expieriance and learn the Mechanics. And i allways lookout there who wants learn and who has learnt, because of the most wont learn they only want 5 high Team-members who do all the work for him to get a big Loot without knowledge of any Mechanic. Also People who say at the Warpriest lets goto Oryx CP from him are normaly not willing too learn because they play only for their own Loot. Anyone known who learnt good we accept with 308 in the Hardraid, the ones allways thinking they know everything or unknown we rule to be 315+. I waste my Time often enough too help 285+ Players with the Normal Raid. Hours over hours at the Warpriest Golgroth or Oryx, But it is okay i completed my 3 runs before. But on my first 3 runs each week i do not want any noobs or wasting of time. It is not my Problem that most of the People did not their possible Raids before. I started my first KF Raid 3 minutes after launch Sep 18th, and i needed a lot of tries too learn too.

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            • I only stick to that with the hard raid. I don't want to be explaining base mechanics to someone for the first time just to be unable to revive them when they miss a step. Not worth the time. Walking into the normal raid with no experience is ok but not polite. The previous responses are correct, walkthroughs are all over YouTube. If you join a hard raid group without friends or a Sherpa and you don't know the fights the leader is justified in booting you.

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              • Just play around PVE a bunch and you'll get PVE experience that you can then bring into the raid I was playing as a lower level then joined In a raid team! There's always lower level people out there still trying to do the raid

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              • Edited by toxic boi (adept): 1/12/2016 12:42:01 AM
                These raids have been out for quite a while, we [b][i]expect you[/i][/b] to be experienced, because we already think you've watched YouTube videos on how to do the raid..

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                • I run raid noobs through all the time. My only requirement is they HAVE to run at the daughters and take a turn running at Oryx. Gotta learn sometime right.

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                • Play normal its for new players If no one will accept you start your own group

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                • Is this because you see people requesting 315+ for the hard raid. I don't get why people just don't make their own group

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                  • At least watch a play through, and understand everything your supposed to do first.

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                  • You could lie and say u know what your doing lol Try to watch people to figure it out Or watch a couple YouTube vids which explain everything

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                  • Find a raid sherpa

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                  • How to become a pro raider quickly! Step 1: [spoiler]Youtube walkthrough[/spoiler] Step 2: LOOT

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                    • Edited by Franco: 1/12/2016 12:39:14 AM
                      Seriously though if on Xbox one my group will take you throughout the raid

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                    • Play the part act like you know what you are doing

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                    • I went through King's Fall up to Oryx for the first time and it was fine. The mechanics are simple but it takes team work and communication. A quick run down and an attempt it two then everyone is up to speed.

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                    • When it comes out and everyone is on even ground.

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                    • Apparently you're supposed to watch... Yes watch YouTube videos instead of actually playing the game or something. I got into groups year one and played follow the leader. Took only a couple of runs before I picked up the mechanics. Dunno about the current one though if the same still applies. I am sure it does.

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