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Edited by FJFSOM656: 2/19/2016 5:03:57 PM

Titan Story Chp 26.9 (Collaboration Chapter!): Unexpected Alliance

[spoiler]This is a combined chapter with some of Paradox1055's characters and ideas, his original characters are his own and for this purpose used to entertain.[/spoiler] Five Guardians rushed through the door into the room. Angelica was first, followed by Rex, Kate, Natasha and Laurentine in the rear. They noticed the group and quickly made there way forward. "I'm assuming they are with you, Josiah." said Morin. I nodded and tried to sit up. Angelica was the first to appear near me. "Are you alright?! Are you hurt? what happened?" "I'm fine... Just nauseated and in some pain..." Blake paused and looked at Josiah. "You actually hurt?" "Yea..." Blake placed the Chaperone on his back and squatted by Josiah. "I'll patch you up, I'm more gentle than my counterpart." Doc grumbled about unnessasary practices as he floated over to watch. Blake opened a small portal infront of him and stuck his hand inside of it. "Hm..." He rummaged around. "It's here somewhere... Ah ha." He pulled out a small box with a red cross on it. He gently shook it to gain my attention. "Standard issue health pack." He gently placed it on my chest. "What's it do?" I asked suspiciously as I braced for something to happen. "It's an instant healing agent that is absorbed through the skin on contact, it also works on armor too so no need to worry about that." "Will he be alright?..." Angelica asked worriedly. "Yes yes... No close your eyes and relax." I sighed and leaned against the wall. "Breath in and out. Just like that." Blake nodded then slowly drew back his arm. I looked just as he quickly brought his fist on the box and jabbed my stomach hard. "Ah yes cause that was gentle..." muttered Doc as I lurched to the side in pain. "What was that for?!" Angelica cried at Blake as he simply ignored her and continued to look at me. I sat up and barked at him. "What was that for?!" "Do you feel anymore pain?" I paused and looked at myself. All of the aching was gone and I felt better than before. "What?..." "I've been medic for longer than you have probably been alive bucko." Blake patted my shoulder and stood up. "I know what I am doing." "Your tricks improved since Twilight Gap, Blake." said James as he shifted his stance. "Have you learned CPR yet?" "I'll learn CPR when I get a significant other, up till that point I will not kiss any one of you." Blake shuddered in disgust. "I'll do meatball surgery and get dirty to save you but if it's mouth to mouth you can just choke to death." "Jacka... wait, no... no I agree with that." James nodded quickly. Blake laughed and slapped James shoulder, beginning to make his way to the other members of the group to introduce himself. As everyone else was getting to know each other, Alan was standing off to the side listening. "Oh cool, Exos! I haven't seen an Exo since.... never mind." He nodded as they noticed him. His eyes caught sight of Laurentine near the back of the room. "Hey..." He walked over to him. Laurentine looked at Alan with a quiet sideways glance. "Hi...." Alan gave a small smile behind his helmet, He wanted to talk, but didn't know what to say. Seeing that Laurentine didn't look to comfortable either, he kept it brief. "I'm Alan Moores, Gunslinger." Laurentine nodded slowly. "Laurentine Heverson... Bladedancer..." "Bladedancer, huh?... Hey, every hunter needs one, or more, so here..." He pulled out a knife from his sleeve and handed it to him. "Come on, let's join the group..." He patted his shoulder. Laurentine turned slightly so Alan could barely see through the shadow of his hood. "I have enough knives thanks... and I'll just..." "Hey guys!" Charles had floated over to the large stature at the end of the hall. "What does this do?!" "It's a statue.... you look at it." Alan said, turning to face the statues. "Well they wouldn't just be here!" Charles looked closer. Blake walked up. "It's Hive thing don't..." As he walked by, a green symbol flared to life on the statue's belly. He backs away and it dissapears. "What the h***?" "People put decoration in random places... okay, never mind. I'm tempted to touch it actually." Alan said as he slowly approached it. Blake placed his hand in front of him, preventing him from getting any closer. Dakota approached the statue, bringing up the green symbol. He leaned forward and studied it. "Do any one of you speak Hive by any chance?" "No...." James said. "But I bet Blake knows someone who does." He was obviously holding back a laugh. "No I don't! Who the hell spea...." Blake paused and looked at James. "You son of a b****..." James burst into hysterical laughter. "It's not funny!!" "It is!! It really is!" "Is it too much to ask, what the h*** is it?" Alan asked reaching when Blake wasn't looking. "NOPE!! Hit it!!" yelled Colt as he shoved Alan into it. A strange coin like thing fell out of his pocket and landed on the statue and dissapeared. He got up and looked to the statue, it suddenly sported a green hue and a loud hissing noise echoed through the hall. "Uh oh..." "What... did you dumb***es.... do?!" asked Dakota furiously. Everyone looked as a large portal opened on the raised platform with a loud bang. A thin green shield appeared in the massive doorway infront of them and the green mess that was on the floor dissapeared. A strange, ominous voice filled the air [i]"Approach the portal Alan Moores."[/i] Everyone slowly looks at Alan. "Whelp...." Blake picked Alan up and chucked him into the area. "Have fun kid!" Everyone crowded close to the barrier as Alan plopped to the ground, dust kicking up. He sat up and looked to the portal silently as he talked to his Ghost. As they spoke, a rather large Hive Knight appears with a massive sword in hand. It looks at Alan and points to him. "F*** this s***!!" He yelled scrambling to his feet and jumping back up to the ledge. He tried to move forward but the barrier kept him back. He pounded on it repeatedly. "Help!! Bring this down!! Do something!!" "A membrane of Hive magics. We can go out, but he can't get in." James spoke calmly as he stuck his hand through. Alan glared at him! "Help me, you jacka**es!!" Blake placed his hand over his heart in reverence. "Come on its just a Knight! Piece of cake." The Knight roared and barreled down the steps leading from the platform. "So have fun with that..." "Aren't we going to help him?!" Angelica asked. Alan stood there for a second looking at Blake and James. "You two just became Colt level d***s..." "Yeah!! Wait... yeah!!" Colt fully agreed. "I'll be back..." He hopped back off of the ledge and faced the Knight. He pulled back the hammer on his hand cannon and quickly counted the number of knives he had on his side. "This should be interesting..." muttered Natasha as she leaned against a wall. Just as the Knight advanced closer, Laurentine dashed through the crowd and hopped down beside Alan. "Laurentine don't d!..." I was stopped by Dakota. I looked at him angrily but he simply stared at the two, waiting to see what would happen. The two Hunters nodded to each other and prepared to fight, Alan drawing his knives while Laurentine held his rifle. link to chapter 26.4 link to chapter 27

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